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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 137]

Morten Saether

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Has the audio engine been tweaked? I am noticing an improvement on drum audio samples.  Someone must have done some work with the audio engine I am able to slow down samples by 10 bpm without nasty artifacts like before. This is a quality that I like in Reaper the ability to slow clips without pitch or artifact problems.

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6 minutes ago, Team Green said:

Has the audio engine been tweaked? I am noticing an improvement on drum audio samples.  

a new time-stretching mechanics added some time ago maybe {elastique} or it is just audiosnap, don't remember

Edited by OeAi
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there is also a visual bug with step sequencer - it looks like a lag between steps
not sure, but for a bigger project with few more instruments, i felt like it was lagging in whole
didn't use that much. there's no way to set up a triple or quarter note.
for example split square and leave half note  with first click
with second triple, next quarter and then erase that note.
for drums more like full notes used, but for snares and hits - more like triplets for whole lane
right click on empty note -> divide to triplets. you don't need to divide it vertically only
this can be 4 squares -> top is a fist note, bottom next
for triple notes divide it to 3 parts at least it's easier to aim that.

Well the more advanced way is like to switch the place of the note first
to a second half, then to a midlle third, then to next third, then to last quarter
and change color of the square each time. so it will be more colorful
but with left mouse change the velocity \ intensity with color
With midiScope enabled you will be able to see each those parts divided with mouse hover,
but if not under scope - the mix of colors will be like a whole colour of a square
and you will set and remove with same button.

zoom in\out with ctrl to enlarge and midiScope button near to play steps. fit window.
there's not that much drum-plugins, maybe add step sequencer for those by default?
at least for native and samplers. there can be some behavioural thing, like
if used last time for some plugin -> open sequencer next time for that plugin

basically it's the same piano roll with strict snap, so it needs just a button to switch between modes.
but also for piano roll i would add same "clip\pattern" view, not the long one as usual for all notes,
it is also a little different mode switch, just to edit for whole lane in one basic clip
and if i click on lane in navigator and make a change in some place - split first part and next
or split that exact part with change from whole lane. let artist choose that part.

and also (sorry for too much) add a new button near to crossfades and ripple edit in navigator
PRV Snap resolution for piano roll (separate work) - disable\enable scrolling during playback.
and for piano roll view one more to 'jump to current play time". basically enable+disable - will do that trick.
when i hear some wrong note i need to find it and change, but i had to disable scroll first,
but usually it plays, you see note to change, tries to fix that, but it jumps away,
you stop the playback and it jumps back to beginning, so you loose the place at all.
i would make like if mouse is under some note or it just has a mouse in window,
then don't scroll piano roll. that's just some different more of same button.
that's the purpose of mouse_btn_6 shortcut, that is not available.
there's no such command or menu item to add to custom module and i would add icon view for it.
AutoScroll reserved to ScrollLock only, my "microsoft arc keyboard" just don't have it,
most of time i'm using logitech, but not with midi-board. 

well, for those who has a joystick, there is a program - keysticks, that binds keyboard buttons 
so you can use those shortcuts with gamepad.  it would be nice to use more USB devices as controls.

For a midi device - if you switch it on while started CW without it - it is recognized (at least right now),
but it's not working if you switch it off and on back again while program working
for second time on\off it works again, next time - not.
The difference right now and after can be in reboot and start CW without knowing this device at all, will check later,
but usually it is not showing device as disabled, but removes it from list - why ?
it would be better to store same device with all learnt-synth config things
and just enable\disable even with new usb ports used as the device is the same.
Z3ta remembers midi config, but other synths after learn don't or maybe partially.

R & W automation doesn't affect midi-written automation, in some cases it is good,
but there is possibility when you push controls or switch some midi and it will change your synth,
because you are on it, but if i want to change it or record - maybe it would be better to push that W button.
Well i was doing that trick with disabling CC codes (except modulation, pitch and sustain),
but it needs to get inside of prefs and it was leaving just notes, so basically it needs different button.

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3 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

Any idea what I can do or configure?

well, if you played enough with Audio \ Driver settings, maybe you can try
Prefs \ Audio \ Config File  MMCSThread Priority, SSE Mixing, Thread Scheduling, WaveInBuffers
just make a print screen with your current settings to restore it after.

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56 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

@Matthew Simon Fletcher , @Jacques Boileau - we're working on a fix for the solo issue.

In the meantime, try the following:

1. Switch on Exclusive Solo
2. Solo a different track
3. Unsolo the track
4. Switch off Exclusive Solo
5. Save your project

This should cure the issue.


Great stuff - thanks Mark, Noel and co!
Will give that a test tommorrow.

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2 hours ago, Team Green said:

Has the audio engine been tweaked? I am noticing an improvement on drum audio samples.  Someone must have done some work with the audio engine I am able to slow down samples by 10 bpm without nasty artifacts like before. This is a quality that I like in Reaper the ability to slow clips without pitch or artifact problems.

We'll there have been a million changes to the engine over the last 3 years but the one you are seeing is a change to use a higher quality zPlane elastique time stretching algorithm. This release also has improved transient detection.

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1 hour ago, Milton Sica said:


I started to find in some old projects crackles, with spikes in the processors, delays until total stop with dropout.

I'm using ASIO4ALL and even changing the size in the ASIO interface the parameters are not recognized by the application.

Any idea what I can do or configure?



The first thing to do is stop using ASIO4All. Its known to cause incompatibilities and we don't support it.
The next build will have a warning asking users with ASIO4All and some other known incompatible drivers to  switch to WASAPI mode or use a different ASIO driver.

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1 hour ago, Milton Sica said:


I started to find in some old projects crackles, with spikes in the processors, delays until total stop with dropout.

I'm using ASIO4ALL and even changing the size in the ASIO interface the parameters are not recognized by the application.

Any idea what I can do or configure?



Not use ASIO4All?

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2 hours ago, Matthew Simon Fletcher said:


Great stuff - thanks Mark, Noel and co!
Will give that a test tommorrow.

@Matthew Simon Fletcher @chris.r @Jacques Boileau This is resolved in build 133. It should also automatically repair solo states for any projects that might have had issues in the past because I've improved the solo logic for tracks. Let me know if its working for you now.

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11 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Thanks for your feedback but please make a separate thread for it or consider the feature request forum. This thread is exclusively for Early access 2021.09 release specific features.

yeah, i guess i should, but basically i've started from problems )) and bugs, so i just propose the fix and well, yes digging to deep prob.
i just had to write until i remember, because i will switch to something else and forget to write it.
but for example AutoScroll is easy to fix with removing RSVD from scroll lock and list it as a View menu item command.
thanks CbB team for a good work.

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

2021.09 Build 133  has now been posted. 

For Track Folder export should be some naming convention , now it writes all to same file prj.w64. For bus it tries to name prj.w64 prj(1).w64 by default. Well it enables anmes from templates, but it doesn't use it when just switching source category.
For RPG Maker OGG - external encoder returned error - i think , that's what i was talking about - needs additional setup tab.
maybe just didn't store TMP.wav files, because i didn't see it appears in folder.

Sometimes selecting PCM format dialog seems like appears behind the Export window, until you click on window - you can't see it,
should be a part of main export i believe, for not to choose the same value each time .
They say like wavex is a multichannel format, so maybe a multichannel checkbox and some render mode can be there

Well, the next post about audiosnap, i think this can be imported through audio tags inside of newer formats as an example why doing that.

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Matthew Simon Fletcher @chris.r @Jacques Boileau This is resolved in build 133. It should also automatically repair solo states for any projects that might have had issues in the past because I've improved the solo logic for tracks. Let me know if its working for you now.


Bugs in  .133 Ver.

Screenshot (40).png




in older Ver. Audiosnap 

Screenshot (37).png

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56 minutes ago, SaGaD Xamun said:

Bugs in  .133 Ver.

Well, tried that too and there's some , maybe it is related
it's a same project and rendered beats from, it is 140bpm
 drag and drop wavex , open loop construction and press loop (1) - > it enlarges audio for some part and it's wrong
then open clip \ loop properties and change to stretch to project (2) - it changes the loop more adequately,
but it doesn't look for bpm set, whatever it is 140 or 160. and cannot loop that . stretch second time - will make it smaller again.
Then change it to loop (3) and it enlarges again and sets wrong bpm, that cannot be changed




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