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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]

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The new darkened windows are great!

Minor thing: in the Choose Articulation window, when I double click on an articulation, it doesn't apply, as it did before this update.  You have to click Ok. 


I think there is a major problem here: The articulation pane is not working at all... ugh! 

To reproduce:

  1. Insert an articulation on the Art. Pane (usually this one is applied ok)
  2. Double click the articulation and select another one (the new art. is not applied and the Art. Pane is no longer working from this point on - will not record any new articulations)


Edited by Andres Medina
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4 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

I liked it too, but in some situations the background letter not being white makes it difficult.



I agree with you.

I like the look, but the lack of readability ruins it. If the highlight goes dark, the text has to turn bright (only when highlighted)...


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4 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

I liked it too, but in some situations the background letter not being white makes it difficult.



The dark menu with the white writing was perfect. Just not that dark menu going into white that was on the Audio FX side. 

 That sudden burst of brightness was too much on the eyes. 

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1 hour ago, User 905133 said:

Just a guess: blacking out the selected item is supposed to have white/light lettering.  I cannot think of a reason why it should be blacked out.

Possibly same as the reason the color of highlighted text in the export|filename box. There I can see the text but not the highlighting. Maybe some other change accidentally affected these.


...and the white background boxes when updating tasks to current settings? I like the readability, but why must they open mid screen instead of centered over the export dialog as the earlier dialog did?

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15 hours ago, chimkin2 said:

You can easily apply clip gain to a single clip. Place the mouse pointer over the clip -  Hold down the Ctrl Key and click and drag vertically with the left mouse button pressed. ☺️

Thanks! I'll remember.

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2 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

Without wanting to get into controversies or debates, I understand that this topic should be used by us users interested in seeing the tool always evolving for the better. As it is a topic that makes available versions of the application in advance access, it exists precisely so that the errors being found are detailed for the developers in the perceptions of the use of the tool, suggestions for improvements on the implemented implementations. And, yes, as an early access, it will be subject to the appearance of errors, regressions, because the project is very large and, as a developer, I know that in projects like this, something is sometimes corrected and something untreated appears in another.
I think users who want a stabilized version should keep using the production version. Those, like me, who are willing to contribute to evolution would help much more to test the features and, finding errors, why errors will exist, better detail the error found so that it can be fixed as soon as possible, instead of positioning yourself with a spirit of criticism. Remember: It's a test version. So let it be tested with that view.
@Noel Borthwickgreat work !

Well said! I need stability for guaranteed productivity, but I'm too curious to stay out of these threads anyway...

I think the tone in this thread - and mostly all EA threads - has been great, we Cakewalk users are a happy and friendly bunch! ?Hey, I even made a joke in this thread  (even though you put ? on it, but I most definitely deserved that with my bad word pun humor... ?) Cheers!

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4 hours ago, Milton Sica said:

I think users who want a stabilized version should keep using the production version. Those, like me, who are willing to contribute to evolution would help much more to test the features and, finding errors, why errors will exist, better detail the error found so that it can be fixed as soon as possible, instead of positioning yourself with a spirit of criticism. Remember: It's a test version. So let it be tested with that view.
@Noel Borthwickgreat work !

Early access builds are always post beta testing so are relatively stable. However the main reason for the EA program is to get wider testing and feedback on any changes so that if necessary we can address them. That said regressions are always possible due to the huge differences in workflows. 
EA is intended for users who are interested in getting an early look at features and offering feedback. That said if you are risk averse or are in the middle of a production don't install EA builds. In case anyone isn't aware we make it really easy to roll back to the last release so its fairly risk free in any case.

Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm and great feedback to help us make this an even better product.

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I'm unsure if this is the right place to post this (because I don't think it was introduced by one of the EA releases) but I realized there's a visual bug with velocity bars. If this isn't the right place to post, I apologize -- let me know and I can move the post to the appropriate place.

It's not really a big deal -- if I drag the velocity lane down until it's not visible (instead of clicking the button that toggles it) the bug doesn't happen -- as you can see in the video. Just thought I'd share it here, in case it's helpful at all:

Cakewalk doesn't log anything odd, only OutputDebugString() events happen when Cakewalk is closed:



Version Info:



Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    21H2
Installed on    ‎7/‎11/‎2021
OS build    22000.132
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.132.0



2021.09 (Build 099, x64 bit)



Edited by Gavin Ray
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1 minute ago, Milton Sica said:

Hello. We are testing version 114. I suggest you install this version to check if the problem you report has not been overcome already.

I will do this, give me about 5 minutes to update and record a new video ?

Don't  think it will fix it but I should try regardless.

(This has been present since I've first used Cakewalk -- Embarrassingly I did not realize until just recently it was a bug. I thought it was a feature meant to highlight note positions ?)

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