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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. But if I don't have time to play it now, will it just be silent, but deadly to my bank account?
  2. Do you plan on buying it on opening day or are you going to wait until Larry finds the best price? It might take a few days. And we all know that it will be a lot cheaper down the line. Hmmmmm... I am a guy who likes to wait for sales unless I absolutely need something. I want this NOW, but it will be of no use to the project I'll be working on for the next few weeks. I won't really be able to use it for awhile. So buying it next week would just be GAS. What to do?
  3. Sound Aesthetics Sampling (makers of Mountains, Resona, Talua, Autumn Choirs, etc) is releasing a new synth for full Kontakt, FRAGMENTS. It's up on their SITE now. From their copy: Fragments is a free virtual instrument for Kontakt with various Organic Synth sounds, that have been created using various Synthesizers. Most of the sounds have movement within themselves so most of the time tune/pan/volume drift to achieve that fragile tone we're looking for. Also they are all multisampled (except the bonus sounds), which gives you even more variation. In addition to that the engine carries a round robin/variation system to get very organic results. Last but not least does it of course include some cool shaping tools like some deep effects, movement and gate and of course drift for that extra fragileness The product will be listed with a price of $15 in the shop but you can enter three different Coupon codes (FRAGMENTS_FREE, FRAGMENTS_5, FRAGMENTS_10) to get it for free/$5/$10 depending on what you want to give and just to clarify. We won't track if you pay something or not, it's just because some people are willing to and this makes it a lot easier for us to work with. I hope this sounds fair to everyone While you're at it, they have a freebie called Consona and have introduced another new product, Paradise Lost Redux, which is only $9.99 until 5/23. I have the four instruments listed above and they are all beautiful. I had no idea they have been adding so many more. I'll be paying attention the next time there is a sale. They often offer amazing deals and when I hear about the next one, I'll post it here, if Larry doesn't get to it before me. ?
  4. The developer, Kirsten Evans, also has five freebies on pianobook. One is called Broken Strings. Maybe it's an early version of this? This textural library was recorded using my homemade contact microphone. Drone like textures were produced using Ebow and a handmade bow, crafted from a stick found on the ground. A Nyckelharpa and an Autoharp were sampled for the instrument, but both instruments are cracked and warped – hence ‘BROKEN STRINGS’. The Autoharp is even missing it’s automatic mechanism!
  5. A -A-A D-D Em-Em-Em D-D Louie-Lou-eye Oh Baby! We gotta go now! I'm giving you this chord progression for free. You're welcome. ?
  6. I wish somebody would come out with a good Mariachi trumpet instrument. Nobody has done it yet.
  7. Grab this once-in-a-lifetime deal NOW! It won't be back for at least three months.
  8. I have both of those and they are great. I wish I bought their Orchestral Percussion X3M Library. It was 99 euros when it was introduced.
  9. I think I do have some more Eventide, but I don't use them so I forgot. No, I am not buying the Arturia verbs! They will have to give them to me in a big package or no dice! ? I'm sure I will keep getting more of the Halls of Fame reverbs that Best Service gives out free with purchase during Black Friday. They are at the top of my list of reverbs I never use. Spaces II is now my go to reverb for almost all acoustic instruments. It's a very deep instrument with lots of... spaces. Pro-R when I want something a little different from that. Blackhole and Raum for weird reverb. Cory Pelizzari recently did a video saying that my life will be over if I don't buy Seventh Heaven, which would involve getting an iLok. After watching this video I realized I have a problem. My name is Reid and I am a Reverbaholic. Lately I have been doing something really weird. I've been making a lot of music with the stuff I already own. I realize that's wrong but I have to confess it's true. I do admit I'm getting Scaler and EZBass. But no reverbs, thank you.
  10. As they continued to promote regular Scaler 1 on the site, I wrote them to ask if there would be a free update if you bought it now. A grace period. They didn't have an answer for me at the time. But I see now that you do get a free update to Scaler 2 if you buy Scaler 1 between 5/13 and 5/26, which you can do HERE
  11. I already know the answer to this, but is there a single one of you who thinks they have enough reverbs? I have Spaces II, Pro-R, all the iZotope ones, the Waves Gold ones, the T-RackS ones, the NI Komplete and Raum, the Steinberg stuff, the Arturia freebie, many from the Best Service collection, Eventide 2016, and about 50 others I can't remember off the top of my head. Plus some weird ones like Blackhole. Call me crazy, but I'm getting close to ready to call myself covered, reverb-wise. I admit I do not own any Vallhallas yet, so fire away.
  12. Definitely the guys are. I picture her more in a getup like Julie Andrews in the first scene of "The Sound of Music" That's what you wear in the Austrian alps, right? I have actually been in the Austrian alps, near Klagenfurt, which was a movie location for a really bad film I worked on called "Shining Through." I didn't see anybody dressed up like them. Or Julie Andrews either.
  13. Strezov has a freebie with free Taikos, although not from this library. You can get it HERE While you're at it, you might also want to get their free Duduk from Balkan Ethnic Orchestra and free Xiao from Jade Ethnic Orchestra. By the way, one of the many advantages of the Strezov X3M engine is that it is the same for all their percussion libraries as well as the percussion libraries within BEO and JEO. As the engine makes it super-easy to customize where the instruments go, it's very easy to mix and match them. I'm still kicking myself for not buying their orchestral library.
  14. iOS SoundCanvas is $19.99 on the app store. Works on iPhones and iPads. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sound-canvas/id952549036
  15. The way I read it is you have to buy a "lifetime key" for each soundpack and expansion. If I'm right, what that means is that, after paying for them, you will own the right to keep using them as long as you send Roland at least $3 every month. In addition, I think that the "model expansions" ( which I guess mean the zenology pro versions of classic synths) require you to also purchase a "lifetime key" for each one. And in those cases you will only be able to use them if you keep paying the $10 a month. They don't work with the $3 a month plan. Am I right about this?
  16. If you have the right Arturia stuff, like a V Collection, it's been less. I think my price was $49 or $69. Something like that. This is on my list of, I want it but I have too many synths already.
  17. I'm sure these libraries have great sounds in them, but they have to improve the graphics to get a sale from me.
  18. I'll have to brush up on my yodeling.
  19. Really nice. With the set from Steinberg, I've definitely improved Padshop quite a bit in the last few weeks.
  20. I'm waiting for the first sale when Total Studio 3 goes on sale for 50% off.
  21. Reading my comment.... it sounds kinda harsh. Spitfire made Tundra, one of my favorite libraries. I think they are a great company. One of the libraries I fell for their sales pitch on was an Evo. They really got me excited y the evo idea. But you know, when I got it home it just wasn't for me. You only know that when you really try it out for a while. Video demos can only take you so far. Nothing wrong with the library at all. Just not for me. The other one was Albion ONE, which I picked up on a flash 50% sale around this time last year. GAS. That's on me. Maybe I'll find a use for it someday. Just haven't yet. It probably would have been better to get Albion long ago, before I got all the things I have today. There are definitely some nice things in there that I need to explore. But I wish I never bought it.
  22. Audiofier is one of the best developers I know. Everything they do is so imaginative and so well-done. And they often expand on stuff and create series. I hope they do more Riffendiums. The only issue is that their libraries are so deep and offers so many options that it takes a while to learn how to use them.
  23. I don't feel bad about filling out the survey even though I have money. The chances of me buying this are zero. I consider this a demo. If I like it, I'll buy it. I've sent them large sums of money for two Spitfire libraries I've never used once. Never even load them up to play for fun. And Spitfire won't allow me to resell them, so that's just the way it goes. But in this case I do get to try it out and they get my data, and maybe my money too. And if I like it I will praise it on forums like this. And if I don't like it, I'll probably remove it from my hard drive like the other stuff.
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