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Kick Off Yer Shoes

Tim Smith

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Here is one I made awhile back. I was attempting to replicate a jazz hall. I learned a lot of things in this mix. It starts off rather abruptly. The shouts reminded me of some old 50's movies I've some across so I added them which makes the whole thing seem more choreographed. This mix itself could use some work to put the pianos better in the space. I added parts of piano on both sides of the stereo image and so it has a bit of an odd delivery but seemed to work at the time.



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30 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

starts off rather abruptly

and the ending

30 minutes ago, Tim Smith said:

mix itself could use some work

I'll hold the like for the coming re-mix.
I think I'd try for bigger, bolder drums to give it that dance hall effect the image with it implies...


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 Tim , I thought this was a Cool song and Loved the title. I agree with Tom about the drums , sounds like you already know what the main problems are with the mix. 2 seconds of silence and a fade in from 0 to just past the start of the audio works wonders for abrupt starts. I've found on the endings , it's much better to watch the "master" vu meter and let it drop all the way past silent before letting the song end.  I (now)  do the final fades outside of the main project . I can then adjust them further if needed. I've messed up a Lot of songs with the outro , especially bad where I've lost the project or no longer have access to it  but only have a single stereo mix.   Looking forward to hearing a remix.  Enjoyed it .. 


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totally worth some polish - I really liked the energy, I thought it would make a cool background to a chase scene, or something with animation. The vocal shouts and adds were excellent touches. Maybe just a "fade in" beginning and a "fade out" ending?

the part around 2:20 got really good, and I noticed the non-lead piano at that point had a pretty strong theme going. You might take ideas from what is working in this section, and apply it to the overall piece? there is a lot of information coming at the listener at times, with lead piano noodles over most everything.

Here's a question - if someone asked you to sit at the piano and play the main theme of your piece for 15 seconds, could you? What's the main riff / melody over bass? there is a lot of hecka cool stuff going on at all times, but you might centralize it and build it all off one one or two definable melodies / themes.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, it's a hard idea to get across in text, but I did like what you have going here!



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this tune is a lot more complicated than the Celtic tunes, that being said, the tune at this time isn't bad at all considering how much you've got going on....vocals, pianos, percusssion, brass, bass, some tricky rhythm/timing things happening through out the song....maybe polish the intro and outro....it all depends on what you concieve this song as: traditional jazz hall swing piece that carries the listener along quite well as it now, or, as Tom mentioned, make it into a more standard song with a melodic hook or two in there...overall, great work and music going on there ????

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