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The air quality where I live has been rated the Worst in The Planet


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Hey, Kenny! I found this on Craig's list. It's an ES-336 from the 90s some time.

7 9231 is the serial number. Seems in pretty good shape. It has some wear on the head stock from being hung. It was set-up badly but I fixed that in an hour.

Coolest toy I've ever had.



Edited by Gswitz
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Kenny and Dave I hope the air clears soon over there.

Crazy! There were  fires in California not long ago. Makes me wonder if there will be anything left to burn after this?  On the plus side (maybe) the rioting in Portland will die down? One can only hope.  Aside from those who have lost homes and even their lives through this I wonder how this will affect the agriculture. All of those crops and wineries burned up. 

On the plus side probably won't be any issues with the Japanese Lantern Fly there. I've never been out west. Had plans to see it. Will there be anything to see?

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7 minutes ago, paulo said:

No idea who al is, but I'm having trouble imagining that. How many areas roughly the size of Wales is that?

5+ million acres = size of Wales = about 8,000 sq. miles = over 20,234 sq. kilometers = 3 million football pitches = more than 1,822,908,288 London buses. ?

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4 hours ago, craigb said:

5+ million acres = size of Wales = about 8,000 sq. miles = over 20,234 sq. kilometers = 3 million football pitches = more than 1,822,908,288 London buses. ?

How many VSTs? It's the only measurement I know and trust.

Edited by Bapu
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On 9/13/2020 at 11:10 AM, bitflipper said:

 You can only appreciate geographic measurements if you've walked them. So I think of the Oregon fires as being as wide as 1,000 trips to my mailbox. 

How far away from your house is your Mailbox ?

On 9/13/2020 at 11:27 AM, Bapu said:

My only form of exercise




since the day I was able to walk as a young tyke

Now I'm Kenfused ! I thought hitting the buy button for a VST deal  and then talking about buying it was your main form of exercise ?

On 9/13/2020 at 12:33 PM, SteveStrummerUK said:

Add to those:

  • Size of a London bus
  • Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747
  • Volume of an Olympic swimming pool
  • Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS

Size of a London bus .....sounds good to me as long as I can sit on the top deck

Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747 ..that is the average typical weight of many of the feminine species of woman   living around  here  in my Geo Area .

Volume of an Olympic swimming pool...AH Yes  the typical amount of liquid  alcohol  The  Shamu  Broads   around here expect you to buy them in drinks on your first date.

Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS ... OMG ! This Forums Former  Atoimc   Bomb of ***** hole'ism ...

On 9/13/2020 at 12:33 PM, SteveStrummerUK said:

Add to those:

  • Size of a London bus
  • Weight of an African elephant/Boeing 747
  • Volume of an Olympic swimming pool
  • Annoyance of a typical CakeAlexS


On 9/13/2020 at 2:03 PM, Bapu said:
  • My VST collection

1️⃣2️⃣9️⃣6️⃣8️⃣, 0️⃣7️⃣9️⃣.6️⃣7️⃣ ='s  the typical amount of VST Plugs Bapu's computer has to scan during a routine VST scan .






Edited by kennywtelejazz
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I got an email yesterday from a business in Talent, OR. First showing their building still standing and a view from the front door out. Across the street was all wiped out.

The business survived but the letter said quite a few employees had their houses burn down to the ground.  Really sad to see.

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1 hour ago, InstrEd said:

I got an email yesterday from a business in Talent, OR. First showing their building still standing and a view from the front door out. Across the street was all wiped out.

The business survived but the letter said quite a few employees had their houses burn down to the ground.  Really sad to see.

Yes, it's very sad but, as Kenny knows, Talent is hard to find in Oregon! ?

(With apologies up-front for all of those dealing with the real issue! ?)

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On 9/13/2020 at 2:51 PM, SteveStrummerUK said:

= Masseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev ?

I think I did a tribute to this sentiment  a few  posts up ?

On 9/13/2020 at 7:36 PM, craigb said:

Fire update for Paulo et. al.

An area equivalent to over 3 million football pitches have burned.


That includes all the cars that didn't make it out of the parking spaces they were in ....

On 9/13/2020 at 10:23 PM, craigb said:

The stats for today and everyone's in the "Hazardous" zone (note that Kenny and I live in Vancouver Washington - the worst!)...



Thanks for posting that chart Craigb !    Even though the current air quality came down a few points,  in our area we are still up there in Vancouver while beating out Portland ...I saw the news earlier and I forgot what it was .....we may be currently high 490's

Now the news weather crews are  talking it could be around Thursday before our air quality gets any better ...sheesh Oh well I still feel I have a lot to be grateful for .

thanks for sharing and stay safe .

On 9/14/2020 at 6:39 AM, Gswitz said:


Hey, Kenny! I found this on Craig's list. It's an ES-336 from the 90s some time.

7 9231 is the serial number. Seems in pretty good shape. It has some wear on the head stock from being hung. It was set-up badly but I fixed that in an hour.

Coolest toy I've ever had.



Hi Gswitz ! WOW I love your new guitar . Back in the day I used to own and play a lot of Gibson Guitars ..some of my Faves back then were the  335 style guitars ...

all the guitars I'm gonna mention are from the 60's ..a 330 , a couple of 335 dot markers , a 355 , and a 345 . by the mid 70's I was S.O.Luck the prices jumped up higher  I was no longer able to afford what I used to have ...I have had my eye on the model you bought I would like to sit down one day and play the heck out of one ...

Good Luck ! I hope your new guitar inspires you and gives birth to some real fantastic music .

22 hours ago, mettelus said:

Whew, good thing it endured hanging without breaking its neck. But... how is the air quality??

That Guitar wasn't hanging   That Guitar was levitating ? 

21 hours ago, Gswitz said:

It totally clears the dust out of the air (and cobwebs out of my head).

Amen Brother ....I can't wait to get back into Guitar Playing again  ..between a sick dog I had to put down , the pandemic , the air quality and all the isolation , I'm finding it hard for me to even want to play ...when I factor in my health challenges on a number of fronts and my POS car that broke down last night the best I may be able to do is just hold the line and hope i can ride this one out ...when I think about the people that lost everythingdue the the fires and the pandemic  I am humbled by their fortitude .



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5 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

How far away from your house is your Mailbox ?

Admittedly, the calculation was done in my head without the aid of maps or a calculator. Feel free to check my math.

I have a long driveway, about 600 feet. That's 1,200 feet round-trip, or a mile per 4.4 trips. A thousand trips would be a little over 200 miles. Oregon is 300 miles north-to-south and 400 miles east-to-west, so 200 seemed a reasonable guess.

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22 hours ago, Starise said:

Kenny and Dave I hope the air clears soon over there.

Crazy! There were  fires in California not long ago. Makes me wonder if there will be anything left to burn after this?  On the plus side (maybe) the rioting in Portland will die down? One can only hope.  Aside from those who have lost homes and even their lives through this I wonder how this will affect the agriculture. All of those crops and wineries burned up. 

On the plus side probably won't be any issues with the Japanese Lantern Fly there. I've never been out west. Had plans to see it. Will there be anything to see?

Hi Tim!  as of this morning they are saying possibly Thursday will be the day  for the air to clear up some ...Over on the Oregon Coast a couple of areas and small city's have cleared up to the point where the air is close to being OK to breath . I wonder as you do about how the fires will have affected the natural landscapes and agriculture ....

Before the pandemic and the fires a lot of people were like balls to the walls getting caught up in their our own self interests and  pursuits.

Once things changed to what they are now in a matter of a few months it went from How  Great I am doing to Oh Shit what just happened ...all we are is Dust In The Wind .....

Due to the layout of things there is always something to see out here depending on what it is that your looking for . I'm more in a quiet mode so I liked the Idea i could drive one mile and I would be walking my dog in a wild life reserve ...I have seen people dicking around with their phones  trying to take photos of a pond  while sitting on a bench and all they had to do was put the phone down and look up ...There was a Bald Eagle  perched right above them 30 feet up in a tree .

On the other side of the coin there was some really cool places for night life , the arts , music , stage and food ...I don't know how much of that is gonna be coming back time will tell .

nice rapping w you

16 hours ago, Bapu said:

How many VSTs? It's the only measurement I know and trust.

 Talk about sticking to your story ?

2 hours ago, InstrEd said:

I got an email yesterday from a business in Talent, OR. First showing their building still standing and a view from the front door out. Across the street was all wiped out.

The business survived but the letter said quite a few employees had their houses burn down to the ground.  Really sad to see.

Tough stuff to have to think about . There is almost no rhyme or reason as to who lost every thing and who didn't when attempting  to look at the whole picture ...

1 hour ago, craigb said:

Yes, it's very sad but, as Kenny knows, Talent is hard to find in Oregon! ?

(With apologies up-front for all of those dealing with the real issue! ?)

Hey ! I need all the humor I can get at this point ...I look in my parking spot and then I remember my car is down the road broken down ....

54 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

Admittedly, the calculation was done in my head without the aid of maps or a calculator. Feel free to check my math.

I have a long driveway, about 600 feet. That's 1,200 feet round-trip, or a mile per 4.4 trips. A thousand trips would be a little over 200 miles. Oregon is 300 miles north-to-south and 400 miles east-to-west, so 200 seemed a reasonable guess.

I was only kidding around when I asked you that ....I would love to have that much space ....glad to hear your doing OK



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I know exactly what Kenny needs: A new best buddy (I know, I need one too, but can't really have any pets yet...?).  It should be getting close to the right time...  Duke would approve! ?


I see a really cute American Bulldog pup out with a mom and her son almost every time I go walking around LeRoy Haagen Memorial Community Park.  VERY friendly with killer markings (the entire left-side of his face is golden-brown while the entire rest of him is white).  Makes me smile twice every lap (they go in the opposite direction). ?

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Glad to hear things are gradually clearing up. The whole fire episode has at least one positive effect. It cleanses the land and allows for a "reboot" of the ecosystem. The downside to that is trees take a very long  time to grow back. Everything starts back at square one again. Maybe an opportunity for agriculture that might not have been possible with all those trees in the way.  We might have MJ farms popping up all over the place.  I was thinking more along the line of wineries or vegetables. Who knows? People can be industrious and creative. Looks like there's a lot of charcoal to be had. I need that for my smoker ;)  Sasquatch will probably be moving further north into Canada. What? You don't believe in Sasquatch? 

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