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Zoom Doesn't Center

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You would think it would make sense when you zoom with a control surface that it will center ware the timeline is.  I would think that would be obvious, but its not!! The latest updates took this option away. Why?? 

When you zoom, don't you want to see ware you are zooming?  Who's decision was it to not have it centered with the timeline?

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On 6/11/2020 at 12:56 AM, Starship Krupa said:

Zooming has always been tough for me in CbB. In my perspective, the recent update didn't take anything away, it's always been a challenge, kind of like I'm trying to play a flight simulation game set to "heavy unpredictable crosswind."

It is very interesting how different we humans are! ? I always preferred Sonar/CbB's zooming over all other programs ? (DAWs and Audio Editors) that I know (about a dozen). But I must admit that I am only working with the mouse and computer keyboard, no control surface. Especially I am in love with the Alt+mousewheel zooming, although IMHO it worsened a bit in the 2020.05 release.

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I don't use a control surface either. Logitech mouse, keyboard, Alt+Wheel, or even keys to zoom in.

Maybe we're talking about different situations, or I have something set incorrectly or something, but my common scenario is that I'll be zoomed out in the Track View, and want to zoom in on a clip to do some editing or in the Piano Roll to work on a section of MIDI notes, and as I zoom, for no reason I can determine, the view drifts to the left or right. This is with the transport stopped.

If it's drifting to the left, I can "cheat" the mouse to the right to get it drifting in that direction or vice versa, but then it starts drifting in that direction. I don't want it to drift to the left or right, I want it to zoom in statically. I don't care if that's going to be where I have the cursor/Aim Assist pointed, the Now Time, the MIDI notes I have selected, whatever, or merely zoom in wherever it's sitting, I just don't want it to always be going away from where I was focused. The whole point of zooming in is to focus on something, and CbB's zooming takes my focus away from what I want to work on.

As it is, I just chase it back and forth as best I can with the mouse, and then when I get to the magnification I want, I scroll over to where I wanted to be when I started zooming in. If that happens to be maximum zoom so that I can notch automate a lip click or something, that can be a challenge.

Since I can't believe anyone would actually want to go through all this hassle every time they zoom in, can you share with me how you go from zoomed out on the whole project to zoomed in on a clip, using Fast Zoom (Alt+Wheel), accurately, without it drifting around? I must be using it the wrong way or have something set incorrectly.

The way I would expect it to behave is that I'd click to set the Now Time, and zooming in would center on that. Every other program I can think of uses a zooming logic of "the user wants to zoom in on the area they are currently focused on (rather than something off to the right or left)."

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I have to pile on here. I've been trying to get used to the new way but I just can't. I always zoom with the Cntrl + Arrow keys and the new way just doesn't work for me. 

I am curious why it was changed. I don't recall anyone requesting it.

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

I don't care if that's going to be where I have the cursor/Aim Assist pointed, the Now Time, the MIDI notes I have selected, whatever, or merely zoom in wherever it's sitting, I just don't want it to always be going away from where I was focused.

I understand that, it is not the common way. But I got used to do it differently. I focus on the section/notes that I want to zoom in and move the mouse pointer over there and then use the Alt+scroll wheel. Works perfectly! E.g. when I correct detected transients for AudioSnap I can even scroll indirectly with zooming out/in at the "right" mouse positions (without additional scroll operations). This is very fast and I like it! ? I admit that it may take some time to get used, but I swear it is worth it!

Unfortunately some change in the last version 2020.05 made it a little worse (it is more difficult to aim for a location) and I can absolutely comprehend your trouble now.

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

The way I would expect it to behave is that I'd click to set the Now Time, and zooming in would center on that. Every other program I can think of uses a zooming logic of "the user wants to zoom in on the area they are currently focused on (rather than something off to the right or left)."

Yes, but this is an extra step that is not necessary. As I explained above you can focus on an area by using the zoom with the mouse pointer over your area!

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I just Googled the problem and found this forum.  I am editing a project now and it is cumbersome as hell to zoom like this.  It used to be you could toggle the center zoom on and off.  I am doing more research to see if that is not still the case.  Maybe it is just the default has changed.  I'll let you know.  Thanks

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So glad to hear others questioning this.

I usually use cntr+arrows for quick zooming and the (zoom+center) behavior I simply took for granted as normal.

Now I have to zoom and hit G (center) to center where I was working *constantly*. It's a workflow mess and slows me down. Can we have this be a user option to have the old behavior ?

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19 hours ago, Morten Saether said:

We appreciate the fact that different users have different preferences. The next release will have an option to center the Now Time when zooming with the keyboard.

Thank you and this is why I've been using Cakewalk for over 20 years

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2020 at 11:33 AM, Morten Saether said:

We appreciate the fact that different users have different preferences. The next release will have an option to center the Now Time when zooming with the keyboard.

Awesome! I actually like both, depending on the editing situation, so it would be a nice touch to have that option easy to toggle instead of buried in the preferences, but perhaps I'm unusual in my desire to switch back and forth.

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