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PRV Workflow for drawing new midi notes


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I'm trying to change the default workflow for drawing midi notes in PRV view, is there a way to do this ?

Where I am trapped is:

Draw some midi notes in PRV view . . . hover the mouse on the notes, I get the glue tool, right click on the notes I get the erase tool . . . both seemingly useless to what I always want to do next . . . EDIT LENGTH, AND MOVE THE NOTES !

Yes, with a few mouse clicks I can go to the Smart Tool to do it . . . but I'm wondering about the logic of why the draw tool goes to "glue" or "erase" after inserting new notes ?

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Maybe the Draw tool is only for drawing, not editing.

Move tool is only for moving.

You can also hit "T" and the HUD will display where your cursor is.

FWIW, I use the Smart tool 90% of the time.

Edited by sjoens
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I always use the Smart Tool, the only thing I change is when I use the Mute Tool, then I switch with F10 and back with F5.

 Try to use the Function Keys (F5-F10), I think it's much faster to change the tools, right hand the mouse, left hand on Keyboard.


With a midi controller and "azcontroller" you could lay 2 or more buttons on these switches (midi buttons are always faster than finger stretching Hotkeys), or everything on a rotor.




Edited by Heinz Hupfer
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14 hours ago, noynekker said:

Draw some midi notes in PRV view . . . hover the mouse on the notes, I get the glue tool, right click on the notes I get the erase tool . . . both seemingly useless to what I always want to do next . . . EDIT LENGTH, AND MOVE THE NOTES !

. . . I'm wondering about the logic of why the draw tool goes to "glue" or "erase" after inserting new notes ?

I never use the PRV (except to try things people post about). So I used your issue to try to learn more about the PRV.  I see what you call the "glue tool" (upside down bottle/squared ball syringe).  Speaking purely as a non-PRV user, it seems to me (as best as I can see a use for it) the draw tool's syringe mode in essence picks up characteristics of the note hovered and clicked (i.e., velocity and duration). That way notes with those characteristics can be placed elsewhere.  And if I draw  a note in the wrong place, right clicking with the draw tool erases it. No need to switch to the eraser tool 

Also, if I draw two notes of the same pitch and I want to convert that to one note that starts at the time of the first note but with the combined duration (instead of having two attacks), the draw tool's glue mode will do that.

Again, as a non-PRV user, these three features of the draw tool seem useful.   So, thanks for raising the question; I am another small step closer to using the PRV.

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@sjoens @User 905133 @Heinz Hupfer Hey everybody, thanks for the great tips and insights !  . . . I simply got into some bad PRV editing habits recently . . . I knew about the Smart Tool, but didn't really know about how to create and edit notes properly until I played around with it more . . . YES, that does what I want, the real trick of discovery for me was to double click to create the notes, then the other 3 edit tools are right there depending where you put the mouse, nice, I get it now.

For many years I did most drawing of notes in the Staff View, but the bakers changed some things, and I could never adapt to them.

Seems that the draw tool is more useful for macro note creation using pattern and line settings

. . . so much more to discover, as I move from Staff to PRV for inputting notes.

Thanks again for your responses.

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