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Bad day.


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I just had to put my only friend and companion down about an hour ago. RIP Windy you were a good girl and daddy loved you so much. She was 16.

I'm so heartbroken and lonely right now. My wife is out of town in Texas. It was sudden and I had to take Windy to the vet and do it by myself. My wife doesn't know yet because I didn't want to upset her while she's at a jobsite. The house is so quiet and empty and I can't stand the silence. My head is killing me from crying and the ringing in my ears is off the charts from my bp being elevated. I can't stand being here. Now I have to go pick up her blankets, food, water, and put all her things away.

The last month has been really rough here taking care of her by myself while my wife has been gone. Thanks everyone for being here and making me laugh through all of this.

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1 hour ago, bayoubill said:

so sorry to hear about your loss Shane.  My heart and prayers are with you,  Good that you are saving the tragic news till your wife gets back for such a private matter. 

Thanks Bill. It's good to see you here. We've been worried about you. Hope things are going better.

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Thanks Shane. I had cataract surgery yesterday morning. I had an eye patch all day. I drove XX crazy saying arrhhhh before anything I said. I was on drugs so it wasn't my fault. I'm getting my other eye done Thurday so that will be over with. I'm still on antibotics with  over a week to go then I will have the feeding  tube put in. Eating has become very dificult the last couple of months and I choke on everything I try to swallow.   I just don't get any pleasure out of eataing nowadays. I feel poorly too. 

Hopefully better days are ahead so I will smile and assume it is so.

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3 hours ago, Shane_B. said:

I just had to put my only friend and companion down about an hour ago. RIP Windy

Sorry to hear about your loss Shane.   We had to put one of our cats down last year due to cancer. She was only 5 1/2 years old and my wife's baby. The whole family went and we were all crying saying good-bye to her.  It is okay to cry, for they are part of the family.

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5 1/2 is way too young. I'm sorry to hear that. And yepper, they are part of the family. Everything we did revolved around the dogs in one way or another.

I can't get used to the silence in the house without her. It's horrible. I never noticed how loud the ***** furnace and CPU fan is on my DAW before. It's driving me insane. ?

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Trying to find a positive for you........you now have 2/3 of the ingredients to write a country song and it sounds as if making some noise might be a good idea. You can just pretend that your truck broke down/got stolen.?


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4 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Does it have to be a country song ?         I know it is hard now but try to think of all the joy she brought you.

Yep you are right. She was a 16 year old lab that beat cancer 3 years ago and kidney failure for 2 of those 3 years. She was truly an amazing dog. They told us at MU that only about 1% of the dogs they treat go in to total remission like she did and 0% live 3 years after. They use her as an example to other people as to what can happen if you catch it early enough. My vet here locally told me he's had people ask him about her because they heard of her at MU and MU is 3.5 hours round trip from here. I'm not saying this because I'm biased but she truly was an amazing dog. The vet said it's an absolute miracle how she beat all that and lived 3 years after and she was the oldest dog in his practice. People bring their pets to MU Vet Oncology from all over the country. It was a hell of a good run she had and she's given a lot of other crazy dog people like us hope all over the country. You can't ask for anything better than that.

I don't do sad old country songs anymore. I was born and raised on that stuff and I can't stand it anymore. I enjoy listening to it because those old recordings are fantastic on vinyl but it brings me down too much. I don't even play it for my own enjoyment anymore while I'm just plucking away on my acoustic on the couch. Hence the I Hear You Knocking cover and I have some other more rock oriented ones I've been tinkering with but it will be a while. I can't sit still and my mind wanders. I've lost 6 lb's in 2 days. I can't eat and I can't sit down. This is how my weight loss journey (i hate when people use that word lol) started before. When her sister Maggie died I couldn't eat for 3 weeks. I lost 50lb's and ended up in the hospital with kidney stones from being dehydrated. I never thought I could lose weight at my age so when I started dropping I joined a gym and lost the rest. I'm embarrassed to say how much but it was A LOT. I won two weight loss competitions back to back at the gym. I won $6K. All because of Maggie. Isn't that something?

Thanks guys for letting me vent and helping me through this.

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If you asked me what the best day of my life was, I'd have to write down a top-10 list and then sort it before I could answer.

Ask me what the worst day of my life was, and I can give you an exact date and time. That was the day I put down my last dog.

A comedian once said "a psychic told me I'd have an emotionally devastating experience in 15 years, so I got a puppy to cheer me up." Yeh, I can laugh about it now, but only if I don't think about it too long.

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Have to agree bitflippe,r putting our last cat down only 5 years old had our whole family in tears. She was just a sweetheart and very social feline. My wife is still missing her after 14 months.  Me I still miss my White cat growing up. She was  only a family cat. She owned us and nobody outside the family dared to get near her. Always thought she was a mean cat. She was just extremely protective of her space.  When everyone left she would want to sit on one of our laps and curl up.  Pets really do become part of the family.

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