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2020.09 Feedback

Morten Saether

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  On 9/21/2020 at 12:34 PM, msmcleod said:

According to the dump, the crash is in the ice9 plugin.


It's solved - and it's neither the Ice9 plugin nor Cakewalk 2020.09 that is causing the issue ?

It took some time to track down the culprit, but after eliminating the usual suspects; drivers, O/S updates etc etc, it turned out it was Toneboosters Compressor v4.3.2 that was the root cause of the issue on my system. 

I reverted to version 4.2.1 of the compressor on Cakewalk 2020.09 and everything is working fine. I will report this issue to Toneboosters.


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  On 9/10/2020 at 3:39 PM, James Argo said:

First of all, thank you Bakers for the update :)  ? Appreciate all the consistent best effort you all give to our beloved DAW.
Since one of the thing this update fix is related to Control surface, I would remind you that we still have problem installing Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins, without any previous Sonar installed. Please refer to this thread in the old forum:


I guess its time for the developers to give it some touch.

Apologize if this feedback is not realy "release specific" . Thanks ! ?

Edited : I found this release fixed problem of super slow on running (opening) Cakewalk.  Before updating, with the previous release I had to wait for like 1-2 minutes before Cakewalk opened properly. Now it's almost instantly opened! Thanks!


I'd love to see an approach here where users could 'roll your own' controller definitions.   Sorta like the instrument definitions we have now.

Edited by Bill Campbell
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I must be crazy. 
The 2020.09 release seems to be having very odd behavior relating to frozen tracks.
When I try to freeze a VSTi from the Synth rack, it requires me to select the actual synth track in the track view first before it will freeze to audio.
When I UNfreeze a VSTi from either the Synth rack or from the Track View, it fails to reload the VSTi and sample pool. (ie: Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol will open but no instrument is loaded). This is a problem because I don't always remember the  exact patch and/or tweeks that I made to the instrument before freezing.

I reverted to 2020.08 and do not have this issue at all.

Anyone else?

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  On 10/18/2020 at 1:14 AM, OutrageProductions said:

I must be crazy. 
The 2020.09 release seems to be having very odd behavior relating to frozen tracks.
When I try to freeze a VSTi from the Synth rack, it requires me to select the actual synth track in the track view first before it will freeze to audio.
When I UNfreeze a VSTi from either the Synth rack or from the Track View, it fails to reload the VSTi and sample pool. (ie: Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol will open but no instrument is loaded). This is a problem because I don't always remember the  exact patch and/or tweeks that I made to the instrument before freezing.

I reverted to 2020.08 and do not have this issue at all.

Anyone else?


@OutrageProductions - is this happening in all projects for you?  I've tried this in 2020.09 with both Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol and the instruments are fine after unfreezing.

If you've got a sample project that has this issue, please zip it up and send it to  @Jonathan Sasor and  so we can take a look.

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The new update went smooth and quick on my win 10 pc 06 ver.

I do experience the same audio dropouts and Cakewalk will still freeze (not responding) 

Purchased a new audio interface (Audient iD 14) and it has better drivers then my old motu 828 mk2 

So less issues but at times with only 1 or 2 track or sometimes after loading a small project and listening to it cakewalk will freeze. 

New i7 build 16 gig ram cpu runs around 4-5% when recording and never seen it over 34% when mixing8-10 tracks with 2 or 3 vst on each track. 

When this happens  task manager shows only low load. 

I have done all the recommended pc setting changes. 

Ok my request would be for cakewalk to do a video like secret sauce, like Mike does, of all the tune up and things to check, and to recommend a recording interface brand. 

Oh ya, no extra issues with the update and cakewalk seems to open quick in under 10 seconds.  


Brad Haugen


BW-Mac recording 

20201013_133544.heicFetching info...

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couple of quick checks - anti-virus excludes CbB? no Google BackUp or OneDrive (etc) cloud sync on your audio folder? both of these can easily cause problems when you have files and temp files constantly changing... i turn off all syncing and have my AV (Defender) exclude CbB EXE (which in turn ignores the associated files in use by that process)

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  On 10/18/2020 at 11:59 PM, msmcleod said:

@OutrageProductions - is this happening in all projects for you?  I've tried this in 2020.09 with both Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol and the instruments are fine after unfreezing.

If you've got a sample project that has this issue, please zip it up and send it to  @Jonathan Sasor and  so we can take a look.


It happened on the last 4 projects that I opened and worked on after the 2020.09 update. I have since reverted (as stated in OP) to 2020.08 and not had the issue at all. I had to keep working because the soundtrack cues were on deadline.
If no one else has experienced this, then when workflow slows a bit I will try again... could have been a fluke?

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Is it possible to download Cakewalk without the BandLab Assistant?
After installing BandLab Assistant, the program window appears and immediately disappears. Reinstalling/repairing Microsoft Visual C++ runtime libraries (or reinstalling BandLab Assistant) doesn't help.

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  On 10/3/2020 at 10:03 PM, scook said:

You need to reassign the plug-in automation to the instrument track.

To do this click on the synth in the synth rack and use the synth automation menu (J) or the insert soft synth options dialog (E)


This image is from http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20234


Thanks guy (or girl, who know)! ?

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