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Announcing the Cakewalk by BandLab Early Access Program

Jesse Jost

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We're happy to announce the Cakewalk by BandLab Early Access Program! 

The Early Access Program (EAP) provides pre-release versions of Cakewalk to the public prior to an official release. EAP releases are mature, beta-tested and feature complete. If you participate, you benefit by trying out the latest updates and providing feedback to help improve the quality of an official release. This program helps us by providing greater real world exposure prior to an official release, which is particularly helpful for large releases.

EAP is currently active! 

Cakewalk 2019.07 is currently available as our first Early Access release. Participation is easy and 100% voluntary. If you'd like to participate, follow the EAP subforum and download the latest EAP installer here:

 Early Access Program subforum 

Please read the EAP guidelines prior to installing  Early Access software. 

Thanks in advance for your interest!
The Bakers

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  • 1 year later...

I'll wait for the regular update! But in the meantime... is there any chance that the Bandlab will ever try to update the Cakewalk staff view?

I've been a cakewalk user since around 1995! I had Cakewalk 3.0! The Staff view has not changed since then! And it sucks. I even paid for the lifetime updates when "SONAR" offered it.. was that Gibson? Anyway, I spent thousands of dollars over the years on Cakewalk products, and I really appreciate that it's free now. But...

You can't print out a readable chart from a Cakewalk staff unless it's a nursery rhyme song like Camptown Races.

Cubase has amazing, beautiful looking scores with evenly spaced, readable charts that you can print and use, and they've had it for decades. I find Cubase awful in every other way and I'll stick with Cakewalk because I love it, but PLEASE! 

UPDATE the staff view so it makes nice adjustable sheet music we can print out and use! A lot of us would REALLY appreciate it.

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26 minutes ago, Thomas Lichtenstein said:

I'll wait for the regular update! But in the meantime... is there any chance that the Bandlab will ever try to update the Cakewalk staff view?

I've been a cakewalk user since around 1995! I had Cakewalk 3.0! The Staff view has not changed since then! And it sucks. I even paid for the lifetime updates when "SONAR" offered it.. was that Gibson? Anyway, I spent thousands of dollars over the years on Cakewalk products, and I really appreciate that it's free now. But...

You can't print out a readable chart from a Cakewalk staff unless it's a nursery rhyme song like Camptown Races.

Cubase has amazing, beautiful looking scores with evenly spaced, readable charts that you can print and use, and they've had it for decades. I find Cubase awful in every other way and I'll stick with Cakewalk because I love it, but PLEASE! 

UPDATE the staff view so it makes nice adjustable sheet music we can print out and use! A lot of us would REALLY appreciate it.

While I see your point, there are already excellent standalone products geared to printing sheet music.

Cakewalk needs a better staff view for editing and viewing notes on the screen. Many users would rather see resources devoted to that. Search the forum, there have  been many discussions of the topic.

Edited by abacab
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Hello @Martin Kučera, Welcome to Cakewalk by Bandlab and to the Bandlab forum.

The Cakewalk by Bandlab developers will be adding Articulation maps in the next product release.  As it stands, the next release is presently in public beta testing.

You may want to download the beta test, which is called Early Release and add your comment and observations.  You can do that +++ HERE +++.

The developers actively seek product improvement suggestions +++ HERE +++

This forum section is for Bandlab announcements so you may get more views and comments in one of the other forum sections.

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Some ideas:

Fix staff view, who cares if there are other notation programs? You program midi in Cakewalk, you want to have proper notation and not have to go through a nightmare exporting into another program. Why not have Sibelius or another good notation program work within cakewalk? Or just get a notation expert to suggest how to fix it? It's been terrible for decades. 

Fix problems with sync to mp4 and QuickTime files. Composers can't easily use cakewalk because it won't sync properly with the most popular video files used in the industry. 

Fix issues with external insert, can't solo bus, ignore on export feature

Update CAL scripts to this century

Fix default colors to be more visible when selected/deselected 

Fix scrubbing so it actually works smoothly like other DAWs

Update graphics to work better in 4K

Love Cakewalk, but these issues have been ignored forever and are things that are important to professional users. 







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  • 5 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Pulsar con el ratón sobre el botón Mostrar/Ocultar ProChannel, una vez mostrado el ProChannel pulsar sobre sobre + para añadir módulos, en el menu tiene que aparecer el módulo PC2A elíjelo y se te añadirá al ProChannel.

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1 hour ago, Los Robis said:
1 hour ago, Los Robis said:

‎Click with the mouse on the Show /Hide ProChannel button, once the ProChannel is shown click on + to add modules, in the menu you have to appear the PC2A module choose it and you will be added to the ProChannel.‎

Muchas Gracias... where is the  +  sign? I see a + sign in the FX Chain box in the Pro Channel, but if I click on it, it says "insert module", and if I click on that, it doesn't show PC2A as  available. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Tom Gough said:

Help! I still don't have the PC2A  that is supposed to come with the update. Can anyone help?


Have you done a VST scan from within preferences?

Also make sure the following folder is NOT compressed:

C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious to know if there's going to be an update to the step sequencer/sampler.  I'm a new user and coming from FL Studio (Not to compare DAW's) I've notice that others like myself on youtube, try to use it. But there's a bit of an learning curve when applying swing , velocity etc. And the only reason I can think of is because of the Sampler itself isn't an " all in one sampler". I'm just curious to know . Here's examples




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11 hours ago, reginaldStjohn said:

If you haven't already done this I recommend reading about the step sequencer here.  I don't use it a lot but when i have it seems to have all the features I wanted I just had to learn how to use them.



Thanks a lot ! Like I said I'm honestly new to the program and I absolutely love it so far. Hopefully I get the swing of the step sequencer because its like my only struggle so far besides actually using the DAW to score for tv/film

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