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Does this qualify as a drought?


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Had not logged in since early December 2020. 13 months! Unbelievable... 

I've often thought about my good old CH buddies but the year was extraordinarily hectic. And yet it's strange how sometimes one of you guys' name would just pop in my mind out of nowhere, and  I'd find myself thinking - I wonder how this guy has been doing...  Even folks from the old newsgroup in the late 90's - Craig Olmstead and Bob Beals and all. It's amusing how a bunch of people you've never met in real life occupy such a place in your existence.

As for I, life has thrown me a few curve balls but I am alive and kicking - and still making music. I even bought my first 7-string in March. (My first guitar equipped with EMG's, too.  I don't hate them.)

 You need to challenge yourself, right? Call it midlife crisis. I figured it may a bit late in life to start violin, but 7-string isn't that much of a stretch.

I am a Gibson/Fender guy,  and I usually stick with classics - the last guitar before that was a butterscotch Tele. Schecter really wasn't a name I had any affinity for.  If anything, I had a somewhat unfavorable opinion of them. So when I started looking, I was thinking maybe ESP, since that's what a lot of the people who used to buy Gibsons buy nowadays. But I couldn't find a 7 that had all I wanted until I started looking at Schecters. And I was extremely surprised when I received this one - the Hellraiser C-7.  A very  nice instrument. It's also my only guitar that's not a solid color - they call the finish black burst.

I call her Domina Mortem. And she rocks.

Anyway, good to be back, you guys.



Edited by Rain
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Nice looking guitar.  I have thought about getting a Schecter before. Finish was really nice and it played really well. And it was feature rich.  I really almost pulled the trigger. Can't remember why I didn't get it.  But I still remember playing it. 


Forgot to add... welcome back!!

Edited by Grem
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I'm happy with the EMG's I put on my Strat back in the mid or late 80's? Can't remember exactly how long now. I've had it since 84 and suffered with the original pickups' noise for a while. I got them because real neon signs in bars caused terrible buzzing and humming. The EMG's totally eliminated that. I think I have a cap going bad now though after all these years. There's a constant distortion and not in a good way. It almost sounds like digital clipping. I'm thinking of going with some of the Presonus/Fender (LOL) passive noiseless pickups now. The EMG's I have require a 9v battery and I never did like that, but I've heard great things about the Fender noiseless pickups.

It's great to see you back. It's me Bub from the old forum.


I know I don't look the same. I lost a lot of weight, went to a dermatologist. But it's still me. Still love horror movies and I still watch The Nightmare Before Christmas regularly. I think I'm the only guy to ever wear out a Blu-Ray disc. ?

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Talk about a warm welcome!

Thank you, guys! It's great to get back in touch - and to see that no matter what, the spirit of the CH lives on. I believe you'll see more of me around here.


@Shane_B./Bub - Ah, that's like making friends again all over again with an old pal! Good to see you here. Huge horror and TNBC fan too. I can put that one as a "background noise" and listen to it 3 or 4 times in a row - although I obviously watch it almost religiously a few times a year. I never get tired of it, even after a few decades...

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This thread reminds me of a topic that might be worthy of it's own thread.  The debate between using a 7-string versus a 6-string baritone and a "normal" 6-string.

I chose the baritone because I could play it like a normal guitar, but use heavier strings.  I felt that going with seven strings might end up with a string gauge compromise, plus the whole getting used to having an extra string!  Since the scale is longer to help with the bass, that also messed with the highest string.  For me, I was definitely willing to lose the (minor in my opinion) bit of extra functionality to do a high lead while having the extra low string.

My fun little noob song Berry Jam was made with the baritone (hence the name) along with a Les Paul for the leads.  Please excuse the drums, I play all the instruments, but had only been playing drums for two weeks when I made this!  I had started to make replacement parts when the shit hit the fan back in 2009 and it never got updated... 

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It's nice to see you back on the forum  Rain ! I like your 7string . I have a 7 string , I keep wanting to eventually get a Jazz Box w 7 strings .... 7 string is a whole lot of guitar and I use it more for like an extended range type of sounds ....If I can find a pic of my 7 string I may edit my post to add it .

 I like EMG 's . I got my first set of EMG pickups in the mid 80's for my Tele . I still play a Tele w EMG's as one of my Tele's  are so equipped .

My Guild Blues Bird prototype was a gift from the pres of Guild Guitars (Mark Dronge ). Mark gave it to me in 1986 . I have kept it as exactly as how I got it .

It has 3 EMG single Strat PU , no tone control just a fat / mid tone control ...It may be the Gilmore set..... I never asked about it because I dig the way it sounds and I don't seem to mind a little mystery .




I also have an 8 string Schector

Here's a stock pic from the net.


My 8 string is a Schecter . It's not as decked out as yours but I do dig it when I play it . The guitar I have is a few steps above entry .It's in the 4 to 5 range new and It actually plays better than some of my more expensive guitars .

To be honest w you I don't play it all that much recently . 7 string I can run with all day long ....8 string makes me feel like I'm always lost   on the fret board and I don't want to stop and ask for directions because I'm too proud  to ask  :P


Hey Good luck with your new 7  string guitar it looks like a real pro quality axe .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Rain experiencing a drought? A drought is defined as the absence of rain. Talk about your existential crises!


I could never take Schecter seriously, for the dumbest of reasons: they always featured semi-nude models at their NAMM booth. Pretty girls who clearly had never held a guitar before (although perhaps a few guitar players). Sure, I dawdled there and took snapshots. But it seemed if they worked that hard to sell the sizzle, then the steaks would probably be disappointing.

But then I'm not a guitarist.

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