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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

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25 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

That means that the sum of all drum tracks is +3.2 dB. Since this is a submix in itself this isn't an issue since as long as you have gain reduction on the master it wont clip. It does mean that the input to the drum bus is too hot.

There isn't anything going into the red on the rest of the project but some of the drum tracks are routed to buses with a -8db gain so I don't know if that's the cause ? 

I decided to stay up late and try this now on a previous project ☺️...a few thoughts if I may ? 

Thought one - I am very impressed overall by the new Export Options it seems incredibly well thought out, congrats to the team

Thought two   - Default Export Screen was too small for my monitor, It would be nice to be able to maximise with one click  - It's good that its remember the previous size you stretched it to however if you open it - resize - then close it before running the export I think it will revert to it's previous state.

 Thought three - I had to deselect an awful lots of other tracks to leave my Aux track selected  - is it possible to have a ' select all / none ' option ?  I did discovered the shift-click trick but it was still a lot of tracks to scroll down to get to the end  of the list.


Thought 4 - I love the " open Export Location Toast " ..Bravo ! ☺️

Thought 5 - After comparing the two Drum Stems using both methods I somehow ended up with a quite different sounding mix using the Aux track method.  I have screenshotted from a stereo editor side by side so you can see,  the upper Wav is using the Aux track and the lower one is the old fashioned method of soloing the Folder.  

I am not sure quite why the difference occurred, I have an inkling it may be to do with my ( admittedly complex ) bus routing and the Aux track is not following the same routing at some point.  I don't believe it's the program - it's probably me ! 

Suffice to say I think doing it the Aux Track way adds too much complexity to what is a very elegant way to export a stem and  I feel the existing method is a much quicker and simpler workflow ( simply solo the folder and export the mix )  and I have more confidence that the resulting file will be what I expect.

Whilst it would be a " nice to have " to be able to select  Folders in the new Export Screen if it's not possible I will stick to the tried and trusted thanks    


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32 minutes ago, chimkin2 said:

 Thought three - I had to deselect an awful lots of other tracks to leave my Aux track selected  - is it possible to have a ' select all / none ' option ?  I did discovered the shift-click trick but it was still a lot of tracks to scroll down to get to the end  of the list.

You can select all by pressing CTRL-A in the list and then pressing space bar to toggle values. There is a small bug there where the first time you have to use the mouse to toggle a track. 
Not sure why you had different gainstaging with the aux approach. Without seeing your project its hard to say.
I suggested aux tracks because ultimately we may make folders behave like a built in aux. So adding specific folder functionality seems redundant.

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Hi, this is an awesome update, thanks to the Bakers! 
One thing I liked is the Selection Module following SMPTE improvement / fix!

Also, I've noticed Tempo Track's Offset Tempo Map dialog box  it's buggy on 2021.09 Early Acess. It's got a dark color backgroud and it's hard to read words like BPM and .

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This grey'ish-white color kind of mess with your eyes or its the brightness of the new blue highlighter thats popping out the white background more - this never used to happen before. Can also be because I was swapping between the Soft Synth black menu and the Audio FX regular window a few times.

My eyes feel kinda blurry right now and I've got excellent vision. 

Yep! I'm definitely going to have to move away from this for a few seconds.


Edited by Will_Kaydo
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In this very exciting update, have you Bakers considered and/or improved the scenario of bouncing (and exporting) tracks that use plugins with side-chains fed from other tracks?

When archiving and future-proofing projects, it is something I constantly have to deal with and it is a bit awkward currently. If it could be streamlined a little, I would be most grateful. ?

A fantastic update, great job!

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I'm excited about the new export features--as a composer who has music in music libraries for sync placements, I need to export stems and cut down mixes, etc. This new update looks like it will streamline the process tremendously--and the tags/filenames will also help keep them properly labeled and sorted, both for myself and my music library. Also, for projects I produce for others this will be fabulous. Kudos to the Cakewalk bakers, this time you have really added a feature I expect to use extensively and that will make my life much easier so I can churn out new compositions more frequently. Will try this out over the next week once I install the release candidate and hope there are no bugs introduced. Thank you for this.

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1 hour ago, GreenLight said:

In this very exciting update, have you Bakers considered and/or improved the scenario of bouncing (and exporting) tracks that use plugins with side-chains fed from other tracks?

When archiving and future-proofing projects, it is something I constantly have to deal with and it is a bit awkward currently. If it could be streamlined a little, I would be most grateful. ?

A fantastic update, great job!

Sidechains and aux tracks are a tricky problem to handle automatically when exporting stems. We havent done that yet.

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5 minutes ago, Light Grenade said:

Tab to transient is much more accurate now. It's no longer chopping the start off the majority of drum hits. This will speed up drum editing tenfold. It's still a bit out on some of the quieter transient but it's much, much better in general. 

@Light Grenade thanks for the feedback. Could you please send us some examples of wave files where you see it needing improvement?

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34 minutes ago, Dave Maffris said:

I'm excited about the new export features--as a composer who has music in music libraries for sync placements, I need to export stems and cut down mixes, etc. This new update looks like it will streamline the process tremendously--and the tags/filenames will also help keep them properly labeled and sorted, both for myself and my music library. Also, for projects I produce for others this will be fabulous. Kudos to the Cakewalk bakers, this time you have really added a feature I expect to use extensively and that will make my life much easier so I can churn out new compositions more frequently. Will try this out over the next week once I install the release candidate and hope there are no bugs introduced. Thank you for this.

Thanks @Dave Maffris let us know ASAP if you see any regressions so we can fix it before release. Its already gone through a lot of testing.

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17 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

To me this means the plugin is ignoring the sample accurate automation timestamps being sent to it and only using the value at the buffer start. 
Please contact the plugin developer to fix it. Cakewalk sends the plugin explicit intra-buffer timestamped values.

I have fired off an email to AAS support regarding this.  I tried another of their VST3 synths (VS-3) and I got the same issue with that one as well.

Here is hoping AAS can take a look at this for us.

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13 hours ago, chimkin2 said:

 Thought three - I had to deselect an awful lots of other tracks to leave my Aux track selected  - is it possible to have a ' select all / none ' option ?  I did discovered the shift-click trick but it was still a lot of tracks to scroll down to get to the end  of the list.

Hold down CTRL+SHIFT and click any checkbox to  all select all/none. You can also use CTRL+A to select all, then press SPACEBAR to toggle the selection state.

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18 minutes ago, Morten Saether said:

Hold down CTRL+SHIFT and click any checkbox to  all select all/none. You can also use CTRL+A to select all, then press SPACEBAR to toggle the selection state.

I didn't know this! Thanks. Now it's much easier for me to just select Master when exporting... I guess it's time again for some RTFM'ing. ?

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4 hours ago, GreenLight said:

In this very exciting update, have you Bakers considered and/or improved the scenario of bouncing (and exporting) tracks that use plugins with side-chains fed from other tracks?

When archiving and future-proofing projects, it is something I constantly have to deal with and it is a bit awkward currently. If it could be streamlined a little, I would be most grateful. ?

A fantastic update, great job!

Hey GreenLight. Are you asking how to export individual sidechain tracks? 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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1 hour ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Hey GreenLight. Are you asking how to export individual sidechain tracks? 

Hi. ? No, I was just hoping for a slightly more effective way to bounce tracks with sidechained plugins...

Sure, the process isn't super-complicated as it is: in the Bounce to Tracks dialog, select the original track plus the source track that feeds the sidechain, pick source category "Tracks". But in addition of the original track, Cakewalk also bounces the sidechain source, which slows things down and also inconvenient...

Edited by GreenLight
Clarified objective :)
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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Sidechains and aux tracks are a tricky problem to handle automatically when exporting stems. We havent done that yet.

I definitely appreciate that!

I'm brainstorming out loud now: it could be a semi-automated process, so in the Bounce to Tracks dialog, there could be a "Sidechain sources" box, where you could select any side-chain source tracks that should be accounted for in the calculations, but the SC sources themselves would not generate any new bounced tracks (which is my main gripe with the current SC bouncing paradigm). I would love that, but would it be feasible? ?

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46 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

Hi. ? No, I was just hoping for a slightly more effective way to bounce tracks with sidechained plugins...

Sure, the process isn't super-complicated as it is: in the Bounce to Tracks dialog, select the original track plus the source track that feeds the sidechain, pick source category "Tracks". But in addition of the original track, Cakewalk also bounces the sidechain source, which slows things down and also inconvenient...

☺ It's actually really easy to only bounce the sidechain track. ☺

I'll create a video. 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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