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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.01 Early Access

Morten Saether

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Hi, I'd like to thank Cakewalk team for 2020.01 Early Access and also give a short feedback about CbB Portuguese version, which won't show some options related to Aim Assist Text and Multi-timbral soft synth enhancements (however English version is working as expected!).

On Portuguese version it won't show Aim Assist Text option on Edit guide nor right-clicking on Time Ruler (however Alt+X key does the job!).

Also it won't show the words Instrument Track Per Output in the Add Track menu, leaving an empty space near the check box.

I also tried to drag TTS-1 from Browser to a new track to see if  Instrument Track Per Output would appear on the Dialog Box, but CbB crashed (I'll try again later).

Edit: Inserting Instrument Track on Portuguese CbB will make program crash, unless one uses the Add Track menu! :(


Best regards

Edited by mgustavo
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On 1/25/2020 at 10:56 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

Well, that is also used when adding normal tracks so instances is not appropriate in that context.

Thanks for chiming in on this.  It makes sense.  Just to clarify, I like and appreciate the new functionality.  So far as I am concerned, these continuing improvements are great!!!

Edited by User 905133
comments and images about the wizard edited out because they relate to the wizard funtionality, not specifically the new feature
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I have installed this version and am still seeing this following issue.  I am hoping you guys might be able to apply a fix for the final release.  Here is a link to the issue I am seeing, I have sent this through the support page and I know you guys are busy.  I appreciate all you do !!


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3 hours ago, Samet said:

I wish this update included VST2 plugins sort by OS folders :( I am still waiting this feature so badly :( it is too hard to organize plugins in plugin manager :/

Interesting, what do you mean with "sort by OS"?

(I myself would prefer a manually selectable "5 favorites" in the right-click plugin menu instead of the recently most used... :) Although I've a manual workaround by manually creating a "Favorite" category, as suggested by Scook.)

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I'm curious to try Early Access for the first time and have a question:

I read in the Guidelines thread that if you want to remove the EA version and roll back to the previous regular version, you have to completely uninstall and reinstall. Will I lose all my Cakewalk settings then or is there an easy way to keep them?

I don't want to interrupt my production too much... :)

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On 1/23/2020 at 5:46 PM, Morten Saether said:

As with Simple Instrument Tracks, you must split the Instrument tracks if you wish to edit MIDI automation.

Pardon this slight OT and a more general question: Why there cannot be MIDI automation on the Simple Instrument Tracks? Is this by design? Are there plans to bring MIDI automation to Simple Instrument Tracks? I mean... that would've simplified my projects so many times, I could've probably cut the number of tracks by ≈⅓.

Edited by Jan
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I tried this with Sampletank 4.09 and the “Instrument Track Per Output” function worked as I expected. 

I ended up with 16 MIDI tracks paired with their respective 16 Audio tracks with each pairing combined to make a simple instrument - that is 16 simple instruments.  The MIDI channels for each simple instrument was set 1 to 16 respectively.  In the synth rack, there was one instance of Sampletank 4.09.  

I am assuming that this is what is supposed to happen.

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15 hours ago, Jan said:

Pardon this slight OT and a more general question: Why there cannot be MIDI automation on the Simple Instrument Tracks? Is this by design? Are there plans to bring MIDI automation to Simple Instrument Tracks? I mean... that would've simplified my projects so many times, I could've probably cut the number of tracks by ≈⅓.

Yes we plan to at some point allow editing MIDI automation on simple instrument tracks. It is not available today unless you split the tracks add the automation and then re-combine them again.

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Yes we plan to at some point allow editing MIDI automation on simple instrument tracks. It is not available today unless you split the tracks add the automation and then re-combine them again.

It is the same thing with the stereo/mono interleave setting, you have also to split and then re-combine. For guitar and bass instruments it is often preferable to have them mono.

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3 hours ago, marled said:

It is the same thing with the stereo/mono interleave setting, you have also to split and then re-combine. For guitar and bass instruments it is often preferable to have them mono.

You use the inspector to access the interleave for the audio track component of a simple instrument without splitting and re-combining. 

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29 minutes ago, Promidi said:

You use the inspector to access the interleave for the audio track component of a simple instrument without splitting and re-combining. 

How? Sorry, but I cannot find it! ? Also I forgot to mention that you also have to select the/a mono input for the audio track. Both of these things I find in the inspector, but only if I split the simple instrument track!!! But I'd like to learn how to do it, because it would really simplify my work. ?

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1 hour ago, SteveC said:

Isn't that the bus that Rapture is ouputting to?


I just checked and you're right.  It is the bus.  My bad.  That being said, (and as you suggested) an interleave button on the Simple Instrument strip would be handy...

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