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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Macca says "The Beatles" will release a final song that was a demo from the Let It Be sesions where they got a "pristine Lennon vocal" and some George work done too. I recall Peter Jackson saying that they used a tool they developed to reduce the guitars plucking during a convo between George and John and some background noise in the canteen with the lads having a deep conversation. Your opinion? Is really AI or is it just more sophisticated filtering/EQ/Compression tools not yet available to us mere mortals? I'm reminded of tools like Moises (albeit maybe more primitive based on Jackson's description) where you can extract vocal, drums, bas and "all other instruments" from a stereo recording.
  2. I have 11 DAWs on my Intel machine running Windows 10 Pro 64bit. Not one of them has ever caused a conflict with any other one. Except for my 12th DAW that I no longer use. Samplitde installed its own version of ASIO4ALL that messed with every other DAW until I uninstalled it. I abandoned that DAW after that debacle.
  3. So now this will be interpreted as my nomination for a worst cover. @PavlovsCat Don't change horses mid-stream ?
  4. Bapu

    PSP auralComp

    Maybe I'll demo it down the road, and/or wait for a sale that affect my already discounted price.
  5. You could join in the over abundance of threads in the Deals section to express your feelings.
  6. Bapu

    PSP auralComp

    At least my any day discounted price is $125.07. Not sure I'm excited about this yet.
  7. In order of best to worst installers Izotope (because it tells you what needs updating) PA (lightening fast/efficient) NI (POS*) *Plain Old Slow
  8. I'm in Kalifonia and I do not have a PayPal option with Softube.
  9. Installed! (as part of my bundle)
  10. I feel so litte.... Installed!
  11. I'll check back in another 40 years. I'll be 110 but I'll be here, still posting.
  12. I will say that Ben from Harrison (Mixbus) does an almost equally good job too.
  13. Vocals: Bapu, Daryl Greenway & Liz Greenway Guitars: Jamesg1213, SteveStrummerUK Other Stuff: Ed "Bapu" Kocol Special vocal appearance on the "Oh No" lines: Jan Eiken (Old55, RIP)
  14. Just watched some Scaler 2 vids and I'm impressed in a differenet way than with EZKeys 2. Since I own both I now need to dive into Scaler 2.
  15. No one (publicly) knows the answer to that question and will not for some time (I'm imagining 2 - 3 months at least).
  16. A lot of talk about 20+ years of backward compatibility but I can't count how many times a plugin developer would not replace their old (decommissioned) plugin with their own new version. More than once for sure. Probably not ever a real big deal but I've learned that for a variety of reasons with 3rd party plugins s DAWs backward compatibility is not always all it's cracked up to be top just opening the project and everything just works..
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