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New MidiFX Available


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@Variorum I finally got around to trying these thanks a lot! ?

I thought I was going crazy as I installed them this morning and saw them appear in the MIDI FX list but when I came to try them out tonight they had disappeared.

However, after reading your readme.txt (a bit late :) ) I realised the error of my ways (I deleted the folders I had unzipped them to after installation as I would normally do).  So I now have them all unzipped to a permanent folder and have re-installed them from there.

Not sure if it's necessary but I ran the uninstall batch file for each one before re-installing them in their new home. They seem to work OK anyway.

I think they will all be useful especially the Compander and Humanize modules and I really like the group function in the Transpose module (I've often thought a global MIDI transpose function would be useful).

Nice avatar btw :) 

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Hey @ZincT...

Running the Uninstall.bat and then Install.bat file won't hurt anything. They just run a command that adds (or deletes) information in the Windows registry that tell Cakewalk about the plug-in and where to find it. Always keep Install.bat and Uninstall.bat in the same folder as the .DLL file, though.

l hope you get some use out of the plug-ins...

...And why do people keep calling my picture an Avatar! It's a selfie! I took it in front of my house! I even combed my hair! Now my feelings are hurt. ?

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  • 3 months later...

Well, here's a new plugin... it's basically a velocity tweaker that works across the entire midi note range.


@Max Arwood needed to adjust the velocity response to a piece after switching out the piano VST, so that's what this does. Left click to draw, right click to erase, tap your midi keyboard to highlight a note on the graph. Check the description for other details.

Granted it has a limited use range, but hopefully you tweakers will find some interesting things to do with it. Maybe adjusting the toms on a whole set drum track when you switch to a different drum VST?

Anyway, thanks to Max for testing out the first version and giving me some good ideas for enhancements ?

It should be up on Viramor.com by now. Back up all your computers and phones... and buy extra insurance on your house and car before using it... I haven't tested it it much ?

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  • 1 month later...

I need a linear velocity scaler. Similar to the MIDI EQ, but with a tilt facility. For existing MIDI projects that have too much dynamic range. (Or too little.) If set to 50%, it must move velocities below 63 upwards, closer to 63, and velocities above 63 downwards. This maintains the dynamic feel of the piece.

I have written a CAL script to do this, but of course it is destructive, and so potentially dangerous if you forget your backups.

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Midi EQ will do this. Just use the large drawing scale.  A cool feature is to use the mouse wheel to do individual notes. I ask Variorum to add a shelf in the next version. I sure hope he does. It is a little tricky trying to get the shapes of the curves the way you need them. I will say there is nothing like this anywhere! It is a one of a kind plugin for now!

Max Arwood


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  On 6/24/2020 at 7:04 AM, Nigel Mackay said:

Not easy to draw a straight line from corner to corner.


A straight line all the way across would be easy in CSMultiCompander.

High and Low different ->

I have some old midi piano songs I did a while back.  I wanted to move my midi to a newer piano sample. The newer stuff is way better than older ones! When I did the left hand was banging and the right was fine except a few really high notes.  MidiEq balanced the notes to match the older midi so the hands and noted were more even.  It is very hard to draw lines/curves with the pencil tool.  I wish it had a modifier key to help smooth the line as you pencil  draw it.  You might go to his forum and request this features on the plugin, and the EQ shelves.

Only a few people here, but that way your post won't get lost in all the other post! LOL!!


Hope to see you there.


MidiEq tweaked piano song ->


Max Arwood


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  • 1 year later...

Here's a specialized plugin for adjusting the response curve of a keyboard control (ie. Volume, Modulation, etc,) called CSResponseCurve
Of course, you can  use it for any CC, I just made it to address a specific issue raised by @gmp to balance volume response between an external keyboard/TG and a VST.

Download it here as usual.

Hope it works!


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  On 12/23/2021 at 12:08 PM, ZincT said:

One suggestion/improvement is that you could show a vertical line on the graph representing the velocity of the last key pressed (like Arturia Piano Velocity Curve) so it is easy to see where a key press appears on the response curve.


Wellllll... That would be a good idea, but this plugin only affects CC's, not velocity ?

I'll probably make a revised version of MultiCompander that uses my new spline control. I'll make sure it shows pressed keys when modifying velocity... 'cause Arturia does it! Not to mention theirs looks prettier than mine.

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  On 12/24/2021 at 1:39 AM, Variorum said:

Wellllll... That would be a good idea, but this plugin only affects CC's, not velocity ?

I'll probably make a revised version of MultiCompander that uses my new spline control. I'll make sure it shows pressed keys when modifying velocity... 'cause Arturia does it! Not to mention theirs looks prettier than mine.


Oops, sorry completely misunderstood what it was for! I'll get my coat ?

On reflection I probably don't have a need for it, but that revised multi compander sounds good! 

Edited by ZincT
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an updated version of CSMultiCompander called... CSMultiCompanderV2!
The same functionality is available, but it uses a Spline Curve instead of the sliders... should be more intuitive.
It's a different component than the original version, so any previous presets you've saved won't apply to this one.

It's also effectively a replacement for CSResponseCurve since it contains the same functionality (better, actually... fixed some minor issues)
When it's in Velocity adjustment mode, hitting keys on your Midi device will display an indicator of the velocity in the window (just for @ZincT ?)

Get it here.


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