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Ernie Ball cobalt guitar strings


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See what happens when you want to save up to buy Paradigms? You have to sell your pickups! Told you they were expensive! ?

Cool stuff, Chuck! Almost a bit of a Tony Iommi kind of vibe to your playing there, and I can definitely see why Cobalts would benefit your playing style!


Edited by Lord Tim
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11 hours ago, craigb said:

Don't like to spend much on pickups, do ya? ?

It all depends on what im playing, when I need to dig in.. I don't want that twangy single coil sound or that 60 cycle hum.

This guitar was built for one reason, it's an 03 Fender Strat with 1 pick up / 1 volume knob.

The pick up in this guitar is a 1982 Seymour Duncan 59B wound by none other than maricela Juarez.


I'll be totally honest, I hate the twangy sound of Strat's so much that I stayed clear of them all my life. But in 2006 I went in to guitar center to buy an amp (Marshall JCM800) I grabbed the first guitar I saw to test out the amp.. That guitar was this Strat. I was so blown away, I left with the guitar instead of the amp. Took it home and ripped it apart rebuilt it with new parts.

Its not often but every once in a while you find a guitar that is simply just amazing to play and it doesn't feel like a guitar, it feels like an extension of your hand, it feels like a body part.

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