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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. As a former user of SPlat who keeps CbB up to date but uses Studio One Pro now, I will pay for the new SONAR (SOnew) as long as my collaborators continue to do so. We don't exchange project files but when I'm the genesis of a song I create a tracking shell in CbB that has all the tempo/markers etc along with .wav files of the song to track to. I do the same for my Studio One collaborators but that's a no brainer since it's already setup. All my observations thus far are meant to be tongue-in-cheek. See Lars' snippet:
  2. I dropped out of Mixcraft after my last version upgrade (9). I just never used it TBH. So, not to be negative but, uninstalled!
  3. I have a tizzie fit if I'm forced into using it.
  4. In the "News & Announcements" section of this forum, there is a parallel thread going on. In it Noel questions why a user is against subscription models and goes on to say why it can be beneficial. He did not say the new products will be subscription based, but reading between the lines, maybe that will be a pricing option.
  5. Cuz cuz, I thought it was just me computer. Maybe it's indicative of the product fade out?
  6. For some tasks I find it VS Code helpful, but I've been using Epsilon (emacs based) editor since the early 90s. Back then it was the only Editor I could find that was Unix/Windows cross platform, as I worked in both. Muscle memory persists to this day.
  7. Lars, maybe change the the thread title to BandLab Technologie$ reveal$ new brand vi$ion for Cakewalk
  8. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/58321-bandlab-technologies-reveals-new-brand-vision-for-cakewalk/ or read the article directly https://www.kvraudio.com/news/bandlab-technologies-reveals-new-brand-vision-for-cakewalk-57991
  9. So it would appear I'm the new Nostradamus. Can be found here: https://www.cakewalk.com/
  10. Even if they give you a free coffee mug and T-Shirt?
  11. Will the old SONAR Lifetime Support/Updates Customer be grandfathered?
  12. Pricing? Pricing? Pricing? Dinnit I somewhat predict this a few weeks back? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/57919-i-would-take-this-as-good-news/&tab=comments#comment-438302
  13. So Cakewalk which became SONAR which became CbB which soon will become Cakewalk's SONAR (again)? Groundhog Day Deja Vu all over again.?
  14. Still have V6 (uninstalled of course, I'll never look back).
  15. That's one HUGE racket
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