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Day Dreaming Afternoon - video


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Day Dreaming Afternoon

This is a video using a song I wrote a few months ago. I downloaded some video clips from Pixabay and iStock and used some of my own.

This is the 1st time I've uploaded a 4K video. Let me know if you have any problems with it. My laptop stumbled a bit near the beginning but OK after that.

Thanks for watching/commenting.


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Wow! Great legs Bjorn .... LOL.?

I really enjoyed this piece, it was clear without any glitch.  Great work with gluing the music with the images.

The bit I really related to was when the little boy launched his aroplane at the end, his face as it flew toward the camera, showing the trepidation of it's impact was classic kid .. put me in mind of my mischievous grandsons.

You have a real talent for this stuff ..

Stay well


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On 12/28/2021 at 6:42 AM, Tim Smith said:

can be a challenge to pick video or shoot video for music already made as a way to highlight the music itself

I'll second that, and you made it "jell" nicely.

On 12/30/2021 at 3:17 AM, SupaReels said:

Wow! Great legs Bjorn .... LOL.?

I was going to guess that was Bjorn's contribution to the vids.


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Thanks Wookie, I appreciate the comment

mark I used the Boulder sound fiddle  which I really like. Lots of useful articulations.

Tim,  it gets to be a challenge finding just the right video clips at the free video stock websites.  I've had to resort to paying for them and they're not cheap!

Thanks Doug, I appreciate the listen and happy new year to you too!

Larry T - Thank you! Appreciate it.

Paul B - Thanks! Appreciate it.

Steve - I was trying for a nostalgic bit of day dreaming and the first thing I thought of was a couple of kids running in a golden field and it surprised me that there are a lot of video clips with just that theme. The kid with the airplane fit in with the dreamy premise too. I ran out of clips so used some of my own that didn't work quite as well.

tom,  Thanks again for the comments. Appreciate it.

David, thanks so much for the kind words.

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