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Pinning Plugin Windows

Rod L. Short

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8 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

plug-in UI's open and pinned they should never wind up behind a Cakewalk window.

Totally agree.

8 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Good heavens, @User 905133, thank you so much for trying all these permutations and documenting them so well!

Absolutely, those are some great illustrations and documentations. 

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With the above tests I didn't notice any difference between the push pins being blue (on/pinned) or grey (off/unpinned) on my system. Though I only tested it a few times, I did not see any differences. But as I said, I don't use them, so they might be doing something I don't notice. Maybe one of you can test those?

If they don't work, maybe that's part of the problem. If the on/pinned state meant, "Keep this on top" (such as on top of the Console) and off/unpinned meant "OK to hide" (still leaving the recycle plug-in window the way it is), from what I can tell, that should give the options you want--pin to keep on top, unpinned to allow only the newest plug-in on top of the Console.  Maybe.

Glad the info is helpful. ?

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2 hours ago, Rod L. Short said:

chuckebaby - Glad you joined in! Is this a bug or ?? I don't remember if you use 2 monitors or not. If you do, are you seeing the same behavior? For my personal workflow, this is maddening!

It just doesn't seem intuitive to be hiding pinned plug ins no matter what screen they are on. Let me look more into this and see what i can come up with.

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Confirmed, on my system, it's not a matter of monitor 1 or monitor 2. Behavior is that pinned plug-in UI's get covered up by any Cakewalk child window.

In other words, they stay open, but will only stay visible on top of the Track View. If I float the Console, Piano Roll, Browser, Inspector, Synth Rack, Help, etc. and give them focus, they cover up plug-in UI's. That happens whether I have the Track View or child windows on monitor 1 or 2.

I had a similar confusion to @Rod L. Short had because I usually have the Console max'd on monitor 2 during mixing and mastering. I thought my pinned plug-ins were closing. Now I know that they were buried. Thank you Rod for bringing this up.

IMO they should stay on top when the Console View and Piano Roll have focus. Not sure about the other windows, but I don't undock the Browser, Synth Rack, etc. often enough for it to be an issue anyway.

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