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Would you buy Cakewalk By Bandlab?


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If CbB ever went back to the Sonar days with an initial purchase and then paid upgrades, would you jump on board?

Right now I keep switching back and forth between Studio One and CbB but with the latest updates to S1V5.2 I don't think I would financially support two DAW's if they ever started charging for CbB. And I definitely wouldn't even consider another DAW that currently charges.

I can see people in a working studio who had to collaborate with others on a daily basis having every DAW there is available but would a home user shell out money for more than one DAW? Especially seeing how in depth they are and how much effort it takes to learn one well enough to be proficient at using it.

Right now I have all of my projects exported out of Sonar and although it would be a pain to load, remix, and remaster everything in another DAW it can be done and I have done it before.

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I shelled out for:

Studio One 5.x

Mixcraft 9 (PC Only, I'm less likely to upgrade in the future for more than $40 as the last upgrade was $30)

Samplitude 5 (PC Only, I will probably not upgrade any more)

Pro Tools 2020 Perpetual

Digital Performer 10

Cubase 11

Reaper (the cheaper pricing)

Mixbus/MIxbus 32C


Logic X (Mac only)


Would I shell out for CbB if it become paid for again? Not likely unless the re-entry cost was $99 or less and yearly version upgrades were $49. For what I use it for the locked down current version would be sufficient (just to create a tracking shell with markers for my CbB collaborators).


Edited by Bapu
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You sure do Have a lot of software.


I can't warm up to Reaper. I tried. A lot. My brain has been hardwired for Sonar and I'm only just now starting to get that way with Studio One. And now that spring is here, all my stuff is going back in the basement, and I'll forget everything again, and start all over in the fall, and finally get good by spring, and the cycle will repeat. LOL.

I know I sound like a broken record but they really blew me away with this last update. And it was free to current owners of 5. I've seen reports of it being unstable for some people but it actually runs smoother on my system than 5.1 did and I can still honestly say I have never had 1 crash. I've had VST's flake out, but Studio One always gives me the option to save rather than just CTD and Studio One itself has never crashed in any version that I can recall.

I'm convinced that whole crashing and instability thing is directly related to your Mobo/CPU/RAM's compatibility. 99% of my instability problems have gone away since I took Jim's advice a long time ago about using RAM the Mobo manufacture's have tested with the Mobo you are using. I just always assumed that you could pick and choose any RAM to go with a Mobo and you were good. That is 100% not the case.

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That depends on pricing and availability. As it stands out, upgrading to Studio One 5 (I have Studio One 2 Artist) for me is just a matter of having the money and the appropriate credit card for it. Another alternative a bit on the more expensive side would be upgrading to Cubase Elements 11 for 50 EUR, having Cubase LE 10.5.

I think Cakewalk by Bandlab has a looong way to go in terms of features, performance and workflow for Bandlab to even think about selling it, otherwise you risk becoming another SAW Studio.

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I doubt we'll ever see the old pricing models again.  Everything is SAAS now (Software as a Service) with monthly subscriptions.  I hate them because I can't stand the thought of someday not being able to run a program because I didn't keep up with the subscription!

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  On 3/10/2021 at 4:20 PM, Bruno de Souza Lino said:

That depends on pricing and availability. As it stands out, upgrading to Studio One 5 (I have Studio One 2 Artist) for me is just a matter of having the money and the appropriate credit card for it. Another alternative a bit on the more expensive side would be upgrading to Cubase Elements 11 for 50 EUR, having Cubase LE 10.5.

I think Cakewalk by Bandlab has a looong way to go in terms of features, performance and workflow for Bandlab to even think about selling it, otherwise you risk becoming another SAW Studio.


Studio One 5 Artist now supports VST plugins out of the box. Add-ons for VST are no longer required!

I tried the Cubase Elements demo a few years ago and quite liked it.

A lot of nice features are included in Elements, and no license dongle thingy needed either! ?

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  On 3/10/2021 at 4:43 PM, craigb said:

I doubt we'll ever see the old pricing models again.  Everything is SAAS now (Software as a Service) with monthly subscriptions.  I hate them because I can't stand the thought of someday not being able to run a program because I didn't keep up with the subscription!


I hate them too. My lack of faith in software and PC's is the reason why I hung on to my ancient Tascam 488 cassette based 8 track. You can still get NOS Maxell UDS-II 90 tapes which were excellent. Last year I recorded a bunch of acoustic songs on it and transferred them to my DAW to mix. I had a great time doing it and I had to do almost no EQ'ing or anything else ITB. Got some faux analog warmth and my levels all just seemed to be right. I say faux because I know it's not the same as reel to reel, but it's still better than nothing or a tape emulator.

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