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2020.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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47 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

@Helene Kolpakova / @Keni  -  Maybe some state is being persisted between switching this setting on/off:

Try this:

1. Go to File->Preferences->Initialization File
2. Set UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=1
3. Restart Cakewalk
4. Open the Staff View
5. Make sure Global Snap is set to "Snap To", and 1/32
6. Restart Cakewalk
7. Go to File->Preferences->Initialization File
8. Set UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0
9. Restart Cakewalk


Ok. Tried this and got slightly better result. I can insert smaller than 1/4 but I keep getting dotted notes though dotted is not selected

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I've reinstalled from scratch, because the previous installation had become corrupted. Reinstalled the CA-2A and custom placed it to where I like it. It was probably a separate folder inside Internals, at some point. The result was that the CA/2A placeholder in the PC module menu was taken by Space, clicking on it crashed the DAW, and all the FX plugins in the project were listed as CA-2A. I've solved it, but is this normal?



Edited by Olaf
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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

@Helene Kolpakova / @Keni  -  Maybe some state is being persisted between switching this setting on/off:

Try this:

1. Go to File->Preferences->Initialization File
2. Set UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=1
3. Restart Cakewalk
4. Open the Staff View
5. Make sure Global Snap is set to "Snap To", and 1/32
6. Restart Cakewalk
7. Go to File->Preferences->Initialization File
8. Set UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0
9. Restart Cakewalk


Tried that, didn't help unfortunately((

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Loaded an existing project right after this update, and in track view, everything was gone. About two seconds later, all tracks and folders were there and all is good again.

It's possible my project loaded scrolled down below my visible tracks, but, I don't think so.

Gave my heart a little bit of a shock! ?

Edited by razor7music
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Cakewalk is the best!  I've been using it since Cakewalk for DOS (Yep, I'm getting old, it happens to us) and I'm really happy about what BandLab is doing for this incredibly powerful and ergonomically excellent DAW. 

Thanks BandLab for making Cakewalk even better! 



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14 hours ago, Helene Kolpakova said:

First of all, thank you so much for the bugfix release, bakers! I also really appreciate the fact that you've heard my complains about the staff view and global snap.

I have tried to add this line in a number of places, restarting CbB after every change, but I still couldn't make it behave the desired way - staff snap keeps using the global snap resolution. I was probably doing something wrong, so any clarification on that would be helpful.

What I did try:

  1. Add UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0 to Cakewalk.ini, at the end of the file.
  2. Add UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0 to Cakewalk.ini, to the [Staff View] section of the file.
  3. Add UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0 to Aud.ini, to the [Aud] section of the file.
  4. Add UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=0 to Aud.ini, to the [Wave] section of the file.
  5. All of the above but with UseGlobalSnapForStaffView=1

My steps for each attempt:

  1. Open the ini file in a text editor.
  2. Add the line to the file and save it.
  3. Close CbB.
  4. Launch CbB.
  5. Start a new project.
  6. Add a MIDI track.
  7. Open Staff View.
  8. Make sure Global Snap is switched on (and defaults to 1/8 in my case).
  9. Try to add notes with a hope of 1/32 resolution in the Staff view.

Any suggestions?

I am not clear on why this new option is even necessary.  If you DO want the notes in the staff view to snap to a given note value, turn on the Global Snap and choose the value.  If you DO NOT want the staff view to follow the the Global Snap settings, turn off Global Snap.  

Another question I have is why would anyone not want the snap function to work properly in the staff view?  I've been using the staff view successfully for some 25 years and when the snap function became dysfunctional it was a real pain.   But now, since Bandlab has fixed it, I have no idea why someone would not just leave it alone and use the staff view with, or without, the global snap button turned on or off.  I myself just leave it on and leave it set to either an eighth or a sixteenth note.  If I need to enter triplets or 32nd notes I quickly change the snap value.  It's quick, it works.  What is the issue?






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16 hours ago, scook said:


Because that would be my preference simples.  My personal experience has shown that changes to files like .ini's are often done better with the application closed.  There may be provision the file still has to be reloaded as it is read once on opening CbB.

Each persons experiences vary neither one is right nor wrong, another reason to your answer why.

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56 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

the file still has to be reloaded as it is read once on opening CbB.

Still may be true for Cakewalk.ini but not the case for Audi.ini. This file may be reloaded while the program is running. It is the middle button at the top of the preference dialog called "Reload Config Settings." See the image in the link I provided above


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2 minutes ago, scook said:

This file may be reloaded while the program is running

As I said Steve my personal preference, is one not allowed to have a personal preference?  Just because something can be done one way it does not mean it can not be done another way that will still work.  In this case we are talking Cakewalk.ini which cna not be reloaded whilst the program is running.

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5 hours ago, jsg said:

Another question I have is why would anyone not want the snap function to work properly in the staff view?  I've been using the staff view successfully for some 25 years and when the snap function became dysfunctional it was a real pain.   But now, since Bandlab has fixed it, I have no idea why someone would not just leave it alone and use the staff view with, or without, the global snap button turned on or off.  I myself just leave it on and leave it set to either an eighth or a sixteenth note.  If I need to enter triplets or 32nd notes I quickly change the snap value.  It's quick, it works.  What is the issue?

Because we have different preferences? I've been using Cakewalk for roughly 25 years too, so what? My global snap is often around 1/4 or even 1/2 or 1 as I'm basically using the Smart Grid option and need a bigger perspective in TV. In SV, however I need higher precision to enter notes, therefore 1/32 has always been the best option for me in that editor. What you suggests implies enabling/disabling the snap every time I switch between SV and TV. This is inconvenient and a big workflow disturbance. And I know I'm not the only one.

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18 hours ago, Olaf said:

I've reinstalled from scratch, because the previous installation had become corrupted. Reinstalled the CA-2A and custom placed it to where I like it. It was probably a separate folder inside Internals, at some point. The result was that the CA/2A placeholder in the PC module menu was taken by Space, clicking on it crashed the DAW, and all the FX plugins in the project were listed as CA-2A. I've solved it, but is this normal?

ProChannel modules MUST be in the internal directory.  Moving files around that aren't meant to be moved is bound to cause issues.

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15 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

ProChannel modules MUST be in the internal directory.  Moving files around that aren't meant to be moved is bound to cause issues.

Are you sure about this?

There are a few plug-ins that pull double duty as regular VST2 plug-ins and PC modules. The CA-2A is one of them. Typically these plug-ins install in the regular VST folder.

The predecessor to the CA-2A, the PC-2A was strictly a PC module and like all the plug-ins that are PC format only it installed in the internal folder.

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1 hour ago, scook said:

Are you sure about this?

There are a few plug-ins that pull double duty as regular VST2 plug-ins and PC modules. The CA-2A is one of them. Typically these plug-ins install in the regular VST folder.

The predecessor to the CA-2A, the PC-2A was strictly a PC module and like all the plug-ins that are PC format only it installed in the internal folder.

You're correct - it's the PC-2A that has to be in the internal directory.

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7 hours ago, Helene Kolpakova said:

Because we have different preferences? I've been using Cakewalk for roughly 25 years too, so what? My global snap is often around 1/4 or even 1/2 or 1 as I'm basically using the Smart Grid option and need a bigger perspective in TV. In SV, however I need higher precision to enter notes, therefore 1/32 has always been the best option for me in that editor. What you suggests implies enabling/disabling the snap every time I switch between SV and TV. This is inconvenient and a big workflow disturbance. And I know I'm not the only one.

I mentioned my experience with the staff view because I know it so well and have produced 14 albums with it, not in order to make you defensive.   I don't need or use the snap function in track view, so it's not an issue for me.  Since Bandlab repaired the snap function in SV, it's far easier to use. 

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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

ProChannel modules MUST be in the internal directory.  Moving files around that aren't meant to be moved is bound to cause issues.

No, Scook is right, it can be installed in a custom location, and in the VST folder it's just fine. I've exported the registry records of the previous installation, as per your and scook's advice from a previous post, and kept only those pertaining to customization - folders, plugin settings and menus, etc. - made a few separate registry entries for the control bar, changing the location of the studio instruments, etc., to have all these modifiable on a click and all seems to work fine.

But for a while, I had the CA-2A in one of the Internals folders.

It could have generated a message like "CA-2A is not ptoperly installed", "can't locate resources", or the likes, but the reaction was strange.

Edited by Olaf
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