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Time to Fly

Lord Tim

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Hey guys, here's a fun 80s inspired melodic metal song that I did last year:

There's a couple of interesting things about this song. First of all, this was made entirely with drum out-takes from demo sessions from our 2015 What Tomorrow Brings EP, cleaned up and a new song written around it. Pro-tip: Just because you CAN do this, doesn't mean you SHOULD do this - that was horrible! HAHA! But the end results were pretty good at least! :) What's cool also is that I only used bundled Cakewalk effects to mix this, which was a bit of a challenge - we all have our own favourite effects, but I wanted to see if you could do a pro mix with only what we were given. Apparently you can!

Here's the good bit: If you have Cakewalk from version 2022.06 onwards, go to Help > Check for Updates and you'll get a popup toast for demo projects. This song is one of the demo projects, and it comes with a huge PDF with mix notes, lyrics, Australian slang... all of the good things! I cover everything from setting up a mix in a modular way, to FX Chains, Arranger sections, Aux Sub-mixes... lots of stuff. And you get to hear how bad the source drums were before I wrangled them into shape! Yay! HAHA!

Anyway, hope you guys dig it! And if you get the demo project, let me know if you get anything useful out of it. :) 

Edited by Lord Tim
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Loved the vocal, the Geddy tone on the bass, the awesome guitars, the clean-yet-distorted chuggas! Amazing solo as well! I'd vote for maybe a little more low end in the mix somehow, for me, it tilts just a bit bright, but that's not a dealbreaker by any means. And no doubt that helps the clarity.  Fantastic production.



Edited by PhonoBrainer
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Cheers, all - much appreciated!

And yeah, there's so much going on in the mix, the leads are purposely lows rolled off to give things more clarity. In the Cakewalk demo mix (which is slightly different to the one I put up on Bandlab in the OP) I used only Cakewalk effects exclusively, and that included any final mastering effects too, of which some are obviously not intended to be used that way, so bass management was a big thing to keep the low end from turning into mud. I used my go-to mastering chain effects in the mix above but I didn't want to change things too much from the demo so there was still a fair relation to it. ?

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Thank you, sir!

I definitely have my third-party favourites that are go-to effects in most mixes, but you can most definitely do a full mix and basic master with the stock effects. Sometimes it takes looking at what we have in a different way to get the most out of them (like my vocal  FX Present chain having TH3 in there for signal splitting and saturation - not what you'd usually have a guitar effect doing!), but I honestly mostly use stock effects for a lot of things regardless. Sonitus might look a bit dated now but they're serious workhorses. :)

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  • 6 months later...

Cheers for the listen! For this style of music, the guitar is intentionally up front. It may not to be to everyone's taste but it's consistent with how this style works.

The best thing is that if you download the demo project, you can remix it however you like. :) 

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Ha, yes! There were a lot of workarounds on this, and that even dictated how the song itself was written in places because I had to line up accents with whatever existing parts I was able to pull out of the demo tracks. Interesting exercise though! :)

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Great track, what a way to start a Monday morning:)      Will look forward to having a look through the demo project, fun stuff.

Excellent example of how constraints don't limit good songwriters or musicians, i.e., I only have 4 tracks, don't have the right equipment, don't have good enough plugins, I only have a drum take from 2015, etc....  In many cases, and I have certainly been guilty of this, people obsess over things only they will notice or that don't really matter.   Just hit record and see what happens:)  In the regard, I kind of miss using tape.  You certainly proved that you can write a great song around a good drum performance, and a great mix using stock DAW plugins.    Fantastic work.



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What I like about the mix is the guitars are big and wide, the vocals are super clear and have their space - and the fact that you pieced together a song the way you did is super impressive. Has a Queensryche feel to me :) - great song and great tutorial. I'm starting to adopt the Aux track method of summing instrument tracks rather than bussing - and it's turning out to be a faster workflow. 

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