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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access 2

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9 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

@GrebzI ran into this problem and to correct it, I loaded the Tungsten theme that resides in the Cakewalk Core's Program File directory, into the Theme Editor.  I then imported the custom theme I had into the editor so that it modified the colors and icons, saved as, and it loaded no problem.

Thanks so much for sharing this info. This install is the first time my custom theme has been incompatible and I was thinking I would have to import all the updated elements individually. Your method is a quick and easy fix. Really appreciate it!

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Hm I don't know why it would get reassigned unless the preview bus itself was deleted. I assume you don't have a repro for that.
I'll take a look and see if I can spot anything obvious.

Great, good luck! ?

No, unfortunately I don't have a repro... but give me a couple of years and I might! ? I look forward to testing the 2021.04 final, to see if I still get issues with the preview bus suddenly changing.

Just out of nerd curiosity, what kind of error in the code - on a high level - caused the bug that made already listened to sounds always play through the same preview bus?

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14 minutes ago, Red Four said:
9 hours ago, Clovis Ramsay said:

@GrebzI ran into this problem and to correct it, I loaded the Tungsten theme that resides in the Cakewalk Core's Program File directory, into the Theme Editor.  I then imported the custom theme I had into the editor so that it modified the colors and icons, saved as, and it loaded no problem.

Thanks so much for sharing this info. This install is the first time my custom theme has been incompatible and I was thinking I would have to import all the updated elements individually. Your method is a quick and easy fix. Really appreciate it!

There are a couple of ways to maintain user themes.

Mercury is the theme name of the resource files used by CbB. Everything starts with Mercury.

When opening a user theme (or Tungsten), the theme editor shows the current Mercury theme with the changes made by the custom theme.

This means when new colors and images are added they are available right away in the user theme  and theme editor as they appear in Mercury.

When images change size as it the case with the inspector tabs in 2021.04, if the user theme has modified the images, they need to be updated to reflect the new size. 

For 2021.04, I opened my custom themes, deleted the old inspector tab images which reverts them to Mercury then edited the new images applying the appropriate custom color.

Depending on the themes involved sometimes it is handy to have more then one instance of the theme editor open to copy between them.

I also find it handy to keep the image editor open (in my case GIMP) with a copy of some of the old images to pick and copy colors between images.

FYI, there is a section of this forum dedicated to discussing themes and using the theme editor  https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/31-ui-themes/

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I applaud the current updating process, There is someone breathing here!!! So far, the in app update was awesome, working better than ever. And since coming from the long road from Cakewalk/Roland and then Gibson, working better than ever!!

Remember peeps, if you have a lot going on in your tune and you start experiencing problems freeze the tracks you are NOT working on, so it will make a mixdown temp file, and then Cakewalk wont need to use the plugins on those tracks... Frees up your computer resources. (shutting down the internet, and your anti-virus while working on your tunes will also free up a ton of resources/memory)  ?

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I never ran into this issue before updating today to the early access release from the last stable release. I'm losing my midi grid, especially if there are a lot of chopped up clips in lanes, it gets grayed out the more of these transparent guides that stack, not sure how else to describe it. Here is a screenshot with four midi tracks selected. 


(edit: found the "clip outline" option, don't know if that just changed when I updated or if something else changed as well)


Edited by Keaton Andrew
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Ok I have checked my 'Spacebar' issue on another computer and it turns out that this issue happens only on my laptop, so it might be not possible to reproduce it on another machine. After a context menu pop-up/close, or some dialog window like Articulation Editor, something here is stealing the focus from Cakewalk and inhibits it from getting back the keyboard strokes. I have to either Alt+TAB or mouse click on Cakewalk to bring it back to working.

I remember however, that when working with some plugins and navigating through their presets with the keyboard then closing them, same issue was true on the other computer as well. But I realize now I'm getting off topic.

Edited by chris.r
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I am an extremely loyal Sonar user going back to version 8.0.  Like many, I was burned by Gibson with the bogus "lifetime rolling updates" scam that was part of them trying to kill Cakewalk. I am just writing to say thank you to Bandlab for continuing to update and improve Sonar/Cakewalk! I switched from Apple to PC's years ago and have never looked back. Sonar has always been the best PC DAW. I guess I should start calling it Cakewalk, but old habits die hard. Anyway, Just want to let you know there are a lot of us out here that truly appreciate you saving it. That you have offered it free is almost beyond belief. It still remains one of the most complete and certainly one of the most advanced and sophisticated DAW's out there.  I used to  laugh when I would read of Pro Tools updates because they were usually years behind and most other DAW's were also quite a bit behind. Cakewalk continues to have one of the best sound engine out there. I know. I have tested it against just about all of them.  I started with Sony Acid way back when, switched to Cubase but also tried Ableton several times (matrix view is like Live on steroids if you ask me), Reaper, etc. I switched to Sonar with version 8 after downloading a demo. The first time I opened an already recorded file I could instantly hear the difference between Cubase and Sonar. I have been a loyal user ever since. Thanx for the good work and the continued updates, bug fixes, and new tools.  Thanx!   e.scarab

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1 hour ago, Jay Lucero said:

Hey guys, so I've recently bought Auto Tune from Antares and when I select the plug-in the DAW  crashes on me. please make cakewalk by BandLab, compatible with Antares plugins please and thank you

This should be logged as a standard support request. (including crash dump)


Cakewalk support here:


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1 hour ago, Jay Lucero said:

Hey guys, so I've recently bought Auto Tune from Antares and when I select the plug-in the DAW  crashes on me. please make cakewalk by BandLab, compatible with Antares plugins please and thank you

Have you raised the same issue with antares? They have a better chance of making it compatible since they wrote the plugin. The crash is in the plugin not the DAW.

If you send the dump file to them they will know what the issue is. You can also send us the dump file for analysis.

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Hi, I've just recently acquired the recent early access update, and I do have to say it looks pretty neat. One thing I have an issue with though is with the new Plug-in Menu; the old one had worked pretty well so far, and it is understandable that it does need improving. However, one QoL thing that didn't get integrated with the new menu is that I can't just click on the categories to display their options, basically forcing me to wait about a full second just to grab a plugin from it, let alone attempting to search for one that you're sure you've seen before somewhere.

It is a very welcome change, of course, but this new menu could use this feature from the old menus (which still exist for other options too).

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Just now, Broken Moon said:

Hi, I've just recently acquired the recent early access update, and I do have to say it looks pretty neat. One thing I have an issue with though is with the new Plug-in Menu; the old one had worked pretty well so far, and it is understandable that it does need improving. However, one QoL thing that didn't get integrated with the new menu is that I can't just click on the categories to display their options, basically forcing me to wait about a full second just to grab a plugin from it, let alone attempting to search for one that you're sure you've seen before somewhere.

It is a very welcome change, of course, but this new menu could use this feature from the old menus (which still exist for other options too).

@Broken Moon I don't follow there should be no obvious change in that area. Are you sure that you are seeing a difference? Can you describe it better or post a video of what you are seeing?

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10 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Broken Moon I don't follow there should be no obvious change in that area. Are you sure that you are seeing a difference? Can you describe it better or post a video of what you are seeing?

Ah, I guess it's a little hard to describe by words. Though I don't have a means to record, I am certain that I could feel a difference in speed. Most dropdowns allow you to click on nested options to open them faster, but that feature is noticeably absent on the new menu.

It's this one just to be clear:

Edited by Broken Moon
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