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Import multiple clips into 1 audio track?


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Do this:

  • Create your audio track
  • Open up the take lanes (this will create one take lane)
  • Drag all of the files to the take lane

This will put each clip in a separate lane within the same track.

To make it a single clip:

  • Select all the lanes
  • Right click one of the clips, and select "Bounce to Clip(s)"

You may want to adjust the overall clip gain level after doing this, and Bounce to Clip(s) again.

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@scook there is also a feature called "Flatten Comp" which creates a new take lane composed of all the other (comped) takes and then solos it (in take lane, not track). the take shows an "unlock" icon which indicates the "clip data" is locked -  it's not (apparently) a destructive operation as the takes are in one WAV file and the new one is in another WAV file.



Edited by Glenn Stanton
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  On 1/19/2021 at 4:50 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

@scook there is also a feature called "Flatten Comp" which creates a new take lane composed of all the other (comped) takes and then solos it (in take lane, not track). the take shows an "unlock" icon which indicates the "clip data" is locked -  it's not (apparently) a destructive operation as the takes are in one WAV file and the new one is in another WAV file.


Thanks but why are you telling me about this?

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  On 1/16/2021 at 4:58 PM, msmcleod said:

Do this:

  • Create your audio track
  • Open up the take lanes (this will create one take lane)
  • Drag all of the files to the take lane

This will put each clip in a separate lane within the same track.

To make it a single clip:

  • Select all the lanes
  • Right click one of the clips, and select "Bounce to Clip(s)"

You may want to adjust the overall clip gain level after doing this, and Bounce to Clip(s) again.


What defines the order / timeline position of these clips that are drag-dropped in one go? The order in which they've been selected?  Unless they are Broadcast waves with a time stamp. Or do you have to move them oe by one after dragging? 

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  • 10 months later...
  On 12/20/2021 at 10:30 PM, andrplx said:

I believe I'm looking for the same thing
I want to open a series of files, one after the other, in the same track to compile a series of poems for an audiobook.

Is there a way to do this?


If you hold down CTRL + SHIFT while dragging the clips on to the track, they'll be put on the same track one after another.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 12/21/2021 at 3:25 AM, msmcleod said:

If you hold down CTRL + SHIFT while dragging the clips on to the track, they'll be put on the same track one after another.


I can't remember the last time I logged into a forum to post anything at all. It quite honestly may have been back in the the Star Wars Galaxies era. But I wanted to log in and say thank you for this response. I can't tell you how long it took me to figure out how to get snapping to work correctly just so I could speed up dragging in multiple files (hundreds of files) and getting them to line up without having to zoom in/out repeatedly.

And now I can CTRL+SHIFT and drag it does it all for me! With just one sentence you have saved me countless hours of work my friend, so THANK YOU!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all. I'm new here but I'm not new to DAW's ?(just in case you might ask!). The CTRL-SHIFT answer is already a great step for what I want to achieve, but the WAV files I'm willing to import are BWF type: i.e. time-stamped. So, when I drag them on the track they positioned themselves at the right place. Creating silence between them as on the original DAW. Very nice, except that gaps between each file are just what I want to avoid ! Maybe there is a way to delete all gaps between clips but I didn't find a command to achieve this... Any help much appreciated.

And congrats to the developers of this amazing piece of software ?

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  On 10/30/2023 at 9:54 AM, Luc Henrion said:

... So, when I drag them on the track they positioned themselves at the right place. Creating silence between them as on the original DAW. Very nice, except that gaps between each file are just what I want to avoid ! Maybe there is a way to delete all gaps between clips but I didn't find a command to achieve this...


so which is it? the BW files are going where they're supposed and mimic the positions in the original DAW?


they're not going to the right place and there are unintended gaps between them somehow?

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