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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access

Morten Saether

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Hi Bakers . . . hmmm . .. I installed the 2020.10 Early Access, and opened a project I was working on last night that had some Melodyne tracks (Melodyne Editor 5)

The blobs were not there, and the track did not play. (other tracks did play) I tried re-opening the Melodyne track, but there's just nothing there.

I did the rollback, and all works as expected like yesterday (thanks for that rollback option)

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  On 10/24/2020 at 1:43 AM, Promidi said:

Keyswitches - some (many) orchestration (and sometimes others ) patches have multiple articulations (Sustain, spiccato, Pizzicato, etc) keyswitches with are set by sending unused lower or upper keys on the keyboard.  Articulation maps provide an easy (and a named) way to program these and have them display (and send) in the PRV on a single track.

Previously, we have to either put the notes in manually (With out any names) or use a separate MIDI track for the keyswitches and make a drum track for the names

There was a video that Cakewalk posted that showed a real world use for this



Thanks Promidi...


OK, I think I got it. I have many such and have always accessed them other ways. Good example is my guitar controller being able to map different sounds to picking zones and ranges of a string by frets.

I'll toss the idea around in my head and see if I can understand how this method relates for me.


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  On 10/24/2020 at 2:46 AM, noynekker said:

Hi Bakers . . . hmmm . .. I installed the 2020.10 Early Access, and opened a project I was working on last night that had some Melodyne tracks (Melodyne Editor 5)

The blobs were not there, and the track did not play. (other tracks did play) I tried re-opening the Melodyne track, but there's just nothing there.

I did the rollback, and all works as expected like yesterday (thanks for that rollback option)


Can you share the project and audio with us please? Upload it and send me a link.

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Articulation Map will be triggered normally even if it will be placed at the same timing as the note? Should it be placed slightly in front of the MIDI note to expect reliable key-switching? (Yes, I haven't tried it yet...)

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  On 10/24/2020 at 1:33 AM, Promidi said:

I think I have found a couple of issue with the articulation mapping. 

The MIDI chase is not always playing the correct articulation when playback is started mid note or mid articulation map.  It reverts to one of the previously set articulation maps until a new articulation map is encountered.


Have you an example project that can repro this?  A lot of effort was made to ensure articulations are always sent out before any other MIDI event. If this isn't happening, then we need to know about it.  The only scenario I can think of that this might happen, is if you've spread your articulations/MIDI events over several tracks (e.g. MIDI events on track 1, articulations on track 2)... but for any given track, the articulations are always handled first.

  On 10/24/2020 at 1:33 AM, Promidi said:

If a MIDI track has its MIDI channel defined in the MIDI track's inspector, the articulation map should ignore the MIDI channel as set in the articulation map and should be over-ridden by the MIDI channel as defined in the inspector.  Of course, if the MIDI track's MIDI channel is set to "none", then the MIDI channel as defined in the articulation map should be used.  (This is the way standard MIDI events work)


This is controlled by the "Transpose" checkbox within the triggered events. If transpose in unchecked, then the MIDI channel of the articulation will be left unchanged, as will its pitch and velocity trim.

  On 10/24/2020 at 1:33 AM, Promidi said:

Cut, Cope, Paste and delete Special should have "articulation sections" in their respective dialogue boxes.


The articulation sections aren't sections in the same way as arranger sections, they are actually events (you can see them in the MIDI Event List).

So the way to stop or allow articulations getting cut/copy/pasted is to control whether they're selected in the first place.

This can be done by:
- Using the selection filter (Edit->Select->By Filter)
- Toggling the state of the "Select Events with Time Ruler"


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  On 10/24/2020 at 7:13 AM, HIBI said:

Articulation Map will be triggered normally even if it will be placed at the same timing as the note? Should it be placed slightly in front of the MIDI note to expect reliable key-switching? (Yes, I haven't tried it yet...)


Articulation events are always handled before any other MIDI events, so it shouldn't matter if they're at the same time as the note.

In saying that, there may be some VSTi's that require a delay before they'll respond to the changes, so in this scenario you may have to place them slightly in front of the note.

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So far so good..? . a little learning curve but I kinda figured it out..? I like the triads that you guys added nice... Now I can just go make chords and move them around and add to them later... Easy way to get the foundation down... So far I tried BBC Orchesta switched like a charm even in the middle of change it still works when you move the play head around it plays correctly..??

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  On 10/24/2020 at 11:37 AM, Xel Ohh said:

So far so good..? . a little learning curve but I kinda figured it out..? I like the triads that you guys added nice... Now I can just go make chords and move them around and add to them later... Easy way to get the foundation down... So far I tried BBC Orchesta switched like a charm even in the middle of change it still works when you move the play head around it plays correctly..??


FYI - You can also use  "Apply All Articulations to Track" to convert the triads into MIDI events in the PRV.

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  On 10/24/2020 at 9:04 AM, Jean-Philippe ROGER said:


When I want to exit the folder locations window I have this error




Thank you 


This is a resource DLL issue - the early access doesn't have the translated resource DLL's yet, so it's crashing because it can't find the French definition for an item. In this case, it's missing the articulation maps directory.

The only option for you I think is to rollback to 2009.09 for the time being.  It shouldn't be too long before the main release is available.

Alternatively, once you've rolled back, you could change your language to English, which will allow you to use the early access without the crash.

You can always switch back to French once the main release is available.


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  On 10/24/2020 at 12:00 PM, Esteban Villanova said:

The crash seems to be in the ImpactLX-25 control surface DLL, although I suspect your issue might be related to running the EA release using non-english language (the resource DLL's for other languages haven't been done yet).

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