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I can't load ProChannel presets in Cakewalk on my desktop, but can on my friend's laptop

Robert Bone

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Howdy, this is quite perplexing.

I have Sonar Platinum installed, for years, and have the up to date Cakewalk by Bandlab installed, as well - CbB is my DAW, and Platinum only remains because it gives me access to the bundled plugins that came with it.

This issue actually occurs on my system, in both Platinum and CbB, but from this point forward in the thread, I will only discuss it as I experience it in CbB.

When I open ProChannel in the Track Inspector, for a bus, I should have the following appearance, at the top of it, where I can click on the little folder icon at the right side of where a loaded preset would have its name displayed, and navigate to where I have a bunch of ProChannel Presets to pick from:


The above image is from the documentation, and in the image, 'B' is the folder icon I should be able to click on, to load a desired ProChannel Preset.

On my desktop computer, I do not see either 'B', or 'C', which are the Load Preset icon, and the Save Preset icon.  Per the documentation, all I have to do is to hover my mouse in preset name display window 'A', in the image above, and Cakewalk should then make the Load Preset and Save Preset icons/buttons visible, and functional.  I can neither see or get the functionality of either Load Preset or Save Preset.

Anyone have any ideas on what I need to tweak in order to get this functionality back?  I would like to load ProChannel presets in my projects, and it works like a charm when I remote access my friend's laptop and open ProChannel on HIS system.

A befuddled, but eternally hopeful, 

Bob Bone

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52 minutes ago, scook said:

Maybe a display scale issue


OK, I dropped my display from 3840 x 2160 to 1920 x 1080, making the change with CbB closed.  Upon relaunch of CbB, and opening up ProChannel, I still do not have access to the Load Preset and Save Preset functionality.  I will experiment further, 

Bob Bone

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I just tested some pre-Arranger Track Themes and the folder was there.


Setting my windows scaling to 150% also allows the folder to be seen (though the UI took a very long time to display/open the project).


Also, tried some of my custom Workspaces, with pre-Arranger Track Themes at 150% Windows Scaling.


Could it be related to some display specific settings?

Edited by User 905133
to add the results of more attempts to recreate the problem.
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Hi Robert.

I took a look at my setup and in the PC header unless I run my mouse over the preset menu those two icons are not shown.  Mouse over and they appear. 

Also be sure you have PC presets in (Local Disk C:\ Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\ProChannel Presets).

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On 7/18/2020 at 8:09 AM, John said:

Hi Robert.

I took a look at my setup and in the PC header unless I run my mouse over the preset menu those two icons are not shown.  Mouse over and they appear. 

Also be sure you have PC presets in (Local Disk C:\ Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\ProChannel Presets).

I have presets, and in my initial post, I included a picture of the preset box with the folder icons - I do not see those if I mouse over.

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On 7/18/2020 at 9:49 AM, John Bradley said:

Same here. It says 'Untitled' at the top of the PC in the Inspector. If I put my mouse in that textbox the load/save preset icons appear.

That is the expected action, but because the icons never appear, when I mouse over, I cannot then load ProChannel presets that I have.

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I do have a giant UHDTV for a computer display screen, and it is running at 1920 x 1080 resolution.  I do not know if that is too high or not.  I was running 3840 x 2160, at 200% resolution, and I tried dropping it to the 1920 x 1080, at 100%, with no effect on this issue.

Is 1920 x 1080 still too high a resolution for this to work? 

Bob Bone

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6 minutes ago, Robert Bone said:

Is 1920 x 1080 still too high a resolution for this to work? 

I run at 1920x1080


Does ProChannelStripPresetFolder in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\UserPaths point to your PC preset folder?

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UPDATE - To all - this is one of the craziest things I have ever seen with Sonar Platinum, or CbB, it is working now.

Firstly, I tried any and everything I saw for suggestions, to no avail.

Further - the Load Preset and Save Preset icons and functionality WORKED, when I went through Team Viewer to remotely access my friend's CbB on his laptop.  Obviously, that had no bearing on it not working on MY desktop, however, maybe part of this DOES apply.  I will explain.

I have been working for 10+ hours a day, through Team Viewer, on my friend's laptop, and all of these failures on MY system, have occurred when I was using Team Viewer to access my buddy's laptop.  All of the testing I had done was also done when I happened to have Team Viewer up and running, connected to my friend's laptop.

Well, I have not, thus far today, connected to his laptop through Team Viewer.

SO - I just tried seeing if I could see those folder icons in my CbB, and lo and behold - THEY ARE SUDDENLY PRESENT.

I don't know for sure yet - I will check it out in a bit - but could it possibly be that when I access Team Viewer, and connect to a remote computer, it somehow messes up the ability for CbB to be able to display those icons when I hover my mouse over the preset display window in ProChannel?  I have to wait until I connect again in an hour or two, to see if once connected I again lose the ability to see those icons upon mouse hover, and either way, I WILL post back to indicate if they still work, or if they have again gone away, once I connect.  And, if they indeed go away again, once connected, I will disconnect and see if they return.

This my well be shaping up to be one weird Sunday.......

Bob Bone

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8 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

Anything in these thread that might help with trying to find a solution or shed insights on the problem?



I had looked at the above, and had dropped my resolution to 1920 x 1080 at 100%, and @scook had indicated he runs at that resolution OK, so this does not seem to be part of it.  Please note, I just posted above yours, an update, indicating the Load Preset and Save Preset icons and functionality have returned on my desktop, and it may have something to do with whether or not I am connected to a remote computer, using Team Viewer, which I will try to confirm, one way or the other, in the next couple of hours, when I again connect to the remote computer.

For the moment, anyway, those icons and the functionality have suddenly, and mysteriously, returned on my desktop.  Yay?  :) 

Bob Bone

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31 minutes ago, Canopus said:

Do you by any chance have a Logitech mouse? I found this thread in the old forum where that seems to have been the cause of an identical problem:


Nope Microsoft mouse.

Also, I had checked both the old Sonar forums, and the new CbB forums, looking for any and all thoughts and possible fixes for the issues I was having, and had seen that post earlier.

By the way - another UPDATE to all: I just connected remotely to my friend's laptop, using Team Viewer, and immediately then tried to see if I still had access to the Load and Save Preset icons and functionality, and I retained the ability to see and use the icons/buttons to load ProChannel presets.  I also loaded CbB on the remote laptop, and again tested on my desktop, in CbB, and again still had/have access to Load Preset and Save Preset in ProChannel, so at this point, I have ZERO idea why they suddently started appearing and working again, as I made no changes whatsoever to my system - I did not even restart my desktop.

 I am at a loss as to why these suddenly started working again, though am very happy they are.  

An even MORE befuddled and bewildered, 

Bob Bone


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