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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. Roby doesn't stop. I barely learn an Audiofier instrument and two more come out.
  2. Note that Vice is 1.0 and some of the others, like Dope and Hustle, are 2.0. So we will probably have to pay a few bucks to update it. There is an advantage to wait on getting the others. Last year on Black Friday all of the ujam store was half off.
  3. Have you considered the Realivox ladies? It's still really good for oos and ahs in my book. it has polyphonic legato. https://realitone.com/products/realivoxladies And it goes on sale now and then.
  4. You might want to check out this thread from VI: Control on Hollywood Backup Singers https://vi-control.net/community/threads/new-eastwest-library-hollywood-backup-singers.88684/
  5. Me too. Love it! I really like ujam drum and beatmaker plugins.
  6. They have finally come out with the walkthroughs for the heart of the library--the bowed and plucked strings. These are so great I don't have to hear the bamboo flutes walkthrough. Anyway, their Xiao freebie is amazing. As some of you may know, I love world music. There are a lot of great solo libraries out there, but very few truly great theme libraries. Before this I would say Tarilonte's Ancient ERA Persia (which includes Desert Winds) is probably the best, with his Celtic ERA a good second. Strezov Sampling's Balkan Ethnic Orchestra would be in that top group in my book too. I also like the NI Middle Eastern library, particularly the percussion. Based on listening to these walkthroughs, I think this may very well be the best group world library ever released. I can't wait to play it. The pre-buy ends on Monday, April 27th. I assume the library will come out the next day or soon after. So if you want the lowest price you have to jump on it soon. Then there all the other videos that have been out for a while.... For those of you who have a Strezov Percussion library, this will not disaappoint. The pads were a surprise to me. I didn't expect them to be so good. I don't think I will get much use out of the choirs though...
  7. I decided to get it and am very happy. I do love a lot of the unusual sounds of all those KeySuite Electric instruments, but for me the big discovery was Austrian Grand. I always feel like I have more pianos than I could ever use, but then something like Noire comes along that is truly different. As soon as I tried this, I started writing a new song. It was inspirational. The same thing happened with some of the KeySuite Digital sounds too. I always feel with most of my pianos that they lack a certain power that I want. The grands are very subtle and are good for classical and subtle songwriting. The uprights sound like uprights. The supposedly rock grands just sound brighter to my ears, like they added high end to the regular patch. This sounds muscular to me, if that makes any sense. It has a little something I wanted that no other library has before. After playing it, I thought back to their video that has all these different kinds of great musicians playing it in different styles and saying how much they like it. I thought it was just hype, but now I don't think so at all. I think this is really a great virtual instrument, one of UVI's best. I hope they take it out of the Key Suite Bundle someday, because everybody should be able to get it without spending so much $$$$
  8. I'm sorry, I meant to ask you about whether you like KeySuite Electric. I also like KeySuite Acoustic. I went through all the KeySuite Digital patches and put my favorites into a template. The differences between them can be very subtle, but there are some really great ones.
  9. We all know that if we wait a really long time there will be deals on EZBass. They'll throw in another bass or a MIDI pack for the price of admission. But this is so special that I doubt a lot of people will wait. And I wonder how long it will take for them to start spitting out Bass MIDI packs and more basses. An acoustic bass would be nice... to go with whatever jazz packs they put out. I'm getting way ahead of myself. Looks like I've already decided to buy it. ?
  10. This will be AWESOME in Unify.
  11. I feel like every guitar plugin I own has something to offer. They can all do things I can't do, like hitting a harmonic on every note (!!), or playing exactly in time. The NI Picked Acoustic, because of the voicings allows me to create chords I would have not idea how to play--very beautiful and inspiring. Electric Sunburst Deluxe has the same feature. But I have never heard a guitar VI that sounds like a real guitarist. Even if it was 20 TB, it would not be possible IMHO. An infinity of sounds. I've been thinking about doing a video about this topic. Once I get out from the hole I'm in with work, maybe I'll do it. The thing that comes closest to a real guitarist is Band-in-a-box, because it's just loops of a real guitarist arranged by an algorithm. Put it in a mix and it is damned realistic. But not playable. So again, with this--it will never sound exactly like a real bassist. But it will be able to do things most or even all real bassists can't do.
  12. Release is May 27th based on this page
  13. I think they have made the best bass VI on the market, and probably ever. In some ways it works like a much more advanced version of the bass module in Orb Producer Suite. I want it, but for me one of the most fun parts of making music is creating my own bass parts. I do't know if it wouldn't just be easier for me to play the bass part in myself. But there's something to be said for getting it started with this and then customizing it. Sure would save a lot of time. To put it simply, I have never been a drummer, so I need drum apps. I play piano pretty well, so I don't really need EZKeys, and have stopped buying expansions. But guitar is my main instrument in life, and yet I own a zillion guitar virtual instruments. Maybe I will be relying more and more on bass libraries like this, even though I have played bass in bands. But I would always like to choose the bass sound. The ujam bass is a totally different thing. Much better for jamming in my book. Instant, quick and dirty, very satisfying results. (Makes sense, the company is called ujam). But this is head and shoulders above that for creating final bass parts for your tracks. Does anybody know if this is like EZKeys and the MIDI can be used by any virtual instrument you own? It would be nice to use all my favorite bass libraries.
  14. Do you like KeySuite Acoustic? If you own Keyscape how do they compare? My experience with this series is that UVI goes for quantity and Spectrasonics goes for quality. My favorite, strangely enough, is KeySuite Digital, which I got for $50. I love the sounds in it.
  15. Love the video Particularly the DOS download. A nice touch.
  16. Get it HERE This is kind of news to me, because I have always used my Lightpad Block as a MIDI controller. Both to trigger key switches and use it as an XY pad, cc sliders, etc. This just seems to add more advanced functions.
  17. This is your absolute last chance before the price goes lower.
  18. I didn't get an email, but there is a code for me on the site when I log in. The code is for a $170 discount from the intro price of $249. So my price is $79. That gives me KeySuite Electric, which lists for $199, and their new Austrian Grand. KeySuite Electric was introduced at $149. It lists at $199, so that means it will be available at $139 at the next UVI 30% sale. $79 is a good price.
  19. I own KeySuite Acoustic and KeySuite Digital and it is $170. Not much of a discount.
  20. The way this seems to work is that you get 6 sets of phrases, divided into beginning, middle and end. You can also change the keys, although my impression is that you can't get all the keys from the freebie. While it's not a Kontakt Player library and doesn't have NKS, if you load this up in Komplete Kontrol, you'll see all the colors of each section.
  21. I downloaded it without issues. It's really nice. There are phrases from all four instruments in this freebie. The instruments are Qu di and Bang Di (variations of Dizi), Xin Di (modern version of Dizi) and Dong Xiao (another word for Xiao) Here's the video for the full version.
  22. Note: this isn't the full instrument, which goes for 99 euros. This has a hundred phrases and the full one has 900. Plus four flutes and 3 legato instruments. Oddly, they don't say which flutes are in the full package, but as the player is Chinese I'm assuming 4 Chinese flutes. She is seen playing it like a recorder in the picture, so maybe a Xiao. And there is a shot in the video of her playing flute-style, so that's probably a Dizi. A lot of these instruments come in different ranges.
  23. Sonuscore is the best. First their Origins Collection. Then they are giving away 25 copies of The Orchestra at Best Service. And now this. I've always been curious about their phrase libraries because everything they do is so good. But I don't usually use phrases.
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