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2020.11 Feedback

Morten Saether

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Wow. Fantastic addition the articulation map feature. I'm already updating my instruments with brand new AM.!}

I encountered two issues:

1. some exported maps doesn't re-import , and I haven´t figured out why, despite some tests.

When I try to load the exported map, double clicking on it does nothing, as well as clicking the + command do nothing as well.

I tried in sessions with already loaded VSL instruments, and on blank sessions with no instrument loaded at all.

Other custom created maps work just fine.

Anyone having the same problem? 

I enclose one of my custom created maps [Horns a 4.artmap], for testing.


2. When editing an existing map, sometimes the "Articulation Groups" doesn't work fine: when adding a new group via the "+" command, instead of adding a a new group, the first group name is erased and replaced by "New Articulation Group" text. The articulations remain in the group anyway. Each time I add a new group, the next group is overwritten in the same way. I guess this is a bug. Enclosed the map behaving weird [Trombones a 3.artmap] - By the way, may be the file gets corrupted in some way, as I think this behavior has something to do with the inability to re-load a customized map.

Horns a 4.artmap Trombones a 3.artmap

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13 hours ago, Andres Medina said:

Wow. Fantastic addition the articulation map feature. I'm already updating my instruments with brand new AM.!}

I encountered two issues:

1. some exported maps doesn't re-import , and I haven´t figured out why, despite some tests.

When I try to load the exported map, double clicking on it does nothing, as well as clicking the + command do nothing as well.

I tried in sessions with already loaded VSL instruments, and on blank sessions with no instrument loaded at all.

Other custom created maps work just fine.

Anyone having the same problem? 

I enclose one of my custom created maps [Horns a 4.artmap], for testing.


2. When editing an existing map, sometimes the "Articulation Groups" doesn't work fine: when adding a new group via the "+" command, instead of adding a a new group, the first group name is erased and replaced by "New Articulation Group" text. The articulations remain in the group anyway. Each time I add a new group, the next group is overwritten in the same way. I guess this is a bug. Enclosed the map behaving weird [Trombones a 3.artmap] - By the way, may be the file gets corrupted in some way, as I think this behavior has something to do with the inability to re-load a customized map.

Horns a 4.artmap 8 kB · 2 downloads Trombones a 3.artmap 11.87 kB · 2 downloads

I tried the file [Trombones a 3.artmap].
I found a bug in the file contents.
[ "id": 6, "name": "pfp 4"", ]
[ "id": 7, "name": "pfp 6"", ]

It seems that it cannot be imported because it contains this [""].
You can import it by modifying [ "" ] to [ " ]  with a text editor.

I was able to reproduce and verify it.
In Articulation Map Editor, [ " ] was entered in the name.
Files using [ " ] could not be imported.

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2 hours ago, Toy said:

I tried the file [Trombones a 3.artmap].
I found a bug in the file contents.
[ "id": 6, "name": "pfp 4"", ]
[ "id": 7, "name": "pfp 6"", ]

It seems that it cannot be imported because it contains this [""].
You can import it by modifying [ "" ] to [ " ]  with a text editor.

I was able to reproduce and verify it.
In Articulation Map Editor, [ " ] was entered in the name.
Files using [ " ] could not be imported.

Good catch. @msmcleod we can do some checks for invalid characters in names that can prevent the file being parsed properly.

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23 hours ago, Jonathan Sasor said:

Confirmed on our end. The initial run of the onboarding pages should work normally, but running it subsequently can crash. The same settings can be accessed via Edit | Preferences without issue though. 

Thanks @Jonathan Sasor Yeah, I always run a test on these things before committing to the new update. 

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15 hours ago, Toy said:

I tried the file [Trombones a 3.artmap].
I found a bug in the file contents.
[ "id": 6, "name": "pfp 4"", ]
[ "id": 7, "name": "pfp 6"", ]

It seems that it cannot be imported because it contains this [""].
You can import it by modifying [ "" ] to [ " ]  with a text editor.

I was able to reproduce and verify it.
In Articulation Map Editor, [ " ] was entered in the name.
Files using [ " ] could not be imported.

Yes! That was the problem. I did reproduce it here with the same good results.

Thanks a lot.

I will not use special characters from now on.


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Sorry, i have never done this before - where is a efficient way to report bugs with a Ticket ID or similar?

Here in this endless list the important entries are lost - is there Bug Tracker anywhere?

??  https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us

This is MIDI Issue in 2020.11 not a nice to have, it's a showstopper ?


Edited by Roland-Music
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59 minutes ago, Matt Burnside said:

Anyone else finding the synth rack opens up on it's own when adding an instrument channel now? Only started since the update.

The synth rack opens according to the options on the Insert Soft Synth Options dialog:



1 hour ago, Matt Burnside said:

Also has anyone got the Spitfire Originals Felt Piano plugin?  Seems to crash Cakewalk as soon as I try to add it to a project.

Please send the generated minidump file to @Jonathan Sasor so we can look into this further.

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10 hours ago, Osman Hamidov said:

Can anyone explain to me how this can be? I haven't worked that many hours on this (and not only this) project. Thanks.

@Osman Hamidov Could you send the project file to take a look at this? You can PM it to me.

Edit: Congratulations you just found a bug dating back over 20 years ?
It will be fixed for the next update.


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Hey @msmcleod thanks so much for the reply unfortunately as you'll see in this little video I don't have that option enabled and still the synth rack pops up when inserting an instrument.

With the Spitfire crashing problem I think I managed to fix this. Seems that just deleting the 32 bit dll for the plugin in the install folder sorted it. Must be something to do with having both the 32 bit and 64 bit ones there that caused it.

Thanks for the help.


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4 hours ago, Matt Burnside said:

@msmcleod spoke too soon with the Spitfire thing, worked once but crashing again now.

Is this file the right one to send over to @Jonathan Sasor ?

Video_11172020_065320.dmp 3.89 MB · 0 downloads

Thanks for the dump. According to the file, the crash is all within the Spitfire code, so I'd suggest passing that along to them as well.

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Relative resizing of selected tracks

  • You can resize all selected tracks to the same size, or by a relative amount, by using the following modifiers:
  • SHIFT+drag resizes all selected tracks to the same size
  • CTRL+drag resizes all selected tracks by the same amount relative to their current size

Adjust split point on a single Take lane

If you have several clips in a track with a common split point, the Move Split Point tool always moves all the split points together.

To move only the split point on a single lane, hold down the ALT key when using the Move Split Point tool.

I would like to give profuse thanks for these two "smaller" features. The first is heaven sent for people like me who struggle to keep a tidy Track View and the second has been a bedevilment since day one of adopting CbB.

This kind of thing is really great to see, really shows a consideration for the many working styles we may have or adopt.

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