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Chernobyl Studios Cakewalk Mixing Tutorial Cancelled Due to Bugs


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36 minutes ago, ChernobylStudios said:

A rant would be a person screaming in angry passion about arguments that are not fueled by facts. What I presented in my video were clearly facts, and I expressed my disappointment and displeasure.  Nobody cares about the problem you had with it. It's not about you. It's about Cakewalk not working. 

No it's not about me. Never said it was. However this was posted in an open forum and is there to do with as we see fit within the TOS. I gave my view of it. Others gave theirs. That is what a forum is all about when there is no way to solve the issue.  Few of us have had the problems you describe.  Plus not a whole lot of information on how this happens. Steps to reproduce the issue is a good way to get something solve or a workaround.  This place is about helping each other. That is what we do here. When we are presented with a declaration of no further usage it becomes a place to comment.   

I for one want to help you solve the issues you have so you can continue to use Cakewalk.  I saw the original post as a good thing for awhile. We all want bugs fixed;  but there was not enough information to do more than simply comment. 

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Hi, @ChernobylStudios

I'm still standing by my view.

After an encounter with your malicious video, I found out that you are/were a long time user of Cakewalk, something that added to my disappointment.

Just so you get a glimpse of my background, I'm an Electronic Engineer by qualification, spent five years as a junior in component level repairs, more than two years at a power utility , then up to now at a telecoms company. A career of more than 15 years. You should somehow rest assured that I know what I am talking about. 

U surely have a lot of experience with Cakewalk,  something comparable and somehow exceeded by some of the users in this forum. The logical assumption is that u made videos out of your free will and good heart, and those that contacted you for help were probably on that understanding. The most logical thing is that is that if want employment from Cakewalk you would contact them and present your case! Without bashing the company that you clearly would like to get a slice of pizza from! In fact, who said you gotta be an ambassador of Cakewalk? Your same fans or Chanel subscribers that you have been bashing the DAW infront of? YOU DO NOT DESERVE ANY COMPENSATION, no wonder you are this angry... I still maintain my view, You should just go away.... 

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40 minutes ago, ChernobylStudios said:

You knowingly misrepresented my video as a rant and then placed fault on me for making a video on my own channel. You're not fooling anybody with your fake concern for wanting to help me. 


Sorry, I saw it as a rant just as your statement above is. Try to look at it objectively. If you do that you will see it too.  

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It puzzles me when people spar on word meanings when dictionaries have existed for centuries to settle such issues.

"Rant verb: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way."

By that definition, I do not believe that Scott was "ranting," as his demeanor in the video, while in my opinion, "impassioned" was not "wild."

Unfortunately the discussion about the video has descended to ad hominem attacks unworthy of the gentlemen involved.

Scott, I would like to point out that some of the original criticisms of the gentlemen in the forum (which included the triggering term "rant") were based upon the false assumption that it was you yourself who had posted the video here. Once they realized their mistake, most of them, being gentlemen of honor in my experience, simmered down considerably and even sided with your complaints.

It would be great if we could get back to the common goal of improving the program we like via feedback.

A representative of BandLab is here soliciting such feedback, so let's use that opportunity.

Note: to address bug squashing priority, the settings reset bug has come up because a prominent veteran user has brought it up and others on the user forum have chimed in to say that they have also experienced it and are willing to help squash it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. That's just the way it goes. If these problems were in the developers' faces all the time, they would have fixed them already.

One of the tools that a QA staff have for finding tough doggies like this is interaction with and feedback from users who are seeing it, so they need to know everything about the users' projects, systems, etc. Which plug-ins they are using and how is obviously going to be of utmost importance because the bug involves plug-ins.

And BTW, I, as a veteran of the software industry, can say that if anyone thinks they can tell a programmer "all my plug-in settings flat-line when I exit and restart the program" and they open the code and start looking for the bug, that is NOT how it goes. A programmer, or really, anyone else who is trying to fix something, is usually going to approach fixing it by observing the defect in action.

One of the BIG reasons for this is that when they start trying to apply fixes, they need to be assured that their fix worked. With intermittent problems, that is really difficult.

Scott has something valuable to the QA process, a system/project that exhibits the defect regularly. If they could send him an instrumented build or something that would probably really help, but at this point I think he'd not be up for it.

Edited by Starship Krupa
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One thing I haven't heard much about is, to which the extend is that you reached out to Cakewalk about your problems. I know personally, in the past Cakewalk has asked me for Projects that exhibit strange behavior. In some cases worked with me to resolve the issues. 

I enjoyed the videos produced on your YouTube channel. I found them interesting and helpful. However I believe the way which you are going about this is a bit tacky. <- I hope my comment doesn't end up in your next video with a 20 minute rebuttal. 

I've done things on this forum in the past that deeply regret. Not that im comparing situations.. but don't be like me. Move on and revisit in a couple months. Trust me when I tell you in 5 years from now you'll look back on this and ask yourself why ?

Good luck


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Comments and behavior in this thread are disturbing enough to totally distract from any bug fixing. So much so that it brings other "coincidences" in the past month to mind immediately for me.

  1. On March 24, the OP posted this thread, which was immediately replied to by a person who joined March 17th.
  2. A bunch of videos were then posted, and this very thread was then posted by the same OP, but the concerned party didn't respond for 5 days... although posted an hour+ video in response to feedback from a similar thread, which has since been locked.
  3. OP then makes a comment "If Bandlab fixed the bugs and offered to give him some financial support, I bet he'd be more than happy to make awesome Cakewalk tutorials."
  4. Although the direct response to that comment was already made, the person in question then responds to someone they downgraded repeatly with "If I'm to be an ambassador of this program and take part in deep bug crushing and such, I think it's quite logical that I deserve compensation."  (Ref this post in this thread)

3 and 4 above were so far out in left field that they brought attention to the rest. Cakewalk responded to the bug issues in all threads, so that tends to make the other behaviors stand out. As the other thread was locked before there was any reply and associated antics here, I am struggling on how the thought process moved from A->B. It now comes across as a "social media experiment gone bad."

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Viewing the number of clicks, I would call it all but going "viral". Since the Cakewalk staff is remarkably responsive, friendly and helpful I don't see the necessity for this dramatic appearance. I would think it's Kind of clickbait, but the channel is to small for monetarizing, so, I must say , I don't get the point. What's the intention for these Videos and streams? Just a dramatic wake-up call? 

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2 hours ago, mkerl said:

Viewing the number of clicks, I would call it all but going "viral". Since the Cakewalk staff is remarkably responsive, friendly and helpful I don't see the necessity for this dramatic appearance. I would think it's Kind of clickbait, but the channel is to small for monetarizing, so, I must say , I don't get the point. What's the intention for these Videos and streams? Just a dramatic wake-up call? 

OK. If you had been paying attention, the videos were first posted on a YouTube channel that had nothing directly to do with this forum.

Yes, the subject was Cakewalk by Bandlab, but posting videos on YouTube is free speech, in case you were wondering.

Then the video links  were posted in this forum by a 3rd party. So the video creator caught hell for allegedly posting his "rants" here. I think there have been a few assumptions made  about the video creator that are based on misdirected finger pointing.

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45 minutes ago, abacab said:

OK. If you had been paying attention, the videos were first posted on a YouTube channel that had nothing directly to do with this forum.

Yes, the subject was Cakewalk by Bandlab, but posting videos on YouTube is free speech, in case you were wondering.

Then the video links  were posted in this forum by a 3rd party. So the video creator caught hell for allegedly posting his "rants" here. I think there have been a few assumptions made  about the video creator that are based on misdirected finger pointing.

FYI, I saw the Video first on YT, because I follow Chernobyl. My first thought was, he should work his problems out with the cake staff. Next I saw the first live stream on YT and  I realized it's about a discussion here in the forum. Ok. (I spent more time on YT lastly as in forums)

You've got a nice sense of irony, but  in fact I didn't call free speech into question - I just asked for intention (if you've been paying attention, I mentioned the responsive Cakewalk support for help instead of  the appearance (at YT))

And yes, I understood, that the video was posted by third party here in the forum, and I was surprised at the long live streams on YT (total time 1 hour 49 min) (!!!) cause of the discussion here in the forum. It appears to me as An extraordinary effort. A bit dramatic to my taste.

That's just my point of view (you know, free speech and so on . . . )


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Hi Mettelus,

Since you mentioned the OP, I thought I'd add some clarity as to why I posted it,
in case there was any doubt. First of all who I am, I live in New Zealand,
and have used Cakewalk since I was a teenager.
I bought SPLAT Lifetime Updates just before Gibson cancelled it.
I've found Scott's videos on YouTube to be very helpful and if you look through his channel,
you'll find that after Sonar was cancelled, I encouraged him to try Cakewalk by Bandlab in the comments.

Very few channels give a systematic & clear explanation of Cakewalk on Y.T.,
and I consider Scott's to be the best on Y.T.

I think the future of Cakewalk is brighter with his involvement.
All I know about Scott is what I've seen of him on his channel and on the forum.
I've never met him in person nor have I ever called him on the phone.
I just consider his content incredibly well done,
and if there are certain bugs which are going to push him away,
it means that everyone who follows his channel is going to have a certain view of Cakewalk,
but if they get solved and he creates more content, more and more people will use Cakewalk.

My motivation was to bring attention to these issues (bugs),
so that Cakewalk can become better and have a bright future.

I posted his video here without his permission,
which, may not have been the best idea.
I just wanted to give the bugs some attention for the sake of Cakewalk's future.

I didn't intent to start a flame war...

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I don't think anyone is upset with you Davydh.  As said I think it was useful at first. Its the further responses that went sour. It happens as I noted for as long as there has been a program called Cakewalk. Its not new. 

The problem should be address by Bandlab.  The only way to do it efficiently is for the poster of the video to work with them to get it fixed.  I don't think its good form to post a video that bashes Cakewalk without a chance for Bandlab to fix it. 

Others have a right to a different opinion.  



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On 4/19/2019 at 6:02 PM, Mike Balzarini said:

Hey @CosmicDolphin and @petemus- you guys both mentioned having a problem with stopping playback. 

Cosmic- are you using an audio interface? If so, which model?

Pete- I see you're using a gen1 2i2. Your input echo trick sounds like  quite the workaround! Glad you have something while we figure this out. 

Let's try to connect the dots here. If we can point to an OS, device, even a certain number of tracks or certain plugins used when this starts happening we can start making progress. One of my test machines is a relatively low spec Win10 i7 ThinkPad. I've typically only run up to around 40 tracks at a time and up to 50 plugins per project, but I've never had this particular issue. Of course, it exists because we have your cases to tell us it does, but let's dig in and find out where you all are on the same page, other than the problem itself. 

I would say my non-stoppable playback issue has something to do with near-dropout situations, when running on the edge, so to speak. Then again, it might happen with smaller projects and less tracks and plugins, but less likely. It has been like that with Windows 8.1 and all incarnations of Windows 10 up to 1809, which I currently have, which leads me to believe it's something with the Focusrite drivers after all. It's happened with various versions of Focusrite drivers as well and newer really gone away completely. I have to say, that the current driver version 4.36.5 and the newest CbB versions have been working the best, even if the driver it's for 2nd generation Scarletts. ?

The unstoppable playback is like a "runaway situation" where the time display just goes on and there might be no sound at all or a very quick stuttering noise. The transport buttons stay enabled but don't do anything. In most cases clicking the input echo button makes the driver to come to its senses and control is regained without killing  the process.

Oh, and I'm currently running (the latest) CbB version on an Asus A75VJ laptop with an i7 CPU, 1TB Samsung SDD and 8 GB of RAM. It's an older setup but works quite ok  anyway with the SDD. I've also moved away from using BitBridged 32-bit plugins, which may have had an affect as well.

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On 4/19/2019 at 4:02 PM, Mike Balzarini said:

Hey @CosmicDolphin and @petemus- you guys both mentioned having a problem with stopping playback. 

Cosmic- are you using an audio interface? If so, which model?

Pete- I see you're using a gen1 2i2. Your input echo trick sounds like  quite the workaround! Glad you have something while we figure this out. 

Let's try to connect the dots here. If we can point to an OS, device, even a certain number of tracks or certain plugins used when this starts happening we can start making progress. One of my test machines is a relatively low spec Win10 i7 ThinkPad. I've typically only run up to around 40 tracks at a time and up to 50 plugins per project, but I've never had this particular issue. Of course, it exists because we have your cases to tell us it does, but let's dig in and find out where you all are on the same page, other than the problem itself. 

Hi Mike

I have a Focusrite Pro24 DSP running on Win 7 Pro , Core i5 with 16gb ram

I'll have to make a note next time it happens, I make around 100 tracks per year so it's hard to remember.  I am fairly sure it also happened with 8.5 which I used since it came out until CBB came along.

So when it happens, you press play and everything sounds fine but the stop button remains greyed out and can't be pressed. 


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Sorry about the above removed post but sometimes I get so  mad at some people that I tend to say things that are ultimately beneath me and as there are no ways to delete posts once you put them up I just had to delete the words.

That being said, I feel Chernobyl's (Scott's) pain and frustration about the issues he presents.  In fact, I admire him for using much more constraint than I would if confronted with the plug in settings  going bye- bye and the transport issue.  Fortunately, I haven't encountered them (yet anyway).  But perhaps he should have just forgone making his video until the folks at Cakewalk resolved those issues (as I'm sure they will eventually, perhaps as early as the next update).  I feel confident they are, even at this moment, working diligently to come up with a successful answer.

The negativity of some people on this forum is appalling!  John & Puddy-You both have serious attitude problems! 

?John B

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8 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

But perhaps he should have just forgone making his video until the folks at Cakewalk resolved those issues (as I'm sure they will eventually, perhaps as early as the next update). 

Except he'd already started the metal editing course with Cakewalk. Here's part one:

He felt his audience deserved to know why the rest of the course would not be able to be on Cakewalk. Otherwise everyone would be wondering why did he switch to reaper in the middle of a project?

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