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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. Based on how InMusic has handled AIR and SONiVOX, BFD3 may soon be available for $2.95 at Plugin Boutique. ? Or maybe given away as gift of the month.? I wouldn't hold your breath about new expansions. It's possible that all of this is because ROLI has not turned out to be successful. So they are selling off assets like JUCE and this. Do they still have the FXpansion synths? Note that the ROLI software has recently turned up available for non-ROLI hardware users.
  2. FYI, for some reason Korg hasn't offered the new GUIs that come with their iPad apps, all they seem to have done is make them resizeable with minor changes, like adding a bit of color. For example, here is what Wavestation is like on the iPad Here's what the new GUI in the Korg Collection looks like 4 minutes ago It's not just about the visuals, there is tremendously more power in editing the patches on the iPad version. It's true on the M1 too. I haven't tried the others. Triton isn't on the iPad yet. The iPad GUI of the Wavestation is available in Milpitas, one of the over 40 instruments available as part of Gadget 2 for Mac ($299, within the Gadget DAW and as plugins) and as plugins only for PC ($199). There isn't a Triton Gadget yet, but all the other Korg Collection instruments have gadget versions--so it's very likely that it will be included, maybe even as part of a free update. However, the Gadgets are limited editions of the full instruments. They include Lexington (Arp Odyssey), Darwin (M1), Pompei (Poly6), Memphis (MS-20), Montpellier (Mono/Poly).
  3. You are correct. I am not a frog. Tiger was created for a short film I wrote and directed called "Tiger: His Fall & Rise" starring the late Adrienne Shelly. But I am a good guy as a movie publicist. I've represented people like Jim Jarmusch, Pedro Almodovar, Ang Lee, Agnes Varda, Errol Morris, Lisa Cholodenko, etc.
  4. Available until the end of this month HERE I'm not sure what it normally is. $99? For the record, all five of the other Ventus woodwinds were once available for $99, and now can be purchased for $149 in the APD shop, if you have the points. https://audioplugin.deals/get-70-off-ventus-ethnic-winds-bundle-by-impact-soundworks/
  5. Actually I have been a movie publicist for over 45 years. These days I often teach marketing. I closed my company long ago, but if I was pitching this account... I would explain that many people had tried to make a great bass virtual instrument, but they had finally solved all the issues, and added the features that made it work. They had spent ** years solving all the problems. You can't make the claim that people should buy your product over the competition if you say that there are no other products. ujam isn't exactly an obscure product, even if you don't own one. IMHO the ujam basses are the best things they sell. I doubt I am the only one who thinks that. And if you think about it, they are kind of saying to ujam owners that you think they are too dumb to notice how ridiculous this claim is. You could say that there would be expansions brought out in every genre. They may think that doesn't need to be said, because they are thinking only of the people that already know about Toontrack. That's thinking small. Marketing is about using this product to get people who have never purchased from them before. So show people what is coming. That makes the better investment over the competition. This is what's coming. Your bass virtual instrument will just keep getting better and better. Again, this helps a noob choose between toontrack and ujam. One of the most popular YouTubers is the bass-obsessed Davie504, who has over 6 million followers. His videos usually get a million views. He would probably hate this product, but maybe a beef battle could be fun. A war. And you would reach an international audience of bass players in one very inexpensive marketing deal. This is off the top of my head. While politicians lie and it works for them somehow, my years of experience have shown that it is better to respect the people I want to buy stuff and tell them the truth. That way I can keep coming to them with the next thing.
  6. I'm not saying it's not a game-changing no-brainer insta-buy, but... is this really "The Market's First Bass Software of its Kind"? ? What about ujam's Virtual Bassist? Yes, it isn't exactly the same (and this has many new cool features) but it is the same kind of thing, and it's been around long enough to have released a second version. While the Toontrack is arguably "better," the ujam basses can be played live, at the same time as the guitars, so you can work out combinations by ear in real time. A different take. Worth having both of them, in my book. Steinberg's Virtual Bassist? The virtual bassist that came in Sonar doesn't include many patterns, but it is still a virtual bassist. The riffer in AmpleSound's basses? Also, if you want to go back a few decades, you have Band-in-a-Box. More than a bass software, but has generated realistic bass patterns since the 80s. I'm sure there are a lot more, of various degrees of quality. The big breakthrough in this is that it will put an infinite hole in your bank account as they are about to release a zillion new expansions. Get ready! ?
  7. Like everything you buy, the value is personal. I bought T-Racks MAX for about $150 with points (it was $200) and to me that's one of my best purchases I ever made. I use it every day. There are 38 modules in it. A few are free, but many list separately for $125 or $150. After I had MAX almost every week I would see sales for a single module for $80 or something . And it would be seen as a deal. I never could understand why people would pay hundreds of dollars to get a few modules when they get all of them for so little. And this is for T-RackS and a zillion other things. Some I don't like but some I love. I paid $150 with points for TS2 and then sold Syntronik. I realize it isn't the same way for a longtime customer like Larry, but for me, IK is one of the most customer-friendly companies around. I love all the free Jampoints they give you. In addition to the ones you earn, they just stick some free ones in there now and then. And they have it set up that you get more points the more you buy. All you have to do is follow the way they sell stuff, and then their products are so incredibly cheap! I don't think I've bought anything since T-RackS. I'm just waiting for Total Studio 3. Maybe I'll have to wait a year, but someday it will be here. It's exactly the same way with Komplete. You can buy everything as it comes out if you want. Or you can wait until this fall, when it comes out. Or the summer of 2021, when it will be half price. There is usually a half price sale on IK during Black Friday.
  8. Thank you, Larry. I wrote to Peter on VI:Control and he answered too. I am always capable of making big mistakes, but I read an article how living under the stress of the current situation causes a lot of people to make mistakes. Man, did I freak out! Don't want to lose all my beloved IK instruments.
  9. @Peter - IK Multimedia Please confirm that nobody can register my serial numbers unless I transfer them to them... I'm having a heart attack about the stuff above. Thanks, Reid
  10. Yes. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD ALL THE INSTRUMENTS! !!!!!!!!!!! DOWNLOAD ONLY WHAT YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you ALREADY purchased one or more of the instruments separately, you'll have two serials. You can sell the old one. I've done it. I sold Syntronik. Just be careful you don't sell your TS2 one. But there is a $20 charge to transfer the serial. You buy the license to transfer and it is a breeze to do. It's pretty simple. When you click the "serials/license" button, there will be a red button that says "transfer" If it isn't there, you can't transfer. When you click it, it will provide a link to take you to a page in the store where you can buy the License Transfer credit for $19.99. If you used a MAXGrade to upgrade, you can sell that MAX product, but you will no longer have a copy. There will only be one serial number there. You won't have two serials, even though you had it before you bought TS2. In my case, I can't sell T-RackS MAX. I assume you can't sell anything that came with the previous Total Studio if that's how you upgraded. But no, you cannot sell the instruments you don't want in the package of Total Studio 2 MAX. Now if you combine what this costs with jampoints plus the fact that you may be able to resell stuff you purchased previously, I think it's a good deal, unless you don't like any IK products. ? The only issue is how this will play out with Total Studio 3. Will it be a better deal to wait for when that goes on sale for 50% off? Very likely. That's probably why this sale is going on now. But another reason is that IK wants as many people as possible to know how great their products are. Those fans are going to buy the new ones when they come out. Wow... I just put my serial numbers up to prove my point. I am an idiot. I think it's a Corona-mindblank. Doing a lot of stupid stuff these days. Hopefully nobody will steal my stuff in this forum. God I am an idiot. ps I'm not sure if Spaceport 77 is part of this offer, as it was a limited time thing.
  11. If you own a MAX product today, then you will probably be able to get everything until when TSMAX 3 comes out for a whole lot less than $500.
  12. Yes, I think it has incredible value for any new user. To me it's worth it for T-RackS and Modo Bass and Syntronik alone. I don't use Amplitube that much, but if you're a guitarist, it includes some of the most popular stuff, like the two Fenders, Jim Hendrix, and Slash. SampleTank gets mixed reviews compared to Kontakt and other samplers, but I think there's a lot of really great stuff in this package, notably the two big percussion packages (Orchestral Percussion and Cinematic Percussion). I've never tried Lurssen, so somebody else could speak to that.
  13. No, you actually don't own it. Unless you buy Total Studio Max 2, you can't upgrade from Total Studio MAX 2 to Total Studio Max 3. It won't matter that you own all the stuff that's in it. However you can make a MAXGrade purchase from one of the many MAX products you own. However, you can contact IK and maybe they will cut you a deal. ?
  14. Exactly as with Komplete Ultimate, it includes everything available the day it is released, which in this case was in March 2018. Everything after that is not included. Except they recently added SampleTank 4 CE to it, so you get the benefit of the new interface for all your Sampletank 3 libraries.
  15. 1 - It doesn't come in one big download. You pick and choose what you want. So this doesn't need to fill up your hard drive because you only need to install what you want to use. If you want to have backup, then yes. I put all my Total Studio stuff on a separate drive, just in case. 2 - If you don't save a download, and later decide you want it, for $9.99 you will get the ability to redownload all your IK products for 180 days. 3 - This is the third huge markdown on Total Studio 2 since December. If memory serves, it's gone from $200 to $150 to $140. This leads me to believe that Total Studio 3 is coming very soon. That's going to cost a lot more, but it will also include Modo Drum, Leslie. all the tape plugins, Syntronik Deluxe, the SampleTank 4 and the new stuff, and all the Amplitube stuff (if you have TS2 then you'll get Joe Satriani, Dimebag Darrell, Brian May, etc). Whatever this costs, it will go on sale for 50% off eventually. And as we have seen, eventually a lot lot less than 50% off. With IK it is very simple. You can get everything they sell for a few hundred bucks. Or, if you choose, you can pay $1000 to $2000 for a selection or all of their stuff and they will be happy to take your money. But once you buy Total Studio 3 MAX you are under no obligation to use it all.
  16. Korg has 50% off storewide sales a few times every year. I wonder what these prices will be in the next sale? FYI there are NKS templates to all of these from Freelance Soundlabs HERE
  17. The sounds of the string, brass, and woodwind libraries, while old, sound remarkably good, and are a huge bargain for the price. I'm not at my music computer at the moment, but I remember there being some nice bonus patches in there, like runs. I particularly like the Woodwinds. The big problem is the lack of legato, and this puts them not in the same league of libraries of even Miroslav vintage, and makes them a lot less realistic than all the libraries that have been brought out in the last half a dozen years or more. Also, there are no mod wheel dynamics controls, ie no change in timbre when the sounds get louder. Some fake this by MIDI mapping volume and a bit of EQ high shelving to the mod wheel. But they are great starter libraries, and pros still use them to layer with their other libraries. And this would be a great way to add strings to the background of a pop song. The strings sold for $1 in early 2017, and the other two I got for $4.99 each I think. I think I may have paid more than $19 just for Big Bang, so this is quite a deal to get all this and the 88 too. I think Big Bang is a good deal, but it crashes DAWs, which SONiVOX knows about, but has never bothered to fix. The workaround is to press the "Learn" button before playing any notes.
  18. Yes. They asked what happened before the crash. I spent a few hours fooling with it, and the crash happens when I solo or mute one or more tracks. Often it happened when I was messing with the sound of the synth. It doesn't matter whether I do the soloing or muting in the plugins or in Cubase. Eventually it crashes Cubase. So I turned off both oscillators in all four of them and directed the MIDI to other instruments. And that worked for me. All the muting and soloing had nothing to do with the plugins--they were always shooting out the MIDI to the synth, it just wasn't making any noise. So I decided to buy it. The discount still worked. But Paypal and my credit card blocked the payment. I don't know if their site got hacked or if there is just something screwy where the discount is visible on the payment page, but has expired. I've written them. I can contact my credit card company and let the payment go through, but I'm a bit concerned. It's weird to be turned down in two places. If I can't get it for 79 euros, I may just wait. It will be discounted again at some point.
  19. We seem to favor the same libraries. These seem like these two they have a lot of good pads. I'm probably as interested in the expansions as much as the two libraries. I gotta watch my spendage, tho. This deal comes around regularly and there is always more stuff in it when it does. Correct. The entire collection is 100% off. In fact, Larry has a special code where they will actually pay you to take them off their hands! ?
  20. Full Collection is 65% off + 35% off additional Get it HERE Hmmm... $181 and I could have Analog Strings and Analog Brass & Winds + 13 expansions I don't have. ? The only problem is I almost never use my Output stuff. Decisions.... Anybody have these?
  21. This is the kind of stuff that happens to me until finally the whole thing just freezes and I have to close Cubase. Sometimes I have to close a plugin and then reopen it to get it working again. I definitely have to play with the solo and mute within the plugins. When I use the ones in Cubase... crash. But still... I think it will be useful and fun. And maybe it will be updated and get better.
  22. Thanks for the information @Matthew Sorrels and @ZincT Very helpful. The demo crashes Cubase all the time for me. I wonder why. But I really like it. If I use it in Unify, you can drag MIDI files out to your desktop. I may get it and work around it. Maybe I'll send Hexachords a note and see if there's any difference between the demo and the full version. It looks to me like they are the same, it's just that the demo expires.
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