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2021.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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15 hours ago, dave coomber said:

OK.  Check "Downloads" - not there.   Check "Programs\Cakewalk" - not there.  Note Cakewalk.exe  modified 7/13/2021.  It would seem this would be the 2021.6 version {?}.   Don't know where else to look.

@dave coomber

look in  Downloads\Cakewalk


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Some requests to speed up keyboard workflow and usability for the Bounce to Track(s) dialog box:

  1. It should accept the "Enter" key as OK (as the old box...)
  2. It would be great if focus could be on Destination when the dialog opens (as the old box...)
  3. Underline specific characters for quick ALT + character focus jump
  4. Have a focus highlight that jumps around when you jump focus with TAB

See GUI mockup below:


Pretty please...? :)

An example of my fast keyboard workflow with the old box:

  1. Press (my personal customized shortcut) CTRL + T for Bounce to Track
  2. Press Arrow up/down to select destination track
  3. Press Enter to start bounce

To get a really polished application, I think we need a little more attention on small (but important) usability things, like keyboard shortcuts, dialog box focus and underlined shortcuts (for fast usage with the ALT key).

Edited by GreenLight
Added image
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21 hours ago, gmp said:

The External Encoder is now fixed, but when I run my custom External Encoder Preset called "Mp3+wav", it does created both files. Yet if the file name is exactly the same as one previously used, I do get a message about whether to replace the wav file with the same name with the new wav file. 

Yet that doesn't happen with the Mp3, it simply replaces the older mp3 with the new one. With the old export window it asked if I wanted to replace for both wav and MP3. I'm using build 145

I did some more testing and found that if you choose the regular mp3 as the export and you have the same name it does ask you if you'd lek to overwrite it.  But if I choose to export only my custom External Encoder mp3 and not the mp3+wav files, it doesn't ask me if I'd like to overwrite the file, it just overwrites it. So this seems to only affect mp3's and not wavs when using the External Encoder

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4 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Some requests to speed up keyboard workflow and usability for the Bounce to Track(s) dialog box:

  1. It should accept the "Enter" key as OK (as the old box...)
  2. It would be great if focus could be on Destination when the dialog opens (as the old box...)
  3. Underline specific characters for quick ALT + character focus jump
  4. Have a focus highlight that jumps around when you jump focus with TAB

See GUI mockup below:


Pretty please...? :)

An example of my fast keyboard workflow with the old box:

  1. Press (my personal customized shortcut) CTRL + T for Bounce to Track
  2. Press Arrow up/down to select destination track
  3. Press Enter to start bounce

To get a really polished application, I think we need a little more attention on small (but important) usability things, like keyboard shortcuts, dialog box focus and underlined shortcuts (for fast usage with the ALT key).

This is not a stock windows dialog so it's not unexpected that it has some differences in behavior. But we'll look into some improvements.

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Hi @Noel Borthwick

I installed Cakewalk 2021.09 Update 1 and I'm having the same stuttering problems as with Cakewalk 2021.09 when I use the oversampling feature

In fact, the problem seemed to have disappeared with Cakewalk 2021.09 Update 1 Early Access, but with the latest update I'm getting the same stutter problem...

I have tried several synthesizer plugins from different companies and even Cakewalk's own such as Rapture Pro and the problem is recurring. The only way around it is to install Cakewalk 2021.06 (build 58) or Cakewalk 2021.09 Update 1 Early Access...


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22 hours ago, Igopp said:

@Jonathan Sasor   


I have version installed, but it is a build that came out a few days ago. Cakewalk won't let me download (doesn't show it) the latest 04.10 update, is there any other way to download it?

Build is the latest version.  There's no difference between the one you have and the one released on 04.10,  we just "promoted" that version from early access to the one on the official update channel.

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9 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

This is not a stock windows dialog so it's not unexpected that it has some differences in behavior. But we'll look into some improvements.

Thanks, I would really appreciate it! I am a huge keyboard shortcut user, so I would really appreciate some more keyboard love for Cakewalk. :)

The most important aspects would probably be the possibility to jump with a visually indicated focus "caret" (box) between different fields with Tab (and Shift + Tab). And switching track in the Destination box easily with Up/Down would also be high on my list...

Thanks for all your hard work! ❤️

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Hi. Until recently, I was using my audio interface as default output device and I also set that audio interface as CbB output and things were fine. Then I mistakenly opened CbB when default output device was set to laptop onboard device and I experienced stutter in GUI and audio latency. I noticed bitrate, sample rate and input/output device settings were messed up, then I fixed them, switched to audio interface output but problems persist. Problem isn't specific to Vital. Creating new projects with correct settings, restarting computer, and even reinstalling CbB -which fixed my earlier issue with encoder- didn't help. I recorded a video (60fps, no audio) of stutter: 

 Is there a fix for this issue? Thanks.

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I just discovered some weird stuff when soloing a track that I haven't experienced in earlier releases.

If I solo a track with 2 sends, first one to a parallell buss and the second to an AUX, I hear the signal from the buss but not from the AUX.

The LinkPFSendMute setting is set to "True"

Shouldn't I hear both together with my track or am I missing something?

Best regards


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6 hours ago, strummingmusic said:

Hi. Until recently, I was using my audio interface as default output device and I also set that audio interface as CbB output and things were fine. Then I mistakenly opened CbB when default output device was set to laptop onboard device and I experienced stutter in GUI and audio latency. I noticed bitrate, sample rate and input/output device settings were messed up, then I fixed them, switched to audio interface output but problems persist. Problem isn't specific to Vital. Creating new projects with correct settings, restarting computer, and even reinstalling CbB -which fixed my earlier issue with encoder- didn't help. I recorded a video (60fps, no audio) of stutter: 

 Is there a fix for this issue? Thanks.

So after various tries, switching from wasapi exclusive to wasapi shared (both from driver settings and CbB), everything worked fine again. And the interesting thing is, on the same problematic project that I recorded stuttering video with exact same settings now works without issues when I switched back to wasapi exclusive as well. 

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On 9/23/2021 at 11:55 AM, John T said:

New export features are all great. Really well-realised.


I have one smallish niggle though. Why doesn't hitting the enter key (when not in an input box) equal clicking "Export"?

Another vote for hitting the Enter Key! Forcing me to use the mouse is too slow.

Further, Tabbing through the fields is useless. No highlight of which field is current, wrong order, etc.

Please improve for the next release.


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Hi. I love Cakewalk, I love you people constantly improving it. Most of the last year's additions are pure gold. Except this one (Image attached). I have sessions whit 30, 40 or even 70 short clips to export in MP3 format and after the last update I'm forced set up the Bitrate and the quality slider for every clip before exporting this  batches. Last week i was just pressing space bar 70 times in a very fast row and exporting my clips really fast, now adjusting this values is a big waste of time. Please don't.?imagen.png.a8c7417c191fda513255dd8fafb6bf0a.png

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22 hours ago, XBaker said:

Another vote for hitting the Enter Key! Forcing me to use the mouse is too slow.

Further, Tabbing through the fields is useless. No highlight of which field is current, wrong order, etc.

Please improve for the next release.


Happily, just a few posts above, Noel said they will work on improving the keyboard usability aspects of the Bounce/Export dialogs. ?

I wish keyboard usability would be a top priority for all software developers. If an extra mouse click is required for something, it should be carefully considered... ? (Hey, I'm looking at you, "Export Completed" toast... ?)

Edited by GreenLight
Added paranthesis. :)
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Okay, I just got an idea ?for the "export completed" toast:

Make it also go away when the user clicks anywhere in Cakewalk (i.e. when you continue working in the application).

The concept of a  persistent toast is good for when you leave the computer, so you're reminded about what you just did and that it's done. But when you continue working it's obviously not needed anymore. I am already getting tired of it myself, but for people with use cases where you regularly export a lot of stems or tracks, it would be very convenient to not have to target that 10x10 pixel box for each and every export... ?


Edited by GreenLight
Clarified paragraph 2
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