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Bug report: Envelope bug with smart tool and track folders [with REPRO]


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Hi all!

Can someone please help me reproduce this bug? I have been running into it for a long time, but just now I figured out how to reproduce it.

Cakewalk version

This bug is reproducible with Cakewalk 2021.12 (Build 102). (Updated Jan 9, 2022)

Short version:

Using the region selection with the smart tool, one cannot drag automation to the maximum if the track in question is a) below a folder track and b) that folder track is the very first track in the project.

Steps to repro:

  1. Start with a blank project
  2. Insert a track folder at the top
  3. Insert an audio track below (but MIDI tracks have same bug)
  4. Enable automation for, say, volume, and make it a flat line at the bottom
  5. Using the smart tool, drag a range in the track and then position it near the top of the track
  6. Try to drag the automation range to the maximum

Video demonstration

In the video, I first demonstrate that dragging works OK with the track folder below. Then I place a folder track above, whereby I no longer can drag the automation to its maximum:


Edited by GreenLight
1) Added "repro" to subject 2) clarified folder track location
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I can reproduce that if the folder is the very first, before Track # 1.

If there's another Track before/above the folder, the envelope can be dragged to its maximum hight but not smoothly, it stops shortly while dragging and then moves further.

A momentary workaround for the first case is grabbing the selection again and move it upwards until it stops again, then repeat.

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Seems to work okay for me in a current project


However...... I have been having different issue so I wonder if it's related

In theory I should be able to select those two upper most automation nodes and Ctrl-Drag that line between the two points up and down. But it always seems to " let go " of the right hand node , and I end up with this instead


It always used to work fine but at some point it's gone a bit strange. I thought it might be me but if there are other known issues then perhaps it's related.

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2 hours ago, Mark MoreThan-Shaw said:

Seems to work okay for me in a current project

Ah, the bug requires a very specific circumstance: it only occurs if the track in question is below a folder track, and that folder track itself is the first track in the project. (Compare the order of my tracks in the video compared to yours in your image.) I clarified the folder track "requirement" in the original post, thanks for pointing that out! ?

About your second issue - yeah, I think I've had that too... let's see if we can figure out any repro and/or consistency to it... ?

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13 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

Ah, the bug requires a very specific circumstance: it only occurs if the track in question is below a folder track, and that folder track itself is the first track in the project.

I think what's happening here is the cursor ( which is invisible at this point ) is hitting some sort barrier and stopping

It's not that the automation line won't go any higher because you can release it ,  grab it again from a bit further down and eventually drag it all the way to the top. 

Glad to hear you've had the same issue with the lop-sided nodes on the Ctrl-drag

Another one I've encountered ( and posted about previously to no avail ) is that sometimes you can't drag a track into a folder from above. It misses the Folder altogether and jumps to below the Folder. Then you have to release it and drag it into the Folder from beneath.



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