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EZ Drummer 3 Pre-Order NOW LIVE!

Larry Shelby

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  On 4/4/2022 at 2:00 PM, Yan Filiatrault said:

if a member here has it already installed


There maybe more than one!!



  On 4/4/2022 at 2:20 PM, lawajava said:

Features in EZDrummer 3 are very appealing to me. EZ Upgrade choice!


I agree

I jumped on the upgrade price. $79 wasn't bad considering what is new. The ability to take different parts from one groove, add it to another, and construct a new groove is really nice. The new grid editor is what I have been really wanting from EZD since it came out. These two features alone would make me get the upgrade.

They definitely carried over features from EZ Bass to EZD3. And that's a big plus!!

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  On 4/4/2022 at 12:47 PM, cclarry said:

typically add "New" features to EZDrummer first


Yeah, so does one wait for the inevitable SD4 upgrade, or drop $99 $79 now? (there's a reason the initials are DA!)
Questions, questions, questions...
We know what @Bapu will do; non?
Well I have some time to decide...
(yeah, right! admit you are useless and weak)

So @cclarry what's the best deal on EZD2 for those who are not yet on the ToonTrain?
Thomann at $138? One presumes that would entitle one to the "free" upgrade.

Will the upgrade be discounted by dealers?


the dealer is a man with a lot of grass in his hand
the pusher is a monster

Edited by DeeringAmps
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  On 4/4/2022 at 2:24 PM, DeeringAmps said:

Yeah, so does one wait for the inevitable SD4 upgrade, or drop $99 now?
Questions, questions, questions...
We know what @Bapu will do; non?
Well I have some time to decide...
(yeah, right! admit you are useless and weak)

So @cclarry what's the best deal on EZD2 for those who are not yet on the ToonTrain?
Thomann at $138? One presumes that would entitle one to the "free" upgrade.

Will the upgrade be discounted by dealers?


the dealer is a man with a lot of grass in his hand
the pusher is a monster


That would be it at the moment DA!

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  On 4/4/2022 at 2:28 PM, Bapu said:

a way to really integrate/import/export the chords between EZKeys or EZBass.



Maybe with the new EZK 2 coming out (pure speculation on my part!), it will also have the grid editor and such as EZ Bass and Drummer, so that they will bring them all together into one type of interface where they all work together. Make changes to the keys and it reflects in the bass and drums. I am dreaming here!! 

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  On 4/4/2022 at 2:35 PM, cclarry said:

The $79 deal is a very reasonable upgrade price IMO!


I thought the same. With all the good new features it is worth it. There is even a ability to add another track to the grid like EZBass, so you have the virtual scratch pad for EZD3!! That's a big bonus!!! BIG!!!

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Almost none of the pre cut loops in any drum program  I tried work out for me, so I end up building them in midi anyways. New midi loops don't give me much confidence. I guess I am a pessimist here.

I bought EZ drummer on a deal when things started to get shaky for BFD 3. Until then I had been a BFD fan. Even after I made the conversion to their new setup under new ownership I lost access to my ziljian cymbals. Not a lot of love on other forums for BFD. BFD 3  though is killer. BFD  weren't as concerned about GUI. It looks like with this new version of EZ drummer, they went back to a flashy GUI.

The upgrade price is pretty good on these. I need to decide which program I'm going to work in. I think the loops in the Komplete kits are better than the old EZ drummer. There are a few decent basic patterns in there....and I have tons of nice samples in STMAX.

Not sure what the advantage to working with midi in a dedicated drum GUI is compared to working with midi in say, the included Cakewalk drum set which isn't too shabby. You can't layer bass midi over drum midi in a dedicated GUI.



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"An all-new recording featuring seven (7) drum kits and extras captured by Grammy Award-winning producer/engineer/mixer Michael Ilbert (Coldplay, Adele, The Weeknd) at the world-famous Hansa Studios in Berlin." 

It looks like "The Rooms of Hansa" SDX is coming to EZDrummer...

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  On 4/4/2022 at 3:17 PM, Tim Smith said:

pre cut loops in any drum program  I tried work out for me, so I end up building them in midi anyways. New midi loops don't give me much confidence


This is where the "midi drop zone" works for me.
Create a 2 measure pattern, I use the kick and snare (duh). Bounce that clip so it is exactly 2 measures long.
Drop it in the "drop zone". EZD will throw a bunch of grooves at ya.
Now if you don't have a plethora (think myself and Baps here) then of course your choices will be limited.
As I said; "works for me". I can "tart" up a track pretty quickly this way...


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