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Color ID on Console View/Assignable Controls

Starship Krupa

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Here's a puzzle: I found out about the neato Assignable Controls feature today, and of course put on my purple wetsuit and took a dive to see if I could figure out how to set the colors for the text and sliders. No luck so far, haven't dived much into Custom Colors, but I did set them to "mono" and got no change. I know that at least the text color is themeable (or customisable) because in my themes, it uses the "racing green" color I set for text throughout the UI. The indicator slider shading looks the same across every theme I tried, so it's at least a color that people don't tend to change.

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One of those hidden gems most people don't know or often use.

Console View > Options > FX > Show Assignable Controls


  On 6/10/2021 at 11:06 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

The Assignable Control Name is colored by Console View > Control Text and Values


Which also affects most of the Console text.


  On 6/10/2021 at 10:49 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

Warning - restart of Cakewalk is required to respect color theme changes for these Assignable Control items.


Actually you can just close & reopen a project while leaving CbB open will do the trick.


Theme color vs. Preference color setting. Theme will prevail until color changed in Preferences, which will then prevail.

Edited by sjoens
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  On 6/10/2021 at 10:52 PM, scook said:

The feature was not new when @Craig Anderton did his write-up about using it with Channel Tools. (direct links to the old forum no longer work, his post is the second reply). His first Book of SONAR Tips came out well before this post.

Not sure if he added it back to the CbB book since BandLab added Channel Tools to CbB.


Thanks for the reminder I need to get his book.

You are the first person I've seen on the forum or YouTube who already knew about the feature. Cakewalk is so deep and has been around so long that sometimes it feels like walking around The Mines Of Moria. Minus the Orcs and Balrog.

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