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The Little Things That Make Us Temporarily Happy

Tim Smith

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There's one hot tamalie I won't get into but it's wonderful. I don't think I get enough of it. If you're over 25 and you still don't know what it is, I'm not about to tell you.

For me...finding that container of cottage cheese in the fridge I had forgotten I bought. This is almost like striking gold.

Waking up thinking it's Monday and it's really Saturday or Sunday ( this never happens). The working man's plight.

Clean socks that actually fit.

Getting a wonderful music idea and having the mind to save it before my computer dies.

Actually improving on playing my instruments. Compliments from my music instructor.

The smell of smoked ribs, chicken and steak. Not necessarily in that order, so long as it's in my back yard and not my neighbor's. Nothing worse than hanging around the fence with nothing but a smell.

A cold beer in the evening after a long sweaty day in the yard. 


What else?


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Cooking dinner at dawn while the sun slowly fills the kitchen (I live at night).

Grocery shopping at 7 on Sunday morning and having the whole store to myself, practically. 

Watching bats flying around when I go pick up my mail at sunset. 

Sitting in front of the TV with a bag of pistcahios for 30 minutes at the end of a long shift.

Listening to Apple 70's Radio channel while I'm doing my chores and re-disxovering songs I had not heard in ages.

Eating a piece of dark chocolate with a cup of Earl Grey during my break.

Sitting in the living room with a good book and a cat purring at my feet.

Watching a bit of a hockey game with a big glass of milk before bed.

Practicing karate. 

Any chance I get to take a nap.

That moment, 10-15 minutes after an exhausting workout when you're on top of the world.

Not re-stringing a guitar. Anytime I am not re-stringing a guitar is potentially a good time.

Edited by Rain
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Well if we are talking about temporary I'm gonna have go with a good strong cup of black coffee . A Pipe load of Heath Row brand herbal enhancements , and then 20 mins set aside to kick back and think about a few things I would like to have in my life someday , A few things I would like to have .

Some More of this ,



Then I will be able to get  Big Red  as my next Valentine's Day  Date ,


And one of these so Big Red and I can ride off together into the sunset .


After having that nice little dream I am still very grateful for what I actually do have .A roof over my head ,food in my cupboards , an extra months supply of dog food for Milo and a decent guitar or two .

Here's my Wallet ...After the doctor put on a set of plastic gloves , told it to bend over and  cough ?


The Love of my Life Milo .


My Bike / extra clothing rack .


A couple of these guitars to noodle on....


And last but not least the friends I have made over the years here ....



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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14 hours ago, Bapu said:

Waking up each day and realizing I'm on top of the dirt. Priceless.

? I like my mattress too, but dirt will do.

13 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

My upcoming trip back home will make me temporarily happy ... until I have to come back here.

Jersey right? Watch out for the Jersey Devil.?No I'm not talking about my ex.

11 hours ago, Rain said:

Watching bats flying around when I go pick up my mail at sunset. 

You know, we get those here too in the evening and there's something relaxing about watching them. Except for that time one of them was trying to eat the insects that had landed on me.

11 hours ago, Rain said:

Sitting in front of the TV with a bag of pistcahios for 30 minutes at the end of a long shift.

I'm hooked on weird YouTube videos...which is 99% of YouTube.

11 hours ago, Rain said:

Eating a piece of dark chocolate with a cup of Earl Grey during my break.

That sounds like an interesting combination. I've been drinking Lapsang Souchong. It's a smoked black Chinese tea. Coffee will do for me too.


I can't possible have much in common with Rain! I guess I do. 

You know if I lived in LV I would probably do nights as well if I could. It's hot in the daytime.


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3 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

Jersey right? Watch out for the Jersey Devil.?No I'm not talking about my ex.

Of course you're not. It was my ex and it was only married to me.

Yes Jersey. A tiny little town up north right on the Delaware. Beautiful old Victorian town. All my family is from that NJ/PA area.

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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:

Of course you're not. It was my ex and it was only married to me.

Yes Jersey. A tiny little town up north right on the Delaware. Beautiful old Victorian town. All my family is from that NJ/PA area.

You would be really close to me. I'm in PA.

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6 hours ago, Tim Smith said:

My doggies little 'bubs'.

I felt I needed to clarify. I call them Bubbies. Not their real names. As a result they don't know what their real names are. God help me if they get lost, someone reads their tags and tries to call then by those names.



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Taking the time to brew some pu erh tea the traditional way I learned in hong Kong. 

Hiking in the Forrest near my house. 

Playing with a new instrument library. 

Watching mushrooms grow. 

Scratching a bug bite.

Randomly reaching out to friends to let them know I’m thinking about them .




Edited by James Foxall
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8 hours ago, Amicus717 said:

Playoff hockey (...sometimes...but not this year)  



....maybe next year


This. Both my teams (Toronto and Boston) out in the first round.

I watched All or Nothing about the Leafs on Amazon a while ago (worth watching if depressing). As soon as the playoffs started, I could hear Will Arnett's opening line - "It happened again..." 

I tried to believe this year would be different, but it's not easy. To make it even worse, they lost to the one team in the NHL that I truly hate.

Edited by Rain
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