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How Many Guitars

Base 57

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can I fit into the Toyota along with my wife, one of the dogs (a 100 lb mutt) and our luggage ( the kids and the other two dogs are in another car)? I am about to find out. Being that there is only about 50 miles of swamp between my house (studio) and Grand Isle LA we have to leave now.

I can't express how much I hate hurricanes.

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7 minutes ago, craigb said:

Good question.  A better question might be "How many more guitars can I fit in my car if I don't take my wife or dog?" ?

Dude. That's horrible.















Of course he's taking the dog.

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Hope all goes well for you and your family. A few years back i had to mandatory evacuate due to an az wildfire and it was scary. Taking music gear with me was my top priority. It was stopped before it got into the neighborhood. I grew up on long island so know about hurricanes too. And was 18 miles from the three mile island meltdown. In that case my young kids were first in the car. I got a song out of the fire called RedAlert and got to play with my band at the Rock Against Radiation in Harrisburg. And then theres my tune Hurricane. Wishing you safety and maybe some new songs! 

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1 hour ago, craigb said:

My apologies.  I missed the last line and thought it was a road-trip.  Gear can always be replaced.

I had no idea what he was talking about until I accidentally turned the TV on this morning to an over the air station and saw something about a hurricane in LA. I never watch the news anymore and block it on my various internet feeds. Sounds like Base 57 is one of the smart ones in being ready to split to safety quickly. I'm sure they'll be fine. That said, humor is how I deal with things and I would have responded the same even if I knew what he was talking about. My first instinct is to make people laugh during times of tragedy.

Hey, if you get tired of hurricanes, join us in the Midwest where you have 0 to 180 seconds warning of a tornado if you hear the air raid siren. No big deal, it's all over in 15 ~ 20 minutes. Survived 3 of them so far. ? My order of importance during those situations is grab the dog, yell "Honey, follow me.", and tuck your head between your legs in the basement. Got hit by one while driving one time. Ended up pointing the wrong way on the other side of the highway with another car facing me bumper to bumper but we never touched. I have no idea how all the cars sliding around missed each other. Some ended up upside down in the ditch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The answer was 3. 

Just got power back after 20 days. We were very fortunate. Many neighbors and friends were not. Destruction and loss of life all the way up to the east coast. It's just horrifying. Hurricanes suck.


Craig and Shane, my wife and I both got a laugh from your posts...

The dog was not amused. He loves his momma.

Now I'm gonna see if the EA installer finished downloading through the phone tether. I have power but no internet.

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