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x-fade Slip editing is royally horked

Josh Wolfer

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It's been doing this for a couple releases now and it's driving me insane. I uploaded a video since that's a lot easier to show the issue.

This happens in multiple projects. I'd go as far as to say, probably all of them.

When slip editing on Crossfades (shift edge clip over a xfade) - to move the edge + keep the xfade area, it moves random surrounding clip edges. 

And what's worse is "Undo" only undoes the change I made to the clip I'm slip editing. it LEAVES the horked surrounding clips. And it's not always obvious when Cakewalk has decided to betray me.  

  • I had troubles reproducing the issue again, at first, but I uploaded the full video just to show extra
  • At 1:49 I thought I'd reproduced it, but it was just a temporary visual glitch that fixes itself when you let go of the mouse button. The audio is fine.
  • At2:50 you can see where it highlights the clip to the left of the clip I'm working on (even though the audio isn't moved.... yet. But I have a feeling this is related somehow)
  • At 3:40 is the first ACTUAL reproduction of the bug. And then there's many more later. 

So if you want to skip directly to the issue, go to 3:40 and beyond. 

I hit this so often, I simple just can't use the shift slip editing at all. 


Enjoy and thanks bakers! Can't wait for this one to be fixed. ;)

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By the way there are still a couple of "bugs" editing in take lanes. This is not the only one!

That's why I started to have an extra working track to do my edits on take lane clips, and then I move them back into the take lanes. Like this I can avoid most of the issues. But lately I had also such a cross-fade issue like the OP. I suspect it has something to do that it is the same clip split into several pieces and their contents is shifted within the clip. Then when you try to cross-fade the pieces sometimes it behaves strange (in different ways). Don't know! But to fix the problem I had to do cross-fade and bounce for 2 clips only at a time!

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