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Catastrophic Failure On Export Since new Update

Mark Morgon-Shaw

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I thought it might be a one off issue with a Project or Plugin but it's also happening on stuff that was fine pre-update to 2020.11

Basically File-Export-Audio will generate a " catastrophic failure " error.

I read a couple of other posts where they had the same issue and switched off " Fast Bounce " as suggest there and bingo...it  exports just fine

I also found I could the handy little Export Module in the Control Bar..and I was able to bounce out the mix as long as I left it on " Project " and not " Selection "

So I am working around it for now but it's a bit annoying !

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Fortunately I cannot reproduce this! Because exporting either a mix or single tracks is crucial for me I did some short tests. All is okay! It seems it has something to do with your export or project settings or with a plugin. Maybe if others have a similar problem it can be found out what is the cause ?. But it seems that it is no general failure.

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What @marled said. 

I've created about 4 folder stems so far with the new 2020.11 update - with ease. 

Only thing I wish was available with Exports in CbB, is " Album Cover TAGS" on export and a "Shortcut Keyboard" for Exporting. (Wait - let me do a quick run through the keyboard shortcut TAB in preferences. A shortcut might be possible already.)

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1 hour ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Mark Morgon-Shaw are you sure that its new to this update - did you try a rollback?
If its a new issue can you share the project file that has the issue?

Hi Noel

I've tried a few things this afternoon just by process of elimination ..

Bypass All FX - same result

Switch Off All VSTI's in synth rack - same result

Delete Arranger track - Success !...Project will now export normally 

Add New Arranger track ( plus selection..just one arranger region for whole track  )  - Problem re-appears.

I went back and tried it on a few older projects from Feb/March time ( before the arranger was added to CBB ) and those projects seem to behave normally either way.

So I am not sure - Maybe it's something in my own template that's misbehaving when the Arranger track is present. I will see if I can narrow it down.    



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Hi, I seem to be having similar difficulties. The recorded tracks are fine but as soon as I export them to, for example, a mastering project, I start to get random audio dropouts. I have tried a variety of ways to do this but get the same result. Can you help with this frustrating problem.



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12 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Mark Morgon-Shawcan you try rolling back to the last release just to verify for sure whether this is really a new symptom?

I can , if you can point me to the best method

I've just had another epiphany though.....

I have been using the Arranger to make it easier to select the region for the Export , so I just drag it out from just before the start of the music and long enough past the end point for everything to fade out. This makes it very easy for repeatable exporting of stems and alt mixes. as they all need to be exact and it's faster than using markers for example.

Therefore when I've made my Export selection I've just clicked on the Arranger region which has selected all tracks in one click and whilst it's all highlighted gone to the File-Export-Audio screen.

It would seem that it's the Arranger region being selected / highlighted / in focus or however you want to describe it at the time of the File-Export-Audio menu being chosen that  is causing the issue. If I un-select the arranger region all exports work as expected.

Attached pic of selection that causes issue.



Edited by Mark Morgon-Shaw
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2 hours ago, msmcleod said:

@Mark Morgon-Shaw - can you PM @Jonathan Sasor with the cwp file?

I've tried exporting some of my projects using an arranger section to select the region, and it's all working fine for me.

There must be something else causing this.

Thanks - this one was too large to attach but I have sent another with the same issue. 

  • Thanks 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

I seem to be having the same issue in the last few weeks. I thought I had tracked down the cause to be plugin alliance vertigo vsm- 2 as I did trial and error with all plugins on a project and that seemed to be the culprit. I reinstalled cake and the plugin then everything worked fine for a few days. Now it’s rearing it’s ugly head again. Get the catastrophic error on export. Whether or not vertigo is on the project now. If I don’t select fast bounce it goes through the process and seems fine but then you open up the bounced audio and it’s usually cut off part way through.  Is there something I can do to provide what’s going on in my situation? 

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Not the newest machine

Windows 10 pro build 18363.1256

intel i5 cpu

4gb ram (more on the way)

yes I need upgrade. 

seems to be just this particular project. I just successfully  bounced another (a more plugin heavy project with the Vertigo plug in on it btw) l will try to rebuild this problem one but keeps happening seemingly randomly to me to various projects when exporting lately. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting trash on exporting projects to a .wav file.

I can assure you that this was not my intent.

I use Cakewalk daily for my work.  This started happening with the most recent build.

If I freeze tracks they are fine in the project but the exported mix sounds like this.

I've turned off the limiter and the reverb.  I've tried three different export formats.

I've exited and entered the cakewalk.

same result

I've changed the audio buffer (though that should not have anything to do with it, I'm grasping at straws).

It does not crash so while related to this thread it is not the same bug.

I'm not sure where the previous version of Cakewalk is as I would try rolling back to that.

David Thiel

Pinball Audio Artist

Screenshot 2020-12-24 132315.jpg


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