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Depends on what you mean by support.

Of course, none of those products have been ported by BandLab so there is no official support.

That does not mean help is completely unavailable, however; if this is a question about Mac support or porting to the M1, I am not sure if anyone in the CbB group use a Mac DAW and I seriously doubt the old Mac product line will ever get updated.

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@cclarry said it best - we're not a forum, we're a family. 

I'll always have a fondness for this forum and Sonar users.  Early in 2017, I ended up having some spare time due to my service ending.   I was driving my wife nuts, and she suggested I find an additional hobby (I have several).  I grew up playing piano, and I work in the IT field.   As a music fanatic, I thought I would look into buying a synth and doing some home recording.   I can't express how little I knew about anything (and how much of an obsession it has become for me).   I literally bought a "Home Recording For Dummies" book.  I started reading some forums, but I just found myself so confused about the basics.

I started researching DAWs, and had settled on either Studio One or Reaper.   I posted a few questions in both forums - the Studio One forum was just dead, and the guys in the Reaper forum were just simply jerks.  Same for KVR.  I don't recall how I found out about Sonar, but I do remember being interested in the "Sonar For Life" offer.  I tentatively asked a few questions in the Sonar forum, and I couldn't believe the amount of friendly forum members who pitched in to patiently answer my questions.  Members (like @abacab and @scook  and countless others) were so generous of their time and knowledge, and just went out of their way to educate someone who knew nothing.  That sealed the deal for me - I bought "Sonar For Life" - three months before it went under.   Much like everyone else, I was close to devastated when that happened.   I ended up with Cubase (which I use to this day), but this forum is always my first stop of the day.   

The jovial nature of this forum is unique, and the fact that everyone is interested in simply helping each other (instead of tearing each other down) is refreshing.   The world needs a little more kindness, and all of you contribute to that on this forum.  

Thank you.


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7 minutes ago, husker said:

@cclarry said it best - we're not a forum, we're a family. 

I'll always have a fondness for this forum and Sonar users.  Early in 2017, I ended up having some spare time due to my service ending.   I was driving my wife nuts, and she suggested I find an additional hobby (I have several).  I grew up playing piano, and I work in the IT field.   As a music fanatic, I thought I would look into buying a synth and doing some home recording.   I can't express how little I knew about anything (and how much of an obsession it has become for me).   I literally bought a "Home Recording For Dummies" book.  I started reading some forums, but I just found myself so confused about the basics.

I started researching DAWs, and had settled on either Studio One or Reaper.   I posted a few questions in both forums - the Studio One forum was just dead, and the guys in the Reaper forum were just simply jerks.  Same for KVR.  I don't recall how I found out about Sonar, but I do remember being interested in the "Sonar For Life" offer.  I tentatively asked a few questions in the Sonar forum, and I couldn't believe the amount of friendly forum members who pitched in to patiently answer my questions.  Members (like @abacab and @scook  and countless others) were so generous of their time and knowledge, and just went out of their way to educate someone who knew nothing.  That sealed the deal for me - I bought "Sonar For Life" - three months before it went under.   Much like everyone else, I was close to devastated when that happened.   I ended up with Cubase (which I use to this day), but this forum is always my first stop of the day.   

The jovial nature of this forum is unique, and the fact that everyone is interested in simply helping each other (instead of tearing each other down) is refreshing.   The world needs a little more kindness, and all of you contribute to that on this forum.  

Thank you.


So how much money have you saved since joining the team? :)

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12 hours ago, husker said:

I don't recall how I found out about Sonar

In my case it was when I received as a gift "a day in a recording studio" - replace studio with very insulated shed in the guy's mother's garden and you'll pretty much have the full picture. I'd previously had a very brief and unsuccessful foray into PC based recording with a junior version of cubase that crashed every time I touched anything at all on my keyboard. No doubt it was something I was doing wrong, but steinberg support was worse than useless, so I gave up with it and went back to previous ways. Watching this "studio" guy work with his Sonar software (v2 IIRC) and his collection of  "plug-ins" that would give Bapu a run for his money (and that I'd never even heard of before then) everything just seemed so easy, so I ditched my plans to buy a range topping Roland workstation keyboard type thing and went the Sonar route instead (the then current  v5  came bundled with a suitable interface) and I never looked back. I clearly had a lot to learn, but not crashing every time I touched anything was a much better starting point. Can't remember how/why I discovered the forum, but it soon became clear to me that it was probably the best asset a user had. I was mostly annoyed with myself with what happened after I had laid out for the lifetime updates because of going against what gut feeling told me and ignoring the oft proven wisdom of when it seems to good to be true......... but then it turned out ok after all. I don't really consider it to be free updates, more a case of getting what I paid for, but from someone else, but I'm grateful  that Bandlab picked up the pieces and happy for the continuity of having some of the same team behind the scenes to preserve what was so special about it. I never felt the need to immediately seek alternatives when gibson pulled the plug because it still worked the same as it did before and I was quite happy with that. I do have S1 Pro ,but I just don't like looking at it.

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20 minutes ago, paulo said:

I do have S1 Pro ,but I just don't like looking at it.

But I think Studio One 5 Pro looks more professional. And I started with Cakewalk Pro Audio pre-Sonar... up to lifetime Platinum...

I think it's time to update the "Skylight" GUI. IMHO. ?

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