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Someone's cheating on us!


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I won't mention any names coughkennycough, but I caught him cheating on us with another forum. Non DAW related! *gAsp*

I was actually surprised to see several familiar names there. I mean, I just accidentally clicked on an old link, I wasn't hangin' out there or anything like that. And I certainly didn't post there. Although I do admit, I was tempted.

Seems we can't get traction like we used to here. I guess our breath or feet smell bad or something? I took a bath just before Christmas so I know it ain't me. Excessive heavy handed censorship? Boring old farts? Too many bass players? I mean, even poor Baps can't get a hit on a thread he started hours ago and it only has 12 views. Oh the humanity. You'd think with it being winter and all plus the big C and everyone being stuck home there would be a tad bit more activity here. Oh well. Maybe it's just me and my hatred of change. It's kinda how we Republicans are. We kind of agreed with Henry Ford when he said the Model T was the perfect car and there would never be a need for anything else. I know my uncle had one in the 80's and it ran like new. *shrugging my shoulders*.

Or perhaps@craigb was right and I am down in the dumps. I guess sometimes you just have to let go of the past.

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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:

I won't mention any names coughkennycough, but I caught him cheating on us with another forum. Non DAW related! *gAsp*

I was actually surprised to see several familiar names there. I mean, I just accidentally clicked on an old link, I wasn't hangin' out there or anything like that. And I certainly didn't post there. Although I do admit, I was tempted.

Link or it didn't happen ?

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16 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I won't mention any names coughkennycough, but I caught him cheating on us with another forum. Non DAW related! *gAsp*



14 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

Link or it didn't happen ?

Yeah drop the link on us  I want to see the proof .


16 hours ago, Shane_B. said:


I was actually surprised to see several familiar names there. I mean, I just accidentally clicked on an old link, I wasn't hangin' out there or anything like that. And I certainly didn't post there. Although I do admit, I was tempted.


With all this isolation I'm always tempted .....


16 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

Seems we can't get traction like we used to here. I guess our breath or feet smell bad or something? I took a bath just before Christmas so I know it ain't me. Excessive heavy handed censorship? Boring old farts? Too many bass players? I mean, even poor Baps can't get a hit on a thread he started hours ago and it only has 12 views. Oh the humanity. You'd think with it being winter and all plus the big C and everyone being stuck home there would be a tad bit more activity here. Oh well. Maybe it's just me and my hatred of change. It's kinda how we Republicans are. We kind of agreed with Henry Ford when he said the Model T was the perfect car and there would never be a need for anything else. I know my uncle had one in the 80's and it ran like new. *shrugging my shoulders*.

Or perhaps@craigb was right and I am down in the dumps. I guess sometimes you just have to let go of the past.

There may be a lot of truth to some of what you said here ....Right now the whole world is going through some tense social times ..

I don't think it's you , me or Joe Blow . There appears to be a lot of uncertainty on all fronts ..What there are telling me to do on a Monday they are now telling me to do the opposite of that on a Tuesday ..... I can't even get into it ...I happen to think a lot of people are just acting out ...

The is no security in any thing ...you put your foot down and it's all shifting sands for you footing .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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28 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:


Yeah drop the link on us  I want to see the proof .


With all this isolation I'm always tempted .....


There may be a lot of truth to some of what you said here ....Right now the whole world is going through some tense social times ..

I don't think it's you , me or Joe Blow . There appears to be a lot of uncertainty on all fronts ..What there are telling me to do on a Monday they are now telling me to do the opposite of that on a Tuesday ..... I can't even get into it ...I happen to think a lot of people are just acting out ...

The is no security in any thing ...you put your foot down and it's all shifting sands for you footing .



Ok, I'll provide a link. I was typing a huge reply when I saw a message from you popped up so I saved it to see what you said here. I'll just go copy/paste it. It has the link in it.

There's been a decline in forums for years. I can't say it's the younger generation, but I do blame cell phones and that whole 'instant gratification'/'attention span' thing. Plus, it's just harder to reply on forums from a tiny cell screen. You can always tell when I'm replying from my cell vs. my DAW. It's sentence vs. paragraphs. Hah.

As for putting your foot down, I agree 100%. I want to expand on that so bad but I know I'll get my own thread deleted so I won't and shouldn't because they ask us not to and I respect that.

Anyhoo ... I'll go paste the reply I had typed now. Forgive me for the following long post. The morning coffee had kicked in. It's dying down now. LOL! ?

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I would never out someone like that?

I used to post there a lot while I was in exile. It was, and still is a fun place, if you stay below the radar. I left because of the admin. Having dealt with them elsewhere, I had had enough. I just walked away before I ever even said anything. There is one guy there that is just absolutely unbearable. Seriously. I have no idea how they allow him to be there other than he pays them now. There was nothing I said or anyone else said that got nailed by this moron that was even remotely controversial. The final draw for me was we were having a discussion about mastering levels for places like YouTube and Soundcloud one time. All technical things with samples and links. It was a great thread. Absolutely nothing OT whatsoever in the least. All great guys. Nobody was saying a single word out of line. He interjects and starts telling people what morons they are and that kind of small appendage high school bully type stuff. I got so disgusted with it all I just shut my DAW down, disassembled it, and didn't even log on to the net for years.

I see he's no longer an "Admin" but he does pay for the high tier membership to the forum. It's impossible to avoid him because he's everywhere there. He's got thousands of posts, and not a single one good like virtually all of Bapu's. Imagine Ed's evil twin doppelganger. That's this dude. LOL!

I'd love to participate in their backing track challenges again but I don't want to even take the chance of having to avoid the idiot again. Seriously, it was that bad. I even remember what thread it was that I commented on that caught his attention and he hounded me ever since. Some guy in a "professional" band posted a Youtube video of a song he mixed and mastered and asked for input. The group was focused around the lady lead singer. Great singer. He was the guitar player. He had his rhythm guitar so loud you literally could barely hear the rest of the band. I simply said it sounded great but maybe bring the guitar back a little and bring the lead vocal up a bit. They must have been buddies because OMG did I get berated from that day on.

Other than him, the place is great. Very busy, lot's of people participating. Just don't draw any attention whatsoever from the Admin or their 'pals'. They hound you relentlessly and nobody stops them. And if you say anything back they ban you. Seriously, it was that bad. And this was years ago before the big C. I mean, now I can kind of get it. People are going nuts being stuck in. Tempers are flaring everywhere. I get it, now. But there was no excuse for their behavior then or the owners of the forum to allow it. And it wasn't just me. I knew several guys I kept in touch with via email that left there directly because of that guy and the fact the forum owners allowed it.

Coffee's cold now. Coming down from the caffeine. LOL. Could use a donut. Hmmm ....

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16 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I would never out someone like that?



Whew you had me worried there for a moment . I thought you may have found some my recent posts on The Retired Male Strippers and Chippendale Dancers Forum  ..

Yeah good old Twanger Central   Every body knows I go over there and post  my playing every so often ....I used to link my playing from over there to here VIA the songs forum here ...folks over here didn't seem to care after a while so I stopped creating songs forum threads over here .....

here's what I played on the BT for that thread 

16 hours ago, Shane_B. said:


I used to post there a lot while I was in exile. It was, and still is a fun place, if you stay below the radar. I left because of the admin. Having dealt with them elsewhere, I had had enough. I just walked away before I ever even said anything. There is one guy there that is just absolutely unbearable. Seriously. I have no idea how they allow him to be there other than he pays them now. There was nothing I said or anyone else said that got nailed by this moron that was even remotely controversial. The final draw for me was we were having a discussion about mastering levels for places like YouTube and Soundcloud one time. All technical things with samples and links. It was a great thread. Absolutely nothing OT whatsoever in the least. All great guys. Nobody was saying a single word out of line. He interjects and starts telling people what morons they are and that kind of small appendage high school bully type stuff. I got so disgusted with it all I just shut my DAW down, disassembled it, and didn't even log on to the net for years.

I see he's no longer an "Admin" but he does pay for the high tier membership to the forum. It's impossible to avoid him because he's everywhere there. He's got thousands of posts, and not a single one good like virtually all of Bapu's. Imagine Ed's evil twin doppelganger. That's this dude. LOL!

I'd love to participate in their backing track challenges again but I don't want to even take the chance of having to avoid the idiot again. Seriously, it was that bad. I even remember what thread it was that I commented on that caught his attention and he hounded me ever since. Some guy in a "professional" band posted a Youtube video of a song he mixed and mastered and asked for input. The group was focused around the lady lead singer. Great singer. He was the guitar player. He had his rhythm guitar so loud you literally could barely hear the rest of the band. I simply said it sounded great but maybe bring the guitar back a little and bring the lead vocal up a bit. They must have been buddies because OMG did I get berated from that day on.

Other than him, the place is great. Very busy, lot's of people participating. Just don't draw any attention whatsoever from the Admin or their 'pals'. They hound you relentlessly and nobody stops them. And if you say anything back they ban you. Seriously, it was that bad. And this was years ago before the big C. I mean, now I can kind of get it. People are going nuts being stuck in. Tempers are flaring everywhere. I get it, now. But there was no excuse for their behavior then or the owners of the forum to allow it. And it wasn't just me. I knew several guys I kept in touch with via email that left there directly because of that guy and the fact the forum owners allowed it.

Coffee's cold now. Coming down from the caffeine. LOL. Could use a donut. Hmmm ....

Yeah Man ! it is tough to walk away when you got a real a hole thinking they are running the show ...Somebody here a mod tried that $hit we me too. I'm not here to bow down low and kiss the Popes Ring ?

hey good luck nice talking w you ..

9 hours ago, Bapu said:

There are non DAW related forums?



They got guys over there that got 50 + guitars and then some .....I have yet to hear Alembic mentioned over there ....

Hey Bapu you can go over there and pull a Genghis Khan and run the place if they ever start talking about Plugins and Synths ....they wont know what hit them ..




Edited by kennywtelejazz
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1 hour ago, kennywtelejazz said:


Whew you had me worried there for a moment . I thought you may have found some my recent posts on The Retired Male Strippers and Chippendale Dancers Forum  ..

Now, now Kenny...  As someone who actually used to dance at Chippendale's, I don't recall ever hearing about you!  ?


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5 hours ago, craigb said:

Now, now Kenny...  As someone who actually used to dance at Chippendale's, I don't recall ever hearing about you!  ?


I have a story I'll probably regret telling you guys. Maybe later. I'll have think about it. Maybe after some persuading. I dunno.

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In the 1990's (?)  they opened a Chippendale's in Chicagoland area and someone from where my wife worked at the time got tickets for the show for some of the girls at the office to go. Kicker was that the Chippendale's were not bringing in enough business and they had girl's some nights of the week. That is the tickets the lady got for the show :D   

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On 1/15/2022 at 12:57 AM, craigb said:

Now, now Kenny...  As someone who actually used to dance at Chippendale's, I don't recall ever hearing about you!  ?


You keep "trying " I'll give you that...Have you heard this one ?  Some Legends are better off left unspoken ?

21 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I have a story I'll probably regret telling you guys. Maybe later. I'll have think about it. Maybe after some persuading. I dunno.

     The Cats out of the bag  & there's nothing for you to regret . You did what you had to do .?



19 hours ago, SteveStrummerUK said:

"Retired" Ken?




Yes Steve ! I'm Retired now . I was no longer getting the call  to service The Kitty at the Kitty Cat Outback !  The bulk of "my dancing  income " was from tips .  Once that revenue stream dried up , I was forced into having to hang up my Speedo .

all the best


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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