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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.04 Early Access

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Hello Guys. Nice Update.

But... I can´t find this option: Help > Sign Out from BandLab

And Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\PC2ALevelingAmplifier there is only one folder called Resource with no DLL inside. I can´t find PC2A.

Thank you.


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  On 4/17/2021 at 10:22 PM, Andres Medina said:

PC2A vs CA-2A:

I wonder if the PC2A is the same plugin as CA2A?

I see just one difference: CA-20 has the option to sidechain it. I don't  see this option in PC2A





It is identical. The "PC" in "PC2A" literally stands for "ProChannel." Thats it. I believe Softube had this version of it? 

So it's only a Prochannel version of it, like with some Boz plugins and Softube FET and EQ ProChannel versions back in Sonar. 


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  On 4/17/2021 at 12:55 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

Its most likely because those folders are not sub menus as I explained above. So you need to click them to open a new menu.


Like @User 905133 said. My confusion might be what I interpret as "SUB FOLDERS." 

To make this clear: To me - the main folder is the "plugin layout" such as "category and manufacture." So what ever folders are in them - they become "Sub folder" to me.

Like in the "Category Layout" sub folder to me are the EQ, DYNAMIC, DELAY, REVERB, MODULATION, folders with the little arrow next to it - that expands the "flatbed list/flyout,popup/multicolumn" window.

? Probably my mistake. Sorry. 

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I'm having a problem with the theme.

In the Cakewalk Theme Editor I discoloured all plugin type icons. 


But in the Cakewalk side they seem all coloured in the Plug-in Browser.


Actually this issue is not new. I was having this issue for a long time, older themes was working without problem. I mean icons are seeing in grayscale with the old custom themes. However, this became a problem as the new version no longer supports the old themes.

These images belongs to the Tungsten theme but I tried it with the Mercury Theme too. The result is the same, the changes made in the Theme Editor to the icons are not seeing on the Cakewalk side.


The working theme files belongs to early 2020's. I guess this issue came with an update to Cakewalk Theme Editor in Q3 2020.

Edited by murat k.
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  On 4/17/2021 at 11:17 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

We mute uploaded mixdowns if you are also uploading tracks, otherwise you would get doubled audio. If you upload just a full mixdown it shouldn't be muted. Are you seeing that happen?

Its possible that there could be tiers for more than 16 tracks but I don't know of any immediate plans. Feel free to contact BandLab support for enquiries or requests.
For BandLab specific help you can contact support@bandlab.com


Yeah I'm having mixdowns muted when no other tracks are uploaded. See screenshot below for the settings I choose.


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  On 4/17/2021 at 11:48 PM, User 905133 said:

@Noel BorthwickI saw in another thread these (the new non-scrolling lists) were referred to as cascading menus and fly-out menus.  I see also that others are using different words.

To avoid confusion, what have they been called internally, or rather what will they be called when officially released? 

(Apologies if its in the EA features/changes description already.)


 Nothing fancy lol, multi-column custom plug-in menus maybe. It’s a rework of the CbB plugin menu layout code that overcomes the Windows menu limitations and adds several customizations. Windows menus don’t support more than about 1100 menu items so this was the primary reason why we did this, but then we went beyond and added scrolling keyboard handling, multi-column support, better categorization, etc.

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I did some tests this morning to see if I could quantify this a little more. I have tried it a few times betwen 2020.01 and 2020.04 EA using the rollback installer. I can now say for sure that I get a lot  more dropouts with the EA. To try and show this I have increased DropoutMsec from 250 to 2500 msec so that playback wouldn't stop in EA. I then played 1m20s of my project in both 2021.01 and 2021.04 EA. Here are the results. The max engine load is not that much more in EA, but with this project it generates almost 45% more late buffers. At the default DropoutMsec of 250 msec, the project normally plays true, or at least for the most part, with crackle in 2020.01 and stops after a few seconds on EA.

In case this might be seen differently: I give this as information if it could be helpful in anyway to the devs. It is not something I am complaining about. I am totally aware that this project is too complex, using plugings that are probably too cpu intensive pushing my PC to its limit.



2021.04 EA


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  On 4/18/2021 at 2:59 PM, Andres Medina said:

A little thing, not important, but strange, new to this release.

In track view, sometimes I get this vertical grey line randomly appearing in a track. See screenshot.

I´ll try to reproduce it and report it.



Got it:

1. Insert midi or audio track

2. Press NumPad - any number (1,2,3)

Then the grey line appears an moves depending on the number typed.


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  On 4/18/2021 at 3:09 PM, Andres Medina said:

By the way, just found out that using the NumPad when assigned to screenshots via shortcuts, doesn't work or work randomly: Sometimes it triggers the linked screenshot, sometimes it doesn't.


This may be what turned on the enhanced editor. AFAIK, the numbers on the typewriter side of the keyboard should be used for screensets.

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  On 4/18/2021 at 3:11 PM, scook said:

This may be what turned on the enhanced editor. AFAIK, the numbers on the typewriter side of the keyboard should be used for screensets



Yes, I already have assigned the screensets that way: the trouble is that sometimes pressing the numbers invokes the screenset, sometimes it does nothing.

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  On 4/17/2021 at 8:39 PM, msmcleod said:

Sorry, cannot reproduce:



I think I have figured this out and I believe it is a bug. Everything does work correctly just like on your video UNLESS you have an open Piano roll window in the troublesome screenset. Try to do the same now with  Piano roll on the screenset without tempo track but with arranger track present. Arranger track diappears every time you switch from tempo map screenset.

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