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Show Clip Outlines in Tungsten and derivatives

Starship Krupa

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As the author of a Tungsten-based theme, I'm kind of puzzled about how in PRV, the only themes where I can notice the effect of View/Show Clip Outlines are the lighter ones.

Mercury, MIL-SPEC Alpha, other lighter themes both show the clip outlines as an overlay.

There seems to be some way to set this, as I see that Flat White Matcha and MIL-SPEC Alpha differ slightly, but I can't find it in TE or TYLIP.

Also, in PRV, when a track is armed for recording, the view background and clip take on a pinkish hue. This seems to be universal, in every theme I can find, but has anyone figured out how to change it?

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1 hour ago, Starship Krupa said:

 I'm kind of puzzled about how in PRV, the only themes where I can notice the effect of View/Show Clip Outlines are the lighter ones.

Mercury, MIL-SPEC Alpha, other lighter themes both show the clip outlines as an overlay.

There seems to be some way to set this, as I see that Flat White Matcha and MIL-SPEC Alpha differ slightly, but I can't find it in TE or TYLIP.

It definitely uses the "Clip Background" color as a tint, e.g. I get brown/grey outlines in STEAMPUNK, which uses a dark brown background for clips.

In TUNGSTEN I can't see anything, until I select the clips and manually set their backgrounds to a light color, i.e:



It's a shame that TUNGSTEN, being a canonical default theme, uses a color combination that renders the clip outlines invisible. But I guess (I know) it's hard to cover every possible case and still have something aesthetically pleasing.


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Clip outlines in the PRV are not a big deal for me, but it did have me puzzled that Tungsten wasn't showing them.

The tint that tracks take on when they are armed for recording is something I'm interested in because I like to reduce ambiguity, and the shift to a slight dusty rose tint doesn't really stand out enough.

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I've recreated the same PRV colors in both Mercury & Tungsten with the same results:

Setting View>Show Clip Outlines does absolutely nothing in either theme. I believe it is disabled.

Changing Track/Clip colors in the Inspector does not affect PRV Note colors or TV "Notes" view. They can be changed in Preferences as can the Note background colors.

 To change PRV Note color, go to MIDI Tracks x, xx, xx... Foreground in Preferences.

This too is broken tho. My track 10,  which is MIDI track 5, is affected by MIDI Tracks 9, 19, 29... Foreground. ?

There is no REC-ARM color in T.E. To change, go to Record Preview Clip Background in Preferences.

REC-ARM only affects Track View, not the PRV.

On 1/11/2021 at 1:19 PM, Starship Krupa said:

Also, in PRV, when a track is armed for recording, the view background and clip take on a pinkish hue. 


Edited by sjoens
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
On 1/11/2021 at 6:36 PM, Colin Nicholls said:

Definitivamente usa el color "Clip Background" como tinte, por ejemplo, obtengo contornos marrones / grises en STEAMPUNK, que usa un fondo marrón oscuro para los clips.

En TUNGSTEN no puedo ver nada, hasta que selecciono los clips y configuro manualmente sus fondos a un color claro, es decir:



Es una pena que TUNGSTEN, al ser un tema canónico predeterminado, use una combinación de colores que hace que los contornos del clip sean invisibles. Pero supongo (lo sé) que es difícil cubrir todos los casos posibles y aún así tener algo estéticamente agradable.


Wow, I was surprised, buddy, how do you keep the dots from showing? I tried to do it but nothing



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