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Left hand - right hand.


Left hand - right hand.  

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  1. 1. Left hand - right hand.

    • Left hand - left handed
    • Right hand - left handed
    • Left hand - right handed
    • Right hand - right handed

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When you sit or laying down relaxed. And put your hands on your stomach. What hand is on the top?

The prayer position with twined fingers don't count.

I'm right handed and always put my right hand on top of the left. Could it be that left handed persons always put the left hand on top? ?

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I'm right handed. I throw a ball right handed. Swing a bat right handed. I write right handed. I text with my right hand. I paint with my right hand. I carve wood with my right hand. No not that wood, although ... anyway ... all my audio rack mounted hardware and sound card sits to my right at my recording desk. Swing a hammer right handed. Use a screwdriver right handed. Saw right handed. Use power tools right handed. Do single handed pushups with my right arm. Use my mouse with my right hand. Put my glasses on with my right hand. Put my pants on right leg first. Put my shoes on right foot first. Socks too. Brush my teeth with my right hand. Shave right handed. Comb my hair with my right hand. Put on deodorant with my right hand. Put on cologne with my right hand. Box mainly with my right fist. When I fantasize about slapping some moron who is sitting at the green light for 60 seconds, then goes just as it turns red and I have to wait another 3 minutes, I always hold them down with my left arm and knock their teeth out with my right fist. I shoot with my right hand.

Yet I've cried, begged, and pleaded to the heavens above to let my brain pick up a right handed guitar and play it and I freeze. I can't do it. I've tried. It actually causes me anxiety when I try. It's easier for me to play a right handed guitar upside down than it is to swing it around and fret with my left hand. Which to me tells me most people actually play left handed seeing how they fret with that hand. It's super easy to flop your arm and wrist around and strum, but the real magic is in the fretwork, which I do with, wait for it ..... MY RIGHT HAND.


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50-50 / Neither - my fingers are interlocked, so the 4 fingers of my left hand are on top of my right hand and the 4 fingers of my right hand are on top of my left hand.  The fleshy part of the thumbs are resting on each other.

However, the finger nearest the thumbs is on my left hand (and makes a heart-like shape), but I am right-handed. I flipped them around so the top part of the heart-like shape was made by the finger on my right and and it did not feel as comfortable/automatic.

I suppose you could say that since it is more intuitive to have the left finger first off the thumbs closest to my head, that means my left hand is on top.

Hmmm.  One at a time I tried putting each hand on top the other and both of those options also seem unintuitive.  

BTW: I never thought of that as "the praying position."  

Edited by User 905133
To add a BTW re: the so-called "praying position."
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Makes sense that you'd instinctively protect your dominant hand with the other.

Assuming a right-hander...when protecting your face, is it not your left arm you throw up? When taking a fighter's stance, is it not your left side you present to your opponent? Do you not flip off rude drivers with your left hand? Instinct designates it as the sacrificial limb.

Of course, on very cold nights I have a very different strategy for hand placement.

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I am hugely right-favouring - I can't even work out how to hold a pen with my left hand, let alone write with one.  Except for one thing which I did left-handed without thinking and can't work out how to do it right-handed.  Don't worry - it's family friendly.


Why!!??  It's so completely random and illogical.

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  On 9/2/2021 at 4:02 AM, Kurre said:

When you sit or laying down relaxed. And put your hands on your stomach. What hand is on the top?

The prayer position with twined fingers don't count.

I'm right handed and always put my right hand on top of the left. Could it be that left handed persons always put the left hand on top? ?


I'm a lefty but I put my right hand over my left, maybe proving bitflipper's statement.

I have never played any instruments that favored left handers.  I always reasoned either hand works equally well on any instrument just doing different things.

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