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Staying cool Kenny?


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Got to 108 in our neighborhood today...  That's very high for this area!

The forecast is for 114 tomorrow and Monday...  Yay.  ?

To compare, this would be like Arizona reaching 140.  It just doesn't happen here!  Typically, we may have a couple of days that hit 100, but then it's done.

Definitely NOT my type of weather!  Even with the A/C pumping and two small fans on my face, it's still about 78 in my bedroom - yuck!

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You think you got it bad, NOAA says it will scorch hellfire here on the Oregon coast to 78 degrees tomorrow even with NO air conditioning.  Starting to reconsider that I might be missing something. We are wimps out here. If it goes too much above 70, it's a climate crisis.

Sadly, in my ignorant opinion of what is happening... Climate change is the driver, direct result of us forking up our planet with the collective mindset that it is so big it can never get forked up. Reckless deforestation a big player in taking out a major buffer against temperature and drought extremes. I hope everyone can stay cool and safe with this blast. I pray to Allah and the celestial virgins that I am wrong, but have concern that this is just a preview of what may happen later in this season when things get really hot.

Stay safe, stray hydrated, stay cool. Don't leave your kids, your pets, your wife in a closed car while you get lost in the aisles of Walmart. Love you all.


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Yeah 108 today and tomorrow at over 110 plus ...Yikes ....

In the early AM  I took Milo out  (early for us) and I knew it was gonna be hotter than what the News predicted. Later on when I took him out around 4 PM  he didn't even want to stay out more than a 20 yard walk to and up the curb .

Right now at almost 10 PM and my apt is almost 80 degrees with all my stuff running to cool things off ...

I got to be careful ....I'm taking meds for both  my blood sugar and my heart ...today's walk in the heat got a little scary ...I am not somebody that likes the heat ..

Having shortness of breath with a light head and no energy at all ain't exactly a feeling that makes me feel secure in my own skin .

For the record I am grateful that my current true needs are being met . Milo and I do have a roof over our heads and there is no Wolf currently outside our door.

all the best,



PS : thanks for asking if we are OK ?

Edited by kennywtelejazz
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What are we doing to ourselves?

40% of the world's energy use is consumed by air conditioners. That puts a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere which warms the planet.

Plus the AC unit creates a little heat island where it exhausts the hot air. That also warms the planet.

So as the planet warms up, the AC works harder, uses more energy and heats the earth up even more.

And as the earth gets hotter the AC works even harder so we need more AC which heats the planet up more so we need more AC.

This seems like a feedback loop to me.

I painted my roof bright white, got rid of my lawn and planted shade trees all around my house. When it's 95 degrees outside, it's still about 80 inside, without using the AC.

The only time I turn my AC on is when guests who are AC addicted visit us. Since COVID arrived, that has been zero.

We need to do something to stop this feedback loop.

Insights and incites by Notes

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5 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

What are we doing to ourselves?

40% of the world's energy use is consumed by air conditioners. That puts a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere which warms the planet.

Plus the AC unit creates a little heat island where it exhausts the hot air. That also warms the planet.

So as the planet warms up, the AC works harder, uses more energy and heats the earth up even more.

And as the earth gets hotter the AC works even harder so we need more AC which heats the planet up more so we need more AC.

This seems like a feedback loop to me.

I painted my roof bright white, got rid of my lawn and planted shade trees all around my house. When it's 95 degrees outside, it's still about 80 inside, without using the AC.

The only time I turn my AC on is when guests who are AC addicted visit us. Since COVID arrived, that has been zero.

We need to do something to stop this feedback loop.

Insights and incites by Notes

I don't think that energy saving really helps to completely change the world's climate, in the best case it slows down a bit. On one hand there is still a frightening growth of human population (consuming all kind of resources), on the other hand there maybe other factors that change the climate (think of the past of the earth without humans, I think we aggrandise ourselves too much).

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18 hours ago, marled said:

I don't think that energy saving really helps to completely change the world's climate, in the best case it slows down a bit. On one hand there is still a frightening growth of human population (consuming all kind of resources), on the other hand there maybe other factors that change the climate (think of the past of the earth without humans, I think we aggrandise ourselves too much).

I agree. Most of the world's environmental problems IMO are caused by too many people having too many babies.

But nobody seems to want to address that problem, probably because corporations (who control the media) need more and more customers to feed their need for perpetual growth.

I read a university report that said if everybody painted their roofs white, it could buy us 100 years before the climate hits the point of no return.

And yes, when 40% of the energy used is for AC units, and energy use is a huge CO2 contributor plus the cumulative effect of the heat islands caused by the AC units are adding to the problem, requiring more AC, heating up the earth more, requiring even more AC, etc., I can see that as a feedback loop.

Over 99% of all the humans that have ever lived have done so without AC. It's not something we need. Conversely, when you are not acclimated to summer's heat because you live in a 78 degree box, when the heat waves come and when the power goes out, or even when you go outdoors, your body isn't ready for the heat, and it becomes more dangerous to your health.

Personally, I think we should do everything we can to stall off the possible extinction of humanity. I painted my roof white, planted over 30 trees on my half acre, do not use AC, do not grow a lawn but instead use native plants, drive a fuel efficient vehicle, hang my laundry on the solar clothes dryer (clothesline), generate about 1 cubic foot of garbage per week, prefer to buy needed items if I can find them without plastic packaging, got 'fixed' after my second child, and so on.

My children are grown up now, if I were young today, I would have limited my offspring to one. The world's population has almost tripled since I had my kids.

There are places regularly flooding during high tides in Ft. Lauderdale that never-ever flooded when I was a child. That condo that just collapsed in Miami had regular ocean water flooding in the bottom floors for years now, not when it was built. When I was a child, if the temperature was over 85 degrees, it made front page news in the local paper. Now 90s are common.

The solution is not to use more CO2 generating energy, but less.

Of course, the biggest solution is population reduction. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening and I can't think of a way that the leaders and populations of every country in the world would agree on how to do that if a solution was presented.

Insights and incites by Notes


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22 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

I agree. Most of the world's environmental problems IMO are caused by too many people having too many babies.




No worries!  Nature will take care of everything.  There will be a real inevitable pandemic which will decimate the population since there is so much travel and people living in cramped conditions.

Or a natural occurring weather event will obliterate the supply of food and there will be mass starvation.

In the meantime, I'm going to play some golf and then drink some beer. ?



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Just wondering - if you paint your roof white, doesn't that reflect the heat back into the atmosphere, which increases global air temp, increasing sea level rise?

And what of the energy and oil? resources to make the white paint, and to make more of when you need to repaint because it wore off from sun and wind and rain? And what if the environmental impact of the washed-off paint residue?

These are the questions!

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Arizona had record heat often last year and this year is also already breaking records. Ive lived in the mountains 20 years and we are not as hot as the Phoenix valley of the sun but are having more 100 plus days and earlier in the year. Last year all my perennial flowers and 4 trees died. There are huge wildfires making the air even indoors at times too smoky. There has been severe drought since i moved here. So different from even 20 years ago and not in a good way. 

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The entire continent of Africa used to be a tropical forest. Long before the worlds population and industry grew.

It has almost nothing to do with man. There are just as many legitimate scientists who have proven that co2 has little to do with temperature changed as those who are taking advantage of peoples fear to keep a steady flow of grant money coming in.

These people are not your friend and do not have your best interest in mind. It's all about power, control, and money. 

You really want things to change ... tax the living if you see Kay out of corporations who do not create clean energy or make truly biodegradable packaging. Not the people who have no choice to but to use those things to survive. Give tax incentives to industry for being clean and "eco-friendly". Don't double, triple, and quadruple tax the population who really has no control over it.

That's if you really want people to be free and live, which of course they don't.

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1 hour ago, Notes_Norton said:

read a university report that said if everybody painted their roofs white, it could buy us 100 years before the climate hits the point of no return.


Presumably from the university of Notreallythinkingitthrough ?

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43 minutes ago, paulo said:


Presumably from the university of Notreallythinkingitthrough ?

Way back when 9/11 happened here Jay Leno interviewed a scientist on his show. Famous Asian physicist. Can't recall his name off the top of my head.

He said the Earth's temperature increased by several degrees because all the flights had been grounded during 9/11. The particles they put in to the atmosphere reflected the suns rays back in to space and in a matter of days it had cleared up and more radiation was getting through causing temps to rise.

How long have planes been grounded and people not been allowed to travel in their cars now? Over a year? Maybe this warming trend is the norm but we've been holding it off with pollution.

He also said there was a push to make highways out of concrete rather than asphalt because the lighter concrete reflected sunlight and asphalt absorbed it and remained hot. Basically our entire country is laced with a solar oven that retains heat for extended periods of time.

There are coming sense things that can be done to help but again it all boils down to money and those in charge with power.

Why should we paint our roofs while the government is systematically paving our country with heat absorbers? Why is the burden always on us when in reality it's the government causing and allowing industry to create the problem.

Edited by Shane_B.
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