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First I had to cut out sugar to cure my diabetes. That worked and I've adapted to a low-sugar life.

But now I have gallstones and have to cut out fat as well.

That leaves just one macronutrient (protein) that I can eat. And AFAIK there's just one food that's nearly 100% protein: no-fat cottage cheese. Yum. I'll stir in some laxatives for when my guts turn to cement.

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There is a sugar sub I use called Swerve. You can get it in several forms. Brown granulated powdered. I like it. Yeah you can tell a difference but it's better than most. And it doesn't spike your insulin like othe sugar subs. 

It passes through your body and is not processed and it's all natural. That's why it doesn't spike your insulin. Side effects ... until your body gets used to it you won't need laxatives ...

I concocted a 0 carb chocolate milkshake with it. I use my Ninja smoothie maker.  It's roughly 60 - 70 calories for a 16 oz shake.

Freeze an ice cube tray of vanilla flavored zero sugar added almond milk. Its 30 cal a cup. My cube trays hold 2 cups.

Use about half a tray or so of frozen almond milk cubes. 30 cal.

1 TBSP cocoa powder 10 cals.

3 or 4 heaping scoops of Swerve 0 cal sugar sub.

Fill cup rest of the way with no sugar added almond milk. Roughly 30 cal. or less.


Its really good and not bad for you at all. Sometimes I'll add frozen fruit too.

If you like vanilla shakes skip the cocoa and put a couple drops of vanilla extract.

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17 hours ago, bitflipper said:

First I had to cut out sugar to cure my diabetes. That worked and I've adapted to a low-sugar life.

But now I have gallstones and have to cut out fat as well.

That leaves just one macronutrient (protein) that I can eat. And AFAIK there's just one food that's nearly 100% protein: no-fat cottage cheese. Yum. I'll stir in some laxatives for when my guts turn to cement.

Yeah I was told I am borderline diabetic. I have cut back on sweets for the most part. There is the occasional temptation. My wife came back with 1/2 of a fruit topped cheese cake from a women's gathering. They didn't eat it it all and she doesn't want it...............so I figure I need to eat it all at once.

That way I won't be tempted to eat any of it later.

Most of my friends make faces when I mention cottage cheese, like "I can't believe he eats that stuff" . I LOVE cottage cheese, especially the kind that isn't low fat. My guts haven't turned to cement yet. I have made a load or two of mortar mix.

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38 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

Most of my friends make faces when I mention cottage cheese, like "I can't believe he eats that stuff" . I LOVE cottage cheese, especially the kind that isn't low fat. My guts haven't turned to cement yet. I have made a load or two of mortar mix.

ALL cheese it's Satan's smeg.

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I’m a type 1 diabetic since many years, but as I still like anything sweet I haven’t given it up. Some two years ago I got something called Freestyle Libre which has been a total game changer. It’s a glucose sensor which I attach (actually glue) to my upper arm and which allows me to read my glucose level at any time through NFC on my mobile. The sensor also automatically reads the current value every minute and if it’s below or above my threshold values, I get an instant audible alarm on my phone app through Bluetooth. That’s absolutely perfect as my main problem previously used to be hypoglycemia while sleeping. Now the alarm will wake me up before I get seriously low.

These sensors must be replaced every second week, but as they allow me to micro-manage my insulin injections my values are pretty good. And speaking of cheese cake, I actually had a big slice of that earlier today without a guilty conscience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to take this back on topic. Hah. Well, it finally got me. The big C.

Arrived in NJ Friday, got sick Saturday night, been getting progressively worse. Long (× 1K) story short . . . I ended up near someone who had it and by association and identical symptoms the hospital said I had it too but didn't test me but did the other person and confirmed.

They are an anti-you knownwhater. I've gotten the main jab and a nitro boost. They were over it in 2 days .... Its spreading in me like a slow death. It's hitting my lungs now. The ER and Dr. said the current one is hitting ppl who have had the big V hard. So much for that b.s. eh?

Been isolated since sunday. Had to go to urgent care today. Told them 1 home test and 1 drug store test sent out said negative. They laughed in their Jersey drone and said, "Naaawwww sweetie, you's got the kawvid. We'll have the REAL test results tomawwow and it'll be pazitive.". Told me to go home because there is nothing you can do with the current one except wait it out. If you start to get short of breath get to an ER before you get short of life. Other than that hunker down and have fun.

It's right about in that chest area now. Having some trouble but not bad. Im gonna take a few shots of fireball, a couple sleeping pills, slap on the ol bipap, and hit the sac. My eyeballs feel like someone has been tapping them with a ballpeen hammer. Hehe ... Ballpeen. That's a fun word. Eh heh.hehheh hehehe.

I'm here all alone in this cabin I rented right along the delaware in my home town. Its nice and quiet. I can think of worse ways to go.

Btw I don't believe that's going to happen. Hoping it does, but nah. If I want it then it won't happen. LOL

Been real dudes. Ya know, just in case.


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21 minutes ago, InstrEd said:

@Shane_B.    I'm shocked they didn't give you a antiviral prescription to start taking.  Hope you feel better soon.

They said the new strain is so weak and spreads so fast they haven't admitted anyone out of 1000s of new cases and just send them.home and tell them to eat a lot and have lots of salty foods like soup and sleep. It is odd. If I eat a lot I do feel a lot better but then it comes back.

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I hope you get better soon Shane. I'm getting my 2nd booster tomorrow at 10AM.

So far I do not go to anyplace that has more than 20 people there. And one of them is where I know everyone there. If one of gets it the rest will know immediately.

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3 hours ago, Bapu said:

I hope you get better soon Shane. I'm getting my 2nd booster tomorrow at 10AM.

Thanks. I'm glad you are being so careful. It was too soon for me to get my 2nd booster before I left. From.what 3 doctors have told me, people who are vaxxed and boosted are  the ones getting it now. So please be careful. I started out as neck pain then manifested in to a cold. It spread down in to my chest like bronchitis. Never lost my sense of taste or smell. Have a killer sore throat and cough now.

I have been very careful too. I must have gotten this before I left. My wife wanted to go see a play at an outdoor theatre in KC called Starlight the day before I left. It's the only place I was near a large group of people but it is outdoor.


I just got my test results. Positive. Those Jersey girls are always right about everything damn it.

Lesson here is ... Don't waste your time with the home tests or the tests at pharmacies where they give you the kit to do there then send it out to get results. You have to do the one at a doctor where they ram the stick 3 inches up your nose.

So now I'm stuck here 5 minutes from my family and can't see them. I told her I didn't want to risk going to that f'ing play even though it was outdoors. She probably did it on purpose.

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13 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

lots of salty foods like soup and sleep.

So should I suck on bouillon cubes and nap all day instead of getting a booster shot? ? I knew being a saltaholic was beneficial.

Good luck and get well soon Shane!

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My wife is getting just as many calls again dealing with Covid as she did in Jan wave. The whole medical office where she works is totally burnt-out. The big bosses have also decided that all out patient office will now over covid shots. Problem is that the offices don't have the staff to watch the patients after the shot or a place for them to wait. All the offices are overbooked as it is.

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