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Easy way to copy/paste audio snippets


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Looking for a simple technique/functionality/methodology to select and harvest snippets of audio clips - from individual tracks and/or take lanes - and then save/assemble them on another track, NOT altering the original.  You know, so I can have some simple fun scrambling stuff up, or whatever.   Seems like it ought to be simple, or maybe I am just missing the obvious...?   What seems to happen now is whatever I select and copy gets chunked out when I paste.  Whut....

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May have answered my own question.  Seems like you have to make sure to use the Select tool to highlight the snippet and copy.  Then it looks like I can paste this to a new track.   But copying to a new Take Lane (is that what they are still called?) is problematic.

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What I would do is use the Smart Tool and click+drag on the section of the clip you want to copy, then I would hit ctrl+c, then select the trk I want to copy to, place now time in the spot, and then ctrl+v to paste.

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9 hours ago, Grem said:

What I would do is use the Smart Tool and click+drag on the section of the clip you want to copy, then I would hit ctrl+c, then select the trk I want to copy to, place now time in the spot, and then ctrl+v to paste.

This is how I do 90% of my editing. ^^

The Smart Tool is like the Swiss army knife of editing tools. It does a bunch of things all in one.

You can also Click + Drag to make a selection, then hold CNT+C while dragging the clip to a new spot.

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2 hours ago, Chuck E Baby said:

You can also Click + Drag to make a selection, then hold CNT+C while dragging the clip to a new spot.

Yep. Sure can! It's really easy and you really don't think much about how your doing it once you learn it and become use to it. Then all your thinking about it what is it going to sound like now!!

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They key things for me, was to get to know the different cursors.

The Smart Tool does loads, and the tool mode can change not only with combinations of shift/ctrl/alt, but also depending on whether you're at the top half of the clip, the bottom half, or the start/end.

It might seem a lot to learn at first, but once you get used to it, you can do edits very, very quickly.

But knowing what the different cursor icons are and what they mean can help stop you slipping up along the way.


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Another trick is that the Matrix View is a 2x2 grid, so depending how "all over" the clips are that you want to use, you can drag/drop snippets into the Matrix View as a repository (think of it as a visual browser). You can also sort and easily preview them there before drag/dropping them to their final destination...and can drag them out multiple times if you have repeating parts to save multiple copy/pastes.

[The "Lego block" version of arrangement ?]

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16 hours ago, Grem said:

What I would do is use the Smart Tool and click+drag on the section of the clip you want to copy, then I would hit ctrl+c, then select the trk I want to copy to, place now time in the spot, and then ctrl+v to paste.

Cool, like that the take lane copy bug does not appear (that a clip is being removed from the original position when copying to the same position on another lane)! On the other hand if you have a lot of take lanes and you want to copy a clip to another lane that is not visible, then a normal Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V is more convenient IMHO.

By the way there is also a similar bug when you want to import a clip into a chosen take lane with the right click menu! In this case it doesn't matter which take lane you select or on which take lane you open the right click menu, the target take lane seems to be randomly chosen! Even worse, if you import another clip it often overwrites the first one. This is very annoying when you want to import a bunch of clips for comping. The only way I have found to do this correctly is to drag the clips into CbB instead of using the right click menu. But as I like to use right click menus I often forget about this bug!!! ?

Well, I think there is a lot of work to do on Take Lanes by the Bakers! Although I like the concept, they are very buggy (the take lanes, not the Bakers ?)!!

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

The bug where the original copied clip was being removed from the take lane has been fixed for the next release. We've also greatly improved general copy paste and drag and drop with take lanes, fixing many issues.

Many thanks Noel and Cakewalk team! I really esteem your effort fixing many of these annoying issues!

This has been a real burden for me, although it is (was) not a big issue (but happened all the time), but because sometimes I forget about it and if the copy clip was not on the current visual page, I had not a visual feedback of the bug!

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On 5/28/2019 at 2:18 PM, Grem said:

There are quirks about the take lanes that do need addressing. If you find a 'bug' send the steps to reproduce it to @Jon Sasor or @Noel Borthwick. They would love to get this stuff straightened out.

You can also report take lane quirks by submitting a support request.  If you go that route then I'd include a link to this thread in the support request.


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19 hours ago, Grem said:

Thanks for the link Fogle, I knew there was some place to submit this stuff but could not find the info.


Your welcome.  If you lose the link don't panic.

Click on the "Cakewalk by BandLab" tab located at the top of each forum webpage.

Click on the second selection, "Support Center" to open the support page.

On the support page click on the "Submit a request" link located on the top, right corner of the support page and you can submit a support request.



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