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Hi all . . . so, years ago (as the story goes) a local fireworks competition was looking for some music to play behind their fireworks show . . . I wrote and submitted this piece, but it never got much traction. Seems they went with some Beethoven, Jean-Michel Jarre, and Pink Floyd . . . obviously, I could not compete. The mix didn't sound as smashed before I uploaded it (I swear) . . . but let me know your thoughts.


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I think this would've worked GREAT with a fireworks display, but unfortunately so many organizations want to stick with only "professional" productions because they know the audience will relate because they've heard it before.  It would be nice if they approached  it with an open mind and tried something new for a change.

? John B

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16 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

This sounds very nicely composed and put together to me - as you say a little smashed perhaps?

But otherwise, i really like this - obviously those Firework people have no taste?



@Bajan Blue

Thanks Nigel for taking some time to have a listen.

Edited by noynekker
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6 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

I think this would've worked GREAT with a fireworks display, but unfortunately so many organizations want to stick with only "professional" productions because they know the audience will relate because they've heard it before.  It would be nice if they approached  it with an open mind and tried something new for a change.

? John B


It's very true John, I recall there was a renegade radio station up here years back that "mostly" played original, new and unsigned bands, they didn't last very long, advertisers were not attracted or something like that ? Thanks for having a listen.

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6 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

It has a nice trajectory, the way it builds.  It kind of reminds me of the incidental music  at epcot center.  Maybe add some cannon shots (1812 overture)?  (j/k)

@David Sprouse

Thanks for listening David, of course the original version didn't sound as big as this . . . I redid it with some of the new amazing orchestral samples we have nowadays.

Yes . . . cannon shots  . . . now that takes me back to high school, we played 1812 many times ('til we got it right) . . . I recall there was a kid standing beside a really large drum . . . just waiting for the big finale.

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14 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Did you allow SC to "Master it for you" ?

Well . . . I just uploaded like I normally do . . . but maybe they treat this kind of material different than pop songs, I'll have to look into it, now that you've mentioned it.

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9 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Very powerful and moving piece of music!  I thoroughly enjoyed this.  This would make a great theme for any triumphant event!

Thank you Lynn ! . . . glad you enjoyed . . . yes, still searching for the event that would suit this piece.

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14 hours ago, mark skinner said:

 That was Very inspiring. It would have been awesome with the fireworks. You could always do your own video .. Enjoyed it .   mark

Hi Mark . . . thanks for being "inspired"  . . . ya' I have a crack professional team working on those videos right now :) . . .  ha ! . . . bit of a learning curve, for someone who has only been a songwriter, but at least I have finally that video software installed.

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I think this is an impressive composition - I think it would work quite well for a fireworks show - I could picture fireworks while I listened. I really liked the percussion track you used for this - as you say epic.

The mix sounded fine through my Sony 7506 headphones - nicely done.

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I'll just echo the comments above, and admit (tho a bit embarrassed) that I passed on this recently
(only because I was pressed for time) when I saw that it was an instrumental.
Lastly I'll say I wish I had some ability to do orchestration; obviously you do!


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