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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Who's idea was it to show me a free trial for a product I already own? Stoopid, stoopid, stooooopid I tell ya.
  2. I wish I could have done that with my 2005 Odessey (found a spare in storage that still works). Last Month I needed new brakes, replacement of a door latch that was faulty and causing random signal that the door was open when it was not, replacement of drivers side seat belt receptacle that was saying seat belt was not connected when it was. And I added a rodent repeller (runs 24/7 but will never drain the battery uless the car sat undrivern for a few months or so). That was one pretty penny. Today I picked up the car for new tires, virtually overhauled suspension (the car was making metal on metal creaking sounds when driven) rack and pinion was starting to go, leaky oil pan. I have a philosophy about a fully paid for car. If the repairs in a year exceed what would be equivalent to a new car payment (of a like vehicle) then it's time to dump it and get a new car. I'm a about a grand away from that limit. I have 190k miles on the car and it's suggested to replace the timing belt at 200K. At my current rate of 'scheduled' driving I'll hit 200K in 27 months or so. Needless to say, those two expenses have put a serious dent in any major musical purchases for the next month or two.
  3. No bodder just fodder. Eye ent owned inny of dese cumpanees
  4. Why, oh why do they do this?
  5. I've tried for years to increase my sense of humor. I'm still the un-funny juan, hear.
  6. I'm rooting for The Nicks. Stevie Nicks that is. See what I did there?
  7. So.... you're a...... master........ fisherman? ? ?
  8. I have the older perpetual HD version.
  9. Bapu

    Update: Eastwest OPUS

    Not for me (so far). After I updated Opus I closed the up to date installer. I just reopened it and no updates are available for anything. As I said, last week (or so) I randomly opened EWIC and saw all the OPUS libs needed updating, which I did.
  10. Bapu

    Update: Eastwest OPUS

    That was about a week ago or so for me.
  11. Bapu

    Update: Eastwest OPUS

    Showed up in my EWIC. Installed!
  12. @craigb TOTP no less. Well Done!
  13. Been there, done that. Never again. ?
  14. Yup, Installed! (Nembrini MP1, Toontrack Synthwave EZX and Fabfilter Twin 3)
  15. Other notable Feb 7th events: 1812 Charles Dickens is born 1935 Monoploy is introduced 1962 Gath Brooks is born 1964 The Beatles Land in the USA for the first time
  16. Well accodring to craigb I'm def not an 8 percenter.
  17. So far I'm ahead of the curve (aka I'm a 92 percenter)
  18. Please tell the current Mrs Daryl1968 she did a great job. Ewe ent no slouch either mate.
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