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Come Back Bub ...


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Honey I'm home!

Well, actually I've been stuck home since Feb. 2020 like everyone else, with my wife who is working from home. Hence the boredom, forum surfing, getting back in to recording, trying to avoid searching for how to tie nooses for home use. That kind of thing.

I hope everyone is doing well and getting by in these odd viral times. I'm fortunate in that not much has changed except my wife is working from home now which I'm getting used to. I'll miss her when she finally has to go back to the office.

Steve, Bapu, Craigb, (anyone) fill me in on what I missed will ya. I'll go make some popcorn.

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16 minutes ago, bayoubill said:

I miss his Avatar 

I tried to attach it in my signature but I can't seem to find a free pic hosting service that doesn't put a big giant watermark over your pic. 

Actually though, my real pic is more scary than Bub. ?

Good to see you btw. 

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Shane, I'm still here for the frivolity just not the DAW much anymore.

In my signature click on BJZ link (Bapu, James1213 & Zargg). We've done 11 songs so far. The first 50% were recorded/mixed in CbB. The rest in Studio One Pro 4/5 although James still records Splat or CbB. 

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1 hour ago, Bapu said:

Shane, I'm still here for the frivolity just not the DAW much anymore.

In my signature click on BJZ link (Bapu, James1213 & Zargg). We've done 11 songs so far. The first 50% were recorded/mixed in CbB. The rest in Studio One Pro 4/5 although James still records Splat or CbB. 

Same here. I haven't touched my DAW in almost 3 years. I just had major surgery in October plus I've been stuck in the house for a year now like everyone else so I'm getting back in to it while I'm down. I'm still running Studio One Pro 3 but I'm going to join the Sphere bandwagon. Once spring rolls around I'll be able to get out and do things again so the Sphere subscription works great for me. I recently got high speed internet out here in the country so a whole new world of options have opened up in regard to what I can download/Sphere.

I tried CbB a few times and it's working like a charm. After all these years I still prefer using it over S1 or anything else. It's like visiting an old friend. But Sphere offers so much for $15 bucks.

I recently bought BiaB and on their forum they are suggesting people get CbB just so they can use TTS-1 with BiaB. You can also use BiaB directly in any DAW too so it's a great combo with CbB.

I'll check out your music. I've always liked everything you guys put out. Sorry to see Beyond My DAW is gone. When I pulled my DAW/PC out of storage and set it up it was the first site I went to. The site never did work on my cell so I never checked it on it.

Edited by Shane_B.
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2 hours ago, craigb said:

Welcome back Bub!  Here's a bullet-point detail of what's new since you were last on:

  • Some censorship.


Well it's a good thing I never say anything stoopid.

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What's nice about the rise of CbB and this new forum is it seems we can now actually use the names of other DAWs without moderation retribution.

I suspect that is because if I promote <insert DAW name here> and anyone goes and buys it, not one penny/pence of revenue is taken away from BandLab. ? 


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1 minute ago, bayoubill said:

Maybe we should start a poll to decide which members should or shouldn’t use their real picture  

In my own defense, I have lost a lot more weight since that pic was taken. ?

About 4 days after that pic was taken in may of 2018 I got hit by a schoolbus that ran a stop sign doing 40MPH. Totaled my (er, uh, my wife's) brand new truck and almost killed me. Good times. Good times.

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Just now, Shane_B. said:

In my own defense, I have lost a lot more weight since that pic was taken. ?

About 4 days after that pic was taken in may of 2018 I got hit by a schoolbus that ran a stop sign doing 40MPH. Totaled my (er, uh, my wife's) brand new truck and almost killed me. Good times. Good times.

Oh my, I am so glad you're still with us.

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