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Deleting extra measures not needed at end of project

J. King

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Hello friends!

Problem is in the title.  Have read 9 different threads on how to delete empty measures you do not want at the end of a project.  Becomes a hassle when you're zooming in and out via shortcuts/mouse.   Have tried ripple edit/delete special/delete hole etc...  Can't get rid of all those extra measures ?

Trying to make a template for around 130 measures but it goes up to 1800 something measures.  In After Effects you can specify how long you want your composition to be.  Easy.  Cut and dry.  It could be my reading comprehension but seen a few long time users have fought with this for decades.  Any help would be great or maybe this could get bumped to a suggestion post?!  



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I occasionally run across this issue too. When ZoomAll (horizontal [Shift-F]) and there is extra space at the end of the last note that doesn't belong there, my first thought is to <Select All> tracks in track view, Ctrl-Clik on the <Expand Automation Lanes> button on any track and see if there is a an automation envelope (or many) that extend beyond the end of the song and either delete or edit the last node back to the proper end of the track. Takes some seek and destroy, but solves my problem. Generally the session won't do that again after saving.
I inadvertently will move/edit a section waaayy later after the song and then put it back into the arrangement, and at that point I find that there is usually a Volume (CC7) or Expression (CC11) envelope stuck out into the next county...

Check that first.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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16 hours ago, OutrageProductions said:

I occasionally run across this issue too. When ZoomAll (horizontal [Shift-F]) and there is extra space at the end of the last note that doesn't belong there, my first thought is to <Select All> tracks in track view, Ctrl-Clik on the <Expand Automation Lanes> button on any track and see if there is a an automation envelope (or many) that extend beyond the end of the song and either delete or edit the last node back to the proper end of the track. Takes some seek and destroy, but solves my problem. Generally the session won't do that again after saving.
I inadvertently will move/edit a section waaayy later after the song and then put it back into the arrangement, and at that point I find that there is usually a Volume (CC7) or Expression (CC11) envelope stuck out into the next county...

Check that first.

I believe this is the correct answer. If you have unused (and seemingly empty) measures at the end of your project, you probably have something in an automation lane. This isn't always obviously visible but if you open the automation lanes it'll be easy to see. No need to delete the measures; once you delete the automation info the extra measures will disappear.

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I don't bother with hunting down stray events anymore. Instead, I place a marker where I want the export to end (creatively named "End", with a corresponding marker called "Start"). Then, in the export dialog, I select everything from Start to End. Select "Time Selection" under the Range dropdown. Click the ellipse button to select a marker as the time range end. Cakewalk will remember these settings, but they don't automatically move if you move the marker.




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Appreciate the responses!!  Tried and learned from everyone.

@OutrageProductions - I did delete the automation lanes but forgot about bus automation which I needed gone for my template

@Airell - Thanks for getting me the youtube video with time stamp ready to go.  I will be revisiting those secrets as it seems like a treasure trove of info.  Good tip about hidden automation in the tempo view

@MikeZ - Good info 

@bitflipper - Good info but it wasn't the bounce issue, more when I'm zooming out with mouse and I have too many measures which messes up my workflow


Was going to start fresh so opened up a fresh new project and same thing... 1800 measures (tried screenshotting but couldn't attach the picture)

If any programmers catch this, would be an amazing feature to have a "Measure Count" or "Composition Length" box in the preferences.  Makes navigating work area a lot easier!

Thanks everyone, I'll keep my eye on this

J ?



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8 minutes ago, J. King said:

Was going to start fresh so opened up a fresh new project and same thing... 1800 measures (tried screenshotting but couldn't attach the picture)


Make sure that that many measures or length of time is not locked into your Workspace that is being used for your startup default project template.

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Yeh, sounds like your default template is too long. Try creating a new template. Choose "Blank Project" from the New Project dialog, add in everything you want to have  in there by default, and then save it to the templates folder as Default.

Custom templates are very handy. For example, if you always add a reverb bus or a drum bus, include them in the template.

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10 hours ago, J. King said:

opened up a fresh new project and same thing... 1800 measures

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but Cakewalk always displays measures on the timeline relative to the current tempo and Zoom factor.

On my screen a blank project zoomed out all the way displays over 1800 measures at 100 bpm. It is possible to move the Now Time in a blank project forward by days (presumably weeks or more). But if you hit Cntrl-A (Select All) nothing is selected because there is no data in the project.

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Okay thanks all!

@Base 57 - Good info.  It appears 1800 may be the default count of measures when starting a new project.  Because I use the Alt-Mouse wheel to zoom in and out (also "Center on Now Time with Keyboard Zoom" in the the track pane options) I'm constantly zooming out to this huge 1800 measure project when most of us probably use 100 measures on a 120 BPM track

I can try and chill out on the "zoom out" feature I suppose lol.  I work in after effects a bit and do the same mouse behavior (zoom in and out) but it's all contained in your "Composition Settings" ie. a 3 minute video clip.  Makes navigating a breeze and the zooming features nice since you don't have to zoom out into a 2 hour movie clip if you're only working on a 3 minute video clip

FIX (SORT OF) - I went into the Track Pane "Options"  Played with the "Mouse Wheel Zoom Options" and set the Horizontal Zoom Factor to 1.2 (instead of 1.5) It seems to be keeping my timeline within the sweet spot.  Showing 256 measures (which is great!) instead of 1800.  That and maybe some better mouse skills and I'm good 

Still like the idea of being able to tell Cakewalk how many measures are in your compositions as it will always keep the track window nice and tight but we can't have everything LOL.  If you wanted to increase your project length, just dragging over some new clips could increase it as necessary 

I should be alright now.  Appreciate the help!  I was taught on Cakewalk, glad the community is still strong  ???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's something not mentioned yet. In the far left of the Control bar is the Export widget that will tell you exactly were Cakewalk "thinks" the end of your project is.  It is displayed as H-M-S-F.  This same value will appear in the Export dialogues Range dialogue if you change the format using the button show below to H-M-S-F. 

This is a good way to detemine that something is not right. And it's a PITA to have exports that have a bunch of silence after the song ends too. 

So hold the now time at the point "you" think the song should end and now compare that with what Cakewalk thinks it is. 

I have a song I was just exporting and" my " end time was 3:04. Cakewalk showed 3:25. There was absolutly nothing at 3:25. I even tried the Ripple edit trick. There were 3 evelopes all showing inf. 

But then I remembered that I had sped this song up by about that amount exactly! So this was the true ending I guess. 





Edited by John Vere
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